The Bimmiel Report
Released publically 11/12/09
After review of the "black box" of the Pioneer recovered by NRi, as well as the Fourth Battle Group operational data core which was given a live feed of the situation, battle analysis, debris analysis, as well as testimony by the recovery team, Admiral Nadia, and the crew of the Pioneer, the Defense Council has determined that the New Republic DP-20 Frigate Pioneer, was indeed in New Republic space at the time of its attack, a part of a training exercise along the border simulating a rogue Imperial force assaulting the borderlands. The following messages were relayed back and forth before the engagament occured.
ISD Marathon
Unidentified vessel, please switch to frequency seven.
GUN Pioneer *Two flights, each containing an E-Wing and two B-Wings arrive along portside at this time, on schedule for the planned practice*
[Switches to frequency seven]
This is Imperial Star Destroyer Marathon, please identify yourself.
This is Republic Gunship Pioneer, carrying Admiral Kieran Nadia of New Republic Defense Force High Command for observation of standard Gunnery and Readiness Practice sessions, scheduled to occur today at this location in Republic space. State the nature of your business, Marathon.
Our apologies, we didn't copy last transmission. Please repeat.
[Communications Officer is logged checking and confirming they are, and were, on the proper frequency]
This is Republic Gunship Pioneer, carrying Admiral Kieran Nadia of New Republic Defense Force High Command for observation of standard Gunnery and Readiness Practice sessions, scheduled to occur today at this location in Republic space. State the nature of your business, Marathon.
Pioneer, you are trespassing on Imperial airspace. Your vessel will be seized and boarded. Power down your shields and armaments, and we will cease firing.
Pioneer, you are trespassing on Imperial airspace. Your vessel will be seized and boarded. Power down your shields and armaments, and we will cease firing.
At this point, the Pioneer was caught in a tractor beam hold, and fired upon. Standard tactics were used in attempts to escape, and the main fleet was hailed. Fighters, under no direction from Nadia or the Pioneer, assault the bridge of the Marathon, with the resulting deaths occuring. The Pioneer proceeded to attempt to fight off the capture attempt, by unloading its missle payload and firing continuously on the Marathon. These delaying tactics, while awaiting support from the rest of the Fourth Battle Group, unfortunately, did not deter the Marathon in its attempt, and it was successful. The Pioneer was cut off at this point, and from what we can tell, the Marathon jumped back into Imperial Space upon securing the Pioneer.
The conclusion of this report is that the Bimmiel Incident was resultant in unknown tactics by the Remnant, or an obvious malfunction of navigational equipment onboard the Marathon. The crew of the Pioneer, and Admiral Nadia, are not at fault in this situation, and were part of announced and scheduled training exercises. The Pioneer followed training in this situation, trying to escape and calling for help from its main fleet. The Defense Council is recommending an review of procedure by High Command, the resulting stance being up to the Supreme Commander, as well as increased training on this situation, likely using a simulation of the event for Capital Command cadets at the Naval Academy being required to be passed for graduation (already forwarded), as well as a possible sitdown with Imperial leadership for review of the border. On other actions, what's done is done.
It is my personal belief as Defense Chair, that the Defense Council be involved in future situations such as this (i.e. the discussion on the prisoner exchange), and that the Chief of State should have awaited our conclusion, and accumulation of reports from NRDF and NRi. The political debate caused by quickly taken actions delayed the process of this reports and its release.