Message to Walther Thaddeus Fiske, Minister of State
Subject: Concerning Due Process
Classification: Alpha Transmission Minister, it with deep regret that I must inform you at this time, the "Due Process" reforms the Grand Admiral wishes to institute, among others, can not at this time be achieved in Spar Sector. We have had troubles with the locals over the past year, since the signing of the Bastion Accords. They're muttering something about being forgotten...not quiet sure. My interpreters have a tough time translating quickly enough. Regardless, we have attempted to recruit from the local population previously barred from service, however...we have had repeated incidents in which upon being handed their weapons, or shortly afterwards, they have attempted to rebel. Such as this morning, a squad of Kaleesh recruits went wild and attempted to attack one of our platoons on the ground at Kalee. While the Kaleesh recruits were killed as well as several Kaleesh bystanders caught in the resulting crossfire, fortunately no Imperial lives were lost. I believe either we have enemy infiltrators attempts to sow dissent once more, or the locals are merely untameable, and should be addressed as aggressive savages to allow for more welcoming populations to move in on the Sector's beutiful territory. I would like to request the Imperial-II Star Destroyer Imperious be temporarily placed under my command to help establish better security and peace in Spar Sector, and permission to engage any open rebellion with extreme prejudice and full force. I also ask the Minister approve my decision to place a moratorium on non-Human recruits and suspension of due process while this situation continues.