Memorandum To: Director Cracken
Subject: Urgent Message
Classification:: Urgent
Communication Relay: Nar Shaddaa Task Force's base of operations, highly secured holotransmitter. Director Cracken,
It is urgent that the Task Force at Nar Shaddaa and myself must inform you that Njon the Hutt has hired me, aka Sledge, to attempt an assassination on Jamie the Hutt. He doesn't want me to kill the Senator, but simply wound him. Apparently, the Senator of Dantooine had screwed his clan out of a considerable amount of credits. We can safely rule Njon the Hutt out for possible conspiracy acts. In addition to this, I'm coming to you for your help. If I shoot the Senator, I will get in trouble with the New Republic. If I don't, the Hutts will post a bounty on my head. What would you suggest my next move be, Director?
Takeru Maatle,
NRI Operative