A Light Lunch
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Ponc_Gavrisom | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 7:52 AM | Message # 1 |
Major general
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Messages: 271
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| Ponc Gavrisom had a mild headache as he sat behind his desk in the office located in the Prosperity Wing, he looked up to the ceiling at the Mural of Brian Kruus and considered quietly how he could act more in line with the example set by that Hero of the New Republic. He was shaken from his reverie when the Catering staff began to make the table by the window for lunch, and he remembered his appointment with Ex-General Revan Park. He pulled up Parks file on his desk's holo and read. He raised an eyebrow after he finished... the son of a Warlord and former Imperial pilot.. interesting. But he had seemed to have had an adequate career since with the starfighter corps, nothing to criticise. He turned off the console, and stood, moving over to the window to look out across the city as the Caterer went... waiting for his appointment to arrive.
Ponc Gavrisom Chief of State
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RevanPark | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 11:43 PM | Message # 2 |
Group: Users
Messages: 13
Status: Offline
| As his limo moved through the busy skyways of Coruscant, he took a moment to look down his suit and ensure everything was in place. He wore a dark blue suit, with black shirt and dress shoes, and gold tie. He then turned to his assistant searching for some hint of approval. "You look fine..." she said, smiling. Mikayla was always loyal and faithful to him, ever since he retired. A fellow Deralian, from the Drescher family, Her mother was a honored naval officer, serving in the Empire and NIO. Since the Battle of Deralia, she was missing. A common occurance among those that were a part of the Deralian Provisional Government's military, that survived at least. Although he didn't know it, she had a crush on him, however his wife would have a major problem with that, and Mikayla was a girl of honor and didn't put forward any suggestions that would be inappropriate. Should Revan undergo a divorce, that could change drastically, although she didn't wish for it. As they pulled up at the landing pad for the Prosperity Wing, which he sneered at looking at the name. He found it inappropriate for the government to name it as such, but didn't voice his opinion. He proceeded to look back to Mikayla, with his look of seeking approval on his face once more. "Revan, you worry too much... remember who your family is, honor them. And you'll do fine." she said, giving him a hug before he exited. In truth, he had no idea what had happened to his family. Alek had run away following mom's funeral, in which he had to be restrained from attempting to kill Revan who at the time was newly-defected to the New Republic. Sierra was usually unreachable, as always. Thus was the life of the smuggler. When she did drop into contact, she made good on her promise to fill in as needed. He occasionally visited his niece, although had dodge her ex-husband's persistant questions about her location. And Arren, well she was MIA, presumed dead, since the Battle of Deralia, which she found herself caught up in during one of her usual visits to their homeworld. In a decade, the only sibling he had talked to was Sierra. And their father...last he heard, he was imprisoned. He could find out nothing else...but he knew his family had fallen apart. Their beautiful estate, on which he vividly remembered growing up, had been raided in the invasion, probably destroyed. Several members of his family were involved in the provisional government, and likely executed. He did know for sure that his Great Uncle, Endar Tirkan, was executed. And it was this thought that brought a tear to his eye while he was in the turbolift. He cleared it, and shored up his emotions by the time the turbolift opened, and he walked into the reception area. "Retired General Revan Park, her for my appointment." he said, coming to a desk.
President Revan Park Deralian Government-in-Exile)
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Ponc_Gavrisom | Date: Tuesday, 24 Nov 2009, 3:35 AM | Message # 3 |
Major general
Group: Users
Messages: 271
Status: Offline
| Azzip Inoreppep awaited Park at the reception. "This way General" she said taking him through the normal security measures upon entering the Prosperity Wing and removing anything prohibited. There they were lead past the Statues of the Founders of the Prosperity Alliance, and also Senator Kruus' shuttle before reaching Ponc's office. "General Park" he was introduced, to Ponc as he turned around from his reveries "Mr Park, most pleased to meet you. Charmed I am sure." he offered a chair at the table. "Please sit and have a drink, its a long walk from reception!" he said affably seating himself also and pouring a water. "So what brings a retired General like yourself to my humble dinner table?"
Ponc Gavrisom Chief of State
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RevanPark | Date: Friday, 27 Nov 2009, 9:18 PM | Message # 4 |
Group: Users
Messages: 13
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| All that was removed from his person was a small holdout blaster he used for personal defense, laying out the Coruscant Permit for it as well, and a throwing-style combat knife, used for personal defense as well as various utility purposes. All necesarry to see the Chief of State as a civilian; every CoS he met as a military officer allowed him to keep his weapons in meeting. One of the perks of the job, which he was slowly seeing what benefits he lost in his retirement. The pension wasn't that bad though. He followed the aide and made brief glances at the statues, and shook his head, but remained neutral, if not pleasant, friendly, and happy. He took the seat and accepted the drink. He made a mental note of the courtesy and politeness being given forth. "Ah, what brings me here. Aside, from meeting yet another Chief of State..." he remarked with a slight chuckle, as he had met so far, every individual that has served as Chief of State, through interaction with the Administration itself as well as various state dinners and social events. He paused, took a drink of the water, and continued. "I'm glad my father's infamy isn't being held against me here. A little problem I encountered in my time in the service." he said. He looked Gavrisom in the eye before continuing. "No offense, Chief...I am a man all for small talk and conversation, but I'm afraid I am here on business, as I mentioned in my message, and it is a serious matter. So, to get down to plain and simple reason I am here...I represent the Deralian Government-in-Exile, which has set up on Serenno, and with their backing and funding, we have attempted to re-form our government out of those who could have made it off of Deralia during the attack on our world nine years ago, or those Deralians who were off-world at the time. Now that we have finally agreed on a new government, and began reforms as such, I come before as the democratically elected President of this government, representing the free Deralians now in protective exile on Serenno, and those unfortunately still under the boot of an illegitimate, tyrannical government that is despotic regime, unrepresentive of those it governs. As President, represent these people and as a member of the Government-in-Exile, I am coming before you on a diplomatic mission to request Republic aide, diplomatically, commercially, and in the worst case, militarily, in reclaiming our homeworld." he said, taking more drinks of the water.
President Revan Park Deralian Government-in-Exile)
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Ponc_Gavrisom | Date: Saturday, 28 Nov 2009, 8:42 AM | Message # 5 |
Major general
Group: Users
Messages: 271
Status: Offline
| He looked marginally shocked "Deralia? Where is that?" he looked it up on the Galactic Encyclopedia.. "Oh, Deralia: See Leirooine, renamed eight years ago. Lead by the popular King Ribaldequin Leiro, who lead a religious crusade against the Environment, as it was displeasing to "Revan" he is also known as "Revan the Sufferable" he opened up the planet to the New Republic markets. Leirooine is also famous for the "Jaron Park Show". Travel Advice: Severe environment, deforested, atmosphere marginally toxic, acid rain. Major exports - Mail order brides and durasteel, Imports - Foodstuffs, Toxic Waste. Literacy rate 5%." "Minor environmentally wrecked world, what does it matter?" He said taking a nut in his feather before consuming it crunchingly "Perhaps, you want me to emplace you as King of Leirooine?" he squaked that laugh to himself "Really General, you must be joking, you want me to depose a Government that has been peacefully in power for almost a decade in order to restore the son of an Imperial Warlord? I think you will see how utterly impossible this is Mr Park.. Futhermore, should you do this, you will risk becoming a guest star at the Jaron Park show, and I personally will not haul you out of this fate should you stumble into it." "General Park, I value Galactic Peace, and it does not add to the sum of galactic peace to support the sons of genocidal warlords to take over planets. Really Mr Park I believe blood is NO claim to a right to rule, and by espousing thus you really show your disdain for everything the New Republic stands for. Dont you see this? If you did try and launch a coup, sucessfully or not, you would cause deaths, and I would personally have you cashiered and tried for those crimes. Now what I suggest is that you stop these militaristic and psychotic fantasies and settle down to some plausible outlet. Why, youre a good pilot, why not work for a commercial concern? I hear the IMC is hiring pilots." "Leirooine is at peace, its government, while showing a careless regard for the environment does seem to have the regard of the people, especially in its "War on Trees" which was allegedly launched by your long dead namesake through his mouthpiece Ribaldequin Leiro. Its reallhy a quite insane place. Anyway where was I... yes, I lost my train of thought ridiculing Leirooine. Leirooine is at peace, it has been at peace for most of a decade unlike the turmoil under your family. I also note that Ribaldequin Leiro has been in power for longer than your late father." He brought up a holo of Leirooine on the table projector. He then flicked up a picture of one of the more liberal areas where de-foliated trees were allowed to stand. "Look at it, the whole planet except the city is stripmined, it could perhaps sustain 100,000 people at most without massive imports, the environment is shot to pieces. Really it would be much cheaper to terraform a new world for your "exiles" than attempt to restore what once was. That said, it does produce fine durasteel. And really? Why is Leirooine so special? There are dozens of worlds much worse off, at least it has a stable economy, jobs etc." He looked back at the article looking shocked "Billions died in the great arbour war of 13ABY, where the orthodox anti-arbourists slaughtered the liberal anti-foliage alliance, King Ribaldequin declined to intervene in this "Matter of deep spiritual significance for each individual to decide". All four moons were mined bare by corporate miners, before being evacuated and pounded for almost a year before being broken up and tractor beamed into the sun "Erred against Revan, by standing in the sky, in mockery of nature and Revans beloved Leirooine." All the orbital cities were also de-orbited into the planet some months later by pro-Arborist terrorists, further poisoning the atmosphere."
Ponc Gavrisom Chief of State
Message edited by Ponc_Gavrisom - Saturday, 28 Nov 2009, 1:00 PM |
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RevanPark | Date: Saturday, 28 Nov 2009, 3:14 PM | Message # 6 |
Group: Users
Messages: 13
Status: Offline
| He sighed and shook his head. "I too, value galactic peace. I fought for it in the name of this government for over nine years. I never said my blood is not my claim on right to rule. It is however my people's claim on their right to rule their homeworld from which we were forced from nine years ago by this very government. We are Deralians... and we want our world back. This government is complacent in violent regime change on a world already ran by a democratic, neutral government." he said. He took another drink, before continuing. "Nine years ago, my people finally forced whatever remained of the New Imperial Order off our world, and finally reclaimed our government in the name of our own people. After a few months, and begining the process of reform of our government, our world was attacked by the military of Neimoidia. They destroyed our naval forces, and retreated their main ship. Another force, claiming to be of one Ribaldequin Leiro, proceeded to launch a full scale invasion, claiming to be true Deralians, and supposedly the rightful government, descended from a disposed ruler of the past. However, all research found no such records of any noble family, or possible monarch fitting such a description, in Deralia's history. We fought to keep our independence, while requesting several times for aid from the New Republic, in some way halting the unwarranted and illegal attack. No such action was taken, and in fact legislation was passed when we did as such, that preactically legalized the action. Following the defeat of our forces, the usurpers proceeded in the execution of any members of our government, as well as anyone found to have fomerly been a part of the NIO, without any trial. Then proceeded in the current acts, and no matter how you spin it, or believe whatever propoganda Leiro's illegitimate government gives you, his men slaughtered billions of innocent Deralian civilians in an act of genocide. This wreckless killing of oppressed civilians and total destruction of the eco-system was watched by this government, and now we come before the New Republic, perhaps foolishly, asking it for help and assistance, bringing the rightful government of Deralia back into power through preferably peaceful means, and giving it an opportunity to right its wrongs." he said, taking another drink. He watched Gavrisom, curious as to his response...curious if he would even listen or help. At this point however, he viewed the Chief of State as a lost cause, which would prove a majority of those in exile right.
President Revan Park Deralian Government-in-Exile)
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Ponc_Gavrisom | Date: Saturday, 28 Nov 2009, 5:31 PM | Message # 7 |
Major general
Group: Users
Messages: 271
Status: Offline
| Ponc cooed gently to Revan "Im sorry Revan, I know you are only worried for the suffering of your father, and your people. But really I cannot justify sending people to fight and die on Leirooine. " he gave another friendly coo "Now, though, I must insist you do not lie. There is no indication that King Ribaldequin ordered genocide, he has not ventured an opinion in favour of either sect in the Arbor wars, he has simply shown careless disgregard for the environment, I can name a hundred worlds that do the same. Are you then a pro-arborist? A defoliite or an anti-arborist?" He gave a smile "Perhaps you could just follow my suggestion and find a new world to settle? I am sure I would be able to help with this.. But I am not becoming involved in overturning governments, especially not in the bloodbath this coup is sure to become."
Ponc Gavrisom Chief of State
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RevanPark | Date: Wednesday, 02 Dec 2009, 12:15 PM | Message # 8 |
Group: Users
Messages: 13
Status: Offline
| He stood a slowly walked to the window. "To be hones, my father is not among my concerns. He has made his own bed to lie in. And I find it shameful that the New Republic has fallen behind an oppressive tyrant, who might as well be Bernard Oriel. And if you must ask me that ridiculous question, I am neither. I am a Deralian, no more...no less." he said, walking back over to the table. "I'm afraid it has come to this... but I can no longer believe in this New Republic and what it has become." he said. He reached into his pocket, and set on the table his papers of citizenship for the New Republic, on top of which sat a New Republic General's rank plaque. He then walked over to the table and gathered his things. "I hereby forfeit my citizenship in the New Republic. I will remain on world, as a Foriegn National from Serenno, here on a diplomatic visa." he said. He then walked out of the office, calmly, and if anything, disappointed. He returned to his limo, which proceeded to head back to his apartment, sitting in silence.
President Revan Park Deralian Government-in-Exile)
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