NEAR TION HEGEMONY TO: The Galactic Empire
All Greater Imperial Territories
FROM: Captain Gordon Holt
SUBJECT: The Real State of the Empire
CLASSIFICATION: 5-HK7 Broadwave Transmission (Public)
Jaron Park of the former NIO once had the presumption to give a supposed "State of the Empire" address to the bureaucracy to which he is beholden. Throughout the remarks he pandered to his politicians and apologized profusely for daring to antagonize the Rebellion and wage war upon traitorous Vjun, later retreating not only from that planet but from our very Imperial ideology. Jaron Park would have had us compromise with the enemy under the slogan of "relative peace," and have us sacrifice the purity and the integrity of our cause in favor of his vile and pacifistic "victory without war" strategy. Let it be known that this is the man who claimed to be "the figurehead of the Empire," a notion so foul and backward that I won't waste my time (or yours) to rebut it. The collapse of his NIO has only proven the inadequacy of his "strategy," and the dangers of compromise.
But since Park's entire speech dealt only with his own NIO and ignored the entirety of the Empire, as a Captain in service to the Imperial Starfleet I felt compelled to explain outright that the real state of the Empire is dismal. We have become fractious and petty; divided amongst pompous bureaucrats like Xandel Carivus, Jaron Park, and countless other men who appease the Rebellion in the name of "moderation," while wasting the blood and treasure of the Empire to secure their opulent lifestyles.
This is not just a betrayal of Thrawn and Palpatine and those who came before us. It is a betrayal of ourselves and all of the principles for which we're expected to fight. Under the supposed leadership of timid bureaucrats who pose as Admirals and Moffs, we've seen our Empire fall apart one planet at a time, one treaty at a time, one retreat after another. Now the Jaron Parks of the Empire would have us give up that which is most precious to us; our ideals.
There is a perversion descending upon the galaxy, in the insurgency of the "New Republic." If we hope to survive against it we cannot continue to appease it, or to negotiate with it. I am not afraid to stand on principle and state unequivocally that there shall be no more concessions to the Rebellion, no more appeasement, and no more compromise. The question before each of us is whether we will surrender our beliefs and our cause or whether we will stand up and fight with the strength of our convictions.
Let there be no more humiliation, no more retreat, no more talks and treaties, and no more "relative peace," with those who declared war upon us and would destroy us all.
Make no mistake; the supposed "New Republic" hates our Empire, our convictions and our righteousness. They are a force of disorder in this galaxy; the very same, rebellious force that tore asunder the old Republic, only now to replace it with their own. We have seen how the Rebellion's perverted ideology and shameless lust for power has wrought carnage across the entire galaxy and brought chaos and ruin upon our institutions and our loved ones. They have proven their intent time and again, so let us make no mistake; the Rebels would have us all destroyed, and there are those bureaucrats among our own ranks who would let it happen.
These are the enemies that we face. This is the state of the Empire.
Let us not wait any longer. Let us not be timid. Let us take up arms and wage this war as it has been waged upon us and our children and our families. Let the Rebellion see the strength and the courage of our convictions, and let it be the last thing that they see. Let it be known that I for one will stand and fight for the survival of the Empire, for the purity and the integrity of our cause, for what we are, and for the memory of what we were and will be again.
Will you stand with me?
Gordon Holt
Captain, ISD Magnum