My fellow Corellians, today Corellia and his sons and daughters face troubling times, and new challenges. We find resistance to our very kind growing, and we have done nothing to deserve such. We find the galactic community demanding we change as a people, to better serve them. As all of you know, this is not our way, nor shall it ever be. However, we do need to change, and for the better. Our current form of government does not work. "The Troubles" over the past decade have proven this, down to the most recent of mere weeks ago. In this case, the New Republic assumed since someone was unhappy, the presiding government HAD to be wrong...and forced our government into a bad position, in which we had to go along with Republic demands and orders, or face war. While we expressed our displeasure at this, and even tried to talk the Republic into allowing us time, as the Double Worlds issue is unique, and obviously misunderstood by the Republic by parsecs. This was not the case however, as we were bullied into our position. I am guilty of not fighting harder for our independence, I will admit. My past loyalties and service to the Republic caused me to eventually side with it, I will also admit. But this was an eye opening experience. It showed me, that Chief Gavrisom, and his administration as well as several key Senators outside the administration, such as Senator Vanden, care nothing for its members themselves, or their styles of governance or issues. They care only for enforcing their will, much as the Empire did. Something that should scare the hell out of any freedom loving individual. Corellia shall stand as a paragon for planetary and regional government rights, and the rights of the non-aligned worlds. We shall protect those that can not protect themselves, and do so in a manner that is honorable and clean. We will be proactive, not reactive, and of course, respectful of others unique issues. We will not demand someone to follow our will merely because we can. We are not an empire, we are not a despotic regime, we are not a dictatorship, we are not a tyrant.
Due to the needs of the new situation, the leadership of the government has met and will institute a reorganization of the Corellian government, into a five world government. Our brothers shall now be incorporated at the judicial and executive level, alongside of their already present position in the legislature. After several years of absence, we also recognize the Federation of the Double Worlds, and reintegrate Talus and Tralus into the Corellian government once more. Elections have recently been held, ahead of schedule, on both worlds for their new offices, or those that they truely never left. More details shall be available in a press release later today. Also, we proudly announce, changes to our government as a Sectorial level. The Corellian Sector shall now be unified by the Corellian Council, a body consisting of the head of state of every system government in the Sector. This council will now run the Corellian Sector, finally establishing a sectorial government once more. In its first meeting last night, the Council passed legislation now removing the Governor-General from the line of secession for the Senate seat. The government has also asked that I serve as Prime Minister of this new government, and I have accepted. In the elections this year, we shall also choose the Prime Minister, alongside the Senator of our Sector. I am running for both, and encourage all who wish to run to do so as well. And now, Corellia, I must bid you farewell. Good night, and good luck.