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Statement on the Corellian Usurpation
Senator_CambristDate: Thursday, 17 Dec 2009, 2:42 AM | Message # 1
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Corellia has instituted a new form of government. Usually, this might be a cause for celebration of democracy. However, it is not; these "reforms" are radical, and were introduced in an undemocratic and, moreover, a rude and provocative manner. Senator Karath announced the reforms to his people this evening in a speech that, one assumes, should have been devoted to explaining the reforms and the necessity of them—instead, Mr. Karath spent almost half of his address blasting the New Republic, comparing it to the Empire, and telling Corellians to be afraid, very afraid.

Referring to the New Republic (Corellia's ally) in such a disrespectful fashion is unbecoming of a Senator and now, apparently, a head of state as well.

This returns us to the first point, that these reforms were introduced in a profoundly undemocratic manner. The ruling party of Corellia—Mr. Karath's party—has taken advantage of "emergency powers" from the month old Twin Worlds crisis in order to dismiss the planet's Governor, install Mr. Karath as head of state with new, authoritarian powers, and declare a hegemony over the entire Corellian Sector (without the consultation of planets such as Duro and Nubia, which would never, ever consent to such an arrangement with a planet as paltry as Corellia). And Senators, he compares us to the Empire!

I suggest to Senator Karath that the New Republic is not fooled by this wanton expansion of your power (which you humbly claim not to have sought, but so, too, did Palpatine). I suggest to you, also, that the people of the Corellian Sector will not be fooled either; Mr. Karath's insipid catchphrase ("Corellia governs Corellia") has been contorted first to include Talus and Tralus, and now to undermine the sovereignty of dozens of worlds in its Sector.

Let it be known:

• Brentaal joins with the sensible parties on Corellia in condemning this radical usurpation of power.
• Brentaal calls upon the Chief of State to denounce Corellia's declaration of hegemony over worlds that do not belong to it.
• Brentaal will use whatever means necessary, including force, to defend the sovereignty of the planet Nubia.
• Brentaal recommends that other worlds do so, in defense of Nubia and any planets compromised by this power grab.
• I personally call upon Senator Karath to reconsider what is either A.) a serious mistake, or B.) a serious provocation.

I am now on the record. Mr. Karath, if you wish to consolidate your power over the Corellian System in such a shameless manner, there is little that the New Republic can do to stop you. But expanding your power over the entirety of the Corellian Sector--24 systems and dozens of worlds, including some of the most influential and strategically situated in the galaxy--is a gross abuse of power that does not belong to you or Corellia. This is not a "misunderstanding" or "persecution" of Corellians, as you will refer to it; this is a declaration that this sort of tyrannical conduct, from any world, is unacceptable and all worlds should stand against it.

OrionKarathDate: Thursday, 17 Dec 2009, 3:04 AM | Message # 2
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This is a form of a misunderstanding. While I have been rather ambitious in my wording, the union of the Corellian Sector as a whole has not occured. While I represent the Sector itself, representing the political union between its worlds, the economic and organizational union is yet to occur. Corellia has been the vanguard of the Sector for centuries, and our forces have protected it countless times. We are now undergoing a transformation to evolve our forces into an effective military force capable of sector wide force projection. It has been this way since the Corellian Empire of long ago, and we have continued this noble role, and have served with clean honor in this role. Never did in my statement however, I claim that Corellia itself was the sole power over the Corellian Sector. The proposed, and planned, Corellian Council is a body representing the 24 system government Heads of State. This 24 member body, based out of the Sector capital of Corellia itself, which has been such since the formation of the Old Republic, is a executive and legislative body over an organization and economic union, adding to the current political one, that is to stand between the worlds of the Sector. Each member of the body takes a one year turn on the Presidency of the Council, with Corellia starting off. This is not an act of tyranny.

And as for why I did not explain the necessity to my is because they will already understand the why. I apologize if I have to hold Senator Cambrist's hand through issues that DO NOT concern himself.

Orion Karath
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
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Simon_LeviDate: Thursday, 17 Dec 2009, 4:42 AM | Message # 3
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Tyranny Gentlemen, Tyranny. I have fought all my life in the cause of freedom, I have seen my son die in this cause, I have lost things of very great worth to me. I did not fight all those years to see the tyranny of one world undemocratically exerting control over the whole. I can scarcely express the rage and disappointment I feel at this catastrophically stupid, pointless piece of posturing and Empire building. Orion Karath, a man at his political nadir, has made an unsubtle grab for the power over a whole Sector. We cannot allow this, lest his tyranny sweep beyond the Sector, and he become a New Palpatine. Indeed we see now the beginings of the Karath Empire, but one not even clothed in the garments of respectability, one that once adorned the previous Galactic Empire, an illegitimate, unjust and unprecedented power grab.

I have composed a solemn poem symbolising what happened under the Empire, and what will happen if we do not stand for what we believe in, in there here and now. I re-write this poem to symbolise what we are threatened with, and what we must work strenuously to stop.

First they came for the Twin Worlds, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Twin Worlder;
Then they came for Nubia, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Nubian;
Then they came for Altawar, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Altawarian;
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Should we allow Orion Karath he would become a tyrant the likes of which the Galaxy has never seen! A xenophobic nationalist with an apparent hate and disdain for the principles of Democracy and Justice in the galaxy.

There is already a Sector Authority in the Corellian Sector, Senators, this is called the Corellian Sector Assembly and is a legitimate devolved institution of the New Republic. Corellia has utterly circumvented this (presumably because it would block such insane policies as these) and formed its own Corellian Empire in the Sector, and now is compelling worlds to join its ridiculous banner.

Mr Karath once said "Corellia rules Corellia" and by some twist of logic explained that to mean Corellia rules all of the Five Worlds (whether they like it or not!), now expanded to mean the whole Sector... what will it be next? The whole of the galaxy?

Now, he comes to us, and LIES to us in our own chamber. Claiming he did not establish this tyrannical scheme already, when in his own words "Also, we proudly announce, changes to our government as a Sectorial level. The Corellian Sector shall now be unified by the Corellian Council, a body consisting of the head of state of every system government in the Sector. This council will now run the Corellian Sector, finally establishing a sectorial government once more."

Will the leaders of this Empire depose the legitimate Sector Assembly by force? Will it use its considerable military to again slaughter whole populations indiscriminately to bring them to heel under its jackboot?

Let it be known:

• Neimoidia joins with the sensible parties on Corellia in condemning this radical usurpation of power.
• Neimoidia calls upon the Chief of State to denounce Corellia's declaration of hegemony over worlds that do not belong to it.
• Neimoidia will use whatever means necessary, including force, to defend the sovereignty of the planet Nubia and all worlds threatened by this power grab.
• Neimoidia recommends that other worlds do so, in defense of Nubia and any planets compromised by this power grab.
• I personally call upon Senator Karath to reconsider what is either A.) a serious mistake, or B.) a serious provocation.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector
Jamie_the_HuttDate: Thursday, 17 Dec 2009, 4:50 AM | Message # 4
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I have been called, perhaps rightly, perhaps wrongly, a very unpleasent character; this may be true or not, make your judgements as you will; but at least I am not Orion Karath. I am sure the beings of the Senate would agree that Orion Karath is arguably the most unpleasant being in all the New Republic: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

I have put the Dantooine Patriot Defence Force on its heightened state of alert in this cause, and should the minions of Karath come and attempt to take our world, we too will join alongside our allies in the New Republic and fight against the tyranny that threatens to engulf us all.

Furthermore, We call on the Chief of State to announce sanctions against the Karath regime to punish them and bring them into line.

I do not hate Corellians, many of my best friends are Corellians, I hate the misguided and empire-building group of children who now support Orion Karath and would support the further extension of his tyranny.

Ponc_GavrisomDate: Thursday, 17 Dec 2009, 7:34 AM | Message # 5
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Mr Tiure, unsuprisingly, while your words are probrably agreed with by much of the chamber, I would ask you to please keep your language civil.

Now Mr Karath, there is a sector governance in existance in place under the Corellian Sector Assembly, which I am told passed a vote this morning declaring its displeasure at being circumvented by one of its members.

Now if you wish to form a voluntary alignment of worlds where a selection of worlds consent to Corellia's yoke then I do not have the right to stop you. However, a world will always have the right to join or leave your alignment as it chooses. A world will also have to be democratically balloted as to if it wishes to join your group.

You cannot simply declare suzerainty over a whole sector on the basis you defended them in the past. You cannot just declare yourself the leader of dozens of worlds, this would be a slippery slope and I would not see one world ruling another unless both consent democratically.

Thus I can confirm once again that the Sovereignty of these worlds is not in question, Mr Karath's declaration of Sovereignty has no legitimacy at this time in the eyes of the New Republic. I formally ask Mr Karath to retract these claims of rule. And to the people of Nubia, and all the other worlds in the Corellian Sector, you will not hear the marching of Corellian jackboots any time soon, I, on behalf of the New Republic, guarantee your sovereignty.

If Mr Karath illegally attempted to use coercion against these worlds in order to inveigle the other worlds of the Corellian Sector into his "government" (in defiance of the Sector Assembly and Democratic Process) then we would leave all options on the table with regards to remedying this.

Ponc Gavrisom
Chief of State
Artemis_VandenDate: Thursday, 17 Dec 2009, 12:44 PM | Message # 6
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You said in your speech to Corellians that I, of all people, want to impose my will on autonomous worlds, but this is what you are actually doing! Are you truly this blind to your own hypocrisy, Senator? The New Republic does not "impose its will" on planets in some arbitrary fashion (as you are attempting to do); it imposes the rule of law, blindly, without deference to traditions and hegemonies. Planets that obey the law and govern themselves judiciously—and govern no one else injudiciously—are fine. Planets that do otherwise must face the consequences. This is how a society based on laws functions, Senator.

Senator Karath, you have an obnoxious habit of making broad, ideological declarations about freedom and sovereignty and then doing the complete opposite. First, you extoll the virtues of "self determination" and summarily crush an independence movement on Talus and Tralus, and now you declare that "Corellia shall stand as a paragon for planetary and regional government rights" and, in the same speech, proclaim that dozens of autonomous worlds that do not belong to you shall now join a latter day "Corellian Empire."

Senator, the Corellian Sector Assembly already exists to foster to economic, political and security cooperation among planets of your Sector. Just because it does not allow the planet Corellia to be "God" of the Sector does not mean you can circumvent it with a Corelliocentric legislature that your party invented. Senator Karath, you said in a Corellian Council session last night that "While I personally believe that this reorganization could have occurred differently, including the legislative branch in the decision process, we cannot turn back." Yes, you can turn back. Stand up to your party, Mr. Karath, and tell them they have gone too far.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo
LomenRyuunDate: Monday, 21 Dec 2009, 3:24 PM | Message # 7
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I am going to reserve judgement at this time, Senators. I am interested to see what Senator Karath will do and if he will indeed calm things down before the use of force is needed. While I do not agree with his methods or his planning, I am not quite ready to condem him yet without seeing a bit more.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
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