The Tax Reform Bill of 20 ABY
While debate raged on the Tax Rebate, Reallocation and Reform Act, and Tax Relief Act, I came to notice something. Our debate, disagreements, and problems reside in the federal tax code. Honestly, a tax code that is the final remnant of the Empire that once occupied all of our worlds and oppressed us. I believe all of our problems can be solved very quickly, and peacefully. I believe long ago, a Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, by the name of Nav Towani, once instituted great tax reforms. Those very reforms, in belief, should be applied today. I will keep this short, brief, and effective. The Tax Reform Bill of 20 ABY legislates the following: I. The current Federal Tax Code in its entirety shall be abolished at the conclusion of this fiscal year.
II. On July 1st, the Federal Tax shall be a simple 5% tax on the GDP of each member. No individual taxes shall exist at the federal level. This leaves the taxes of each world to be defined by each member, as each member should be able to tax as it needs, not as the New Republic needs. This also allows each member to pay its taxes through means that fit it the most, allowing for a more effective running of both the federal and local governments.
III. Should a member be unable to meet the 5% tax, the Economics committee shall meet with the member's government and work out a budgetary arrangement to where the tax can be met without causing undue strain on the member's economy.