500 Republic
Nerra House (State House for Ryloth and Off-World Twi'leks) Memorandum for: Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir
Subject: Apology to a Friend
Security: Closed
My old dear friend, I owe you an apology. I lashed out at you in frustration at being taken out of a vital procedure due to the needs of Ryloth, and due to that the many changes I sought to better the proposed measure that would have greatly benefited my people being left out. You, my friend, are the most undeserving of these actions, and I truely and deeply apologize. I can only hope that you can come to forgive me. I am also curious if you would like to meet over lunch or dinner to discuss the Tax Reform Bill, and to that I also apologize for not collaborating with you on before submitting it.