A proposal on Piracy
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Tremaine_Fowlkes | Date: Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 12:48 PM | Message # 1 |
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| This measure may be little too extreme, but given the recent pirate attacks on the Ithorian Peace among other passenger liners, I think that this proposal is necessary. This is something I believe we could afford due to the Bastion Accords. With the Republic Defense fleet being put to a little use, I propose that the Republic declare war on piracy. This would enable the Republic to do whatever necessary to apprehend the pirates. The facts can be supported through Senator Cambrist's Commence Council Report on Piracy. We need to put an end to piracy, or at least reduce the piracy to a point where it is safe for civilians to ride in passenger liners. Once again, I propose that the Republic declare war on piracy. I vote in favor. Tremaine Fowlkes, Senator of Mowgle
Tremaine Fowlkes Senator of Telos IV
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Simon_Levi | Date: Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 2:03 PM | Message # 2 |
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| Mr Fowlkes, The New Republic Defense Fleet is currently committed to assuring the safety of our spacelanes, and bellicose talks of war are un-nessesary. As such I vote against. But I do vote in favour of forming a commission to explore what powers the NRDF has to deal with pirates. And the criminal and jurisdictional issues raised.
Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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Cul-utaanForte | Date: Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 4:06 PM | Message # 3 |
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| Thank you Senator Fowlkes, for introducing this measure. I vote In Favor.
General Cul'utaan'forte Forte's Legion
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Johannes_Oswaldt | Date: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 1:17 AM | Message # 4 |
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| What exactly are we voting for? "War on piracy" is just a phrase unless the Senator from Mowgle is proposing something specific be done.
Johannes Oswaldt Senator and Governor of Eriadu
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Artemis_Vanden | Date: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 3:03 AM | Message # 5 |
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| I must agree that "whatever is necessary" to stop piracy is rather broad. Is Senator Fowlkes proposing to implement the recommendations of Senator Cambrist's report? If so, I'd be interested to hear from Senator Cambrist on this. I'm also inclined to support the suggestion of Senator Kruus for a commission to come up with a specific course of action against piracy—this would seem to require the collaboration of the Defense, Commerce, and Justice Councils. Piracy is, indeed, a multidimensional problem.
Artemis Vanden Representative of the Naboo
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Janar_Cerra | Date: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 2:44 PM | Message # 6 |
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| I would have to agree with the fine senator from Naboo. Also we need a clear defination of what piracy is. What I may think is an act of piracy may not be what you think it is.
Ja'nar Cerra Queen of Garos IV Acting Senator to the Republic, Garos IV
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Cul-utaanForte | Date: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 7:45 PM | Message # 7 |
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| Following a meeting I had with Senator Fowlkes, we co-wrote a revisement of this bill, and now present it to the Senate... Resolution to Authorize the Use of Milirary Force Against Pirates Written by Senator Cul'utaan'forte of Ryloth and Senator Tremaine Fowlkes of Mowgle Begun and held within the Grand Convocation Center of the Galactic Senate, at the Galactic City on Coruscant, on Atunda, the fourth day of Kelona, Sixteen years After the Battle of Endor, Resolution To authorize the use of the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the New Republic on its commerce, its economy, its space lands, and most importantly, its civilians. Whereas, throughout the recent months, acts of piracy and violance have been committed against the New Republic and its citizens; and Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that the New Republic exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect New Republic citizens both at home and abroad; and Whereas, the Chief of State, Defense Council, and the New Republic Defense Force has authority under the Common Charter to take action to deter and prevent acts of piracy against the New Republic: Now, therefore be it Resolved by the Galactic Senate in this Congress assembled; Section 1 - Short Title This resolution may be cited as the "Authorization for Use of Military Force'. Section 2 - Authorization For Use of the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic (a) IN GENERAL- That the Chief of State, Defense Council, and New Republic Defense Forces are authorized to use all necesarry and appropriate force against those governments, organizations, or persons they determine planned, authorized, committed, or aided a piracy attack against the New Republic, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of piracy against the New Republic by such governments, organizations or persons. (b) Time frame clarification- This shall apply to all piracy attacks past, present, and, as indicated above, future.
General Cul'utaan'forte Forte's Legion
Message edited by Cul-utaanForte - Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 7:48 PM |
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Ponc_Gavrisom | Date: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 7:52 PM | Message # 8 |
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| I am not sure if Mr Fowlkes or Mr Forte is aware, but Military force is used against Pirates, and this legislation is largely superfluous since the common charter provides for the Military to be used in the defence of the people or institutions if they are threatened by criminality and no local policing is provided/and or with the consent of the local sovereign powers. As such, the NRDF has patrolled our spacelanes for many years...
Ponc Gavrisom Chief of State
Message edited by Ponc_Gavrisom - Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 7:54 PM |
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Senator_Cambrist | Date: Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010, 0:58 AM | Message # 9 |
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| The resolution is well written and, although there is nothing wrong with it, the Chief of State is correct that this authorization is implicit in the Common Charter and, thus, the resolution is unnecessary. However, I'm pleased that the Senate is taking a belated interest in piracy. The Commerce Council, in its report on the subject, made a number of recommendations on how piracy might be combated or otherwise deterred. Among these; in addition to patrolling trade routes and escorting convoys, the New Republic fleet should be given standing authorization to pursue fleeing pirate forces (with discretion, of course). This is something that could be done today, by executive order. Aside from this, and the active gathering and sharing of intelligence, there is little that the New Republic can realistically do to stop piracy that it is not already doing. New Republic worlds, companies, and individuals must take precautions of the sort that my report recommends. The Commerce Council, in fact, publishes quite a bit of literature on this subject which is available to anyone who is interested in taking practical measures to defend oneself, one's ship, and one's cargo. This is how piracy will be deterred.
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Gustav_Emerest | Date: Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010, 11:37 AM | Message # 10 |
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| Overall the language of the bill lends to suggest that the Republic Fleet can be used to act as police force. Instead of defending this bill provides an extended ability for the military to engage in quasi policing. For example it would allow the Republic to commit an act of aggression against pirate havens. In the process it will allow us to say our interest in pirate activities is so great that we will interfere with other governments ability to police themselves. For example say the Empire has pirates in it's territories and it only attacks ships of republic origin then we as the Republic may legally enter the Empire based on our own laws and commit acts of war against theses pirates and those who supposedly support them. With no trial to say the least. Needless to say I support this bill as I don't like the current terms of the peace treaty However I will abstain my vote. I hope others will oppose it however as it is clearly a risky bill. Senator of Coruscant, Gustav Emerest
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Jamie_the_Hutt | Date: Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010, 8:40 PM | Message # 11 |
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| The Removal of Senator Forte and anti-piracy Resolution Resolution Senator Forte has been twice censured for unpatriotic conduct, has held in contempt the values of the New Republic and everything it stands for.. Has been fined for corruption (He was fined 100,000 credits for this) by the panel which he sits on. He has proven a disaster as head of the Monuments Committee. He has allowed the Prosperity Alliance monument to become a travesty. Text of Senator Fortes Censures First WHEREAS, Senator Forte has demeaned the uniformed sentients of the New Republic's planetary defense forces, has insulted and slandered the name and reputation of certain Senators, based on "rumors" without attribution, and has introduced Imperial propaganda into the chamber without attribution, has promoted measures of immoderate federalism, incompatible with the Common Charter, and has misused for political purposes the Council on the Common Defense, of which he is Chairman, THEREFORE, the Senate reprimands Senator Forte for conduct unbecoming of a Senator, for the actions aforestated, and warns him to refrain from such conduct henceforth or be subject to suspension, revocation of his Chairmanship, or both. Second The New Republic Senate votes to censure the head of the monuments committee for lack of action in replying to the criticisms of a senior member of the Senate, for contempt of his office and disrespect for those represented by the Federal Monuments of the New Republic and for general unpatriotic conduct. Section 1 - Short Title This resolution may be cited as the "Removal of Senator Forte and Anti-Piracy.' proposal. Section 2 - (a) IN GENERAL- Senator Forte has proven himself abundantly unsuitable for office, and so is dismissed as Chair of the Corruption Panel and Monuments Committee. (b) Time frame clarification- This shall have immediate effect. © The Senate calls upon Mr Forte's Political Party on Ryloth to withdraw their support for him at the next election, in order that a better and more patriotic candidate may be found. (d) The Senate bars Senator Forte to be unsuitable to hold the office of head of any Senate Committee, Commission or Sub-Committee. Section 3 - (a) Piracy is abominable, and an evil which the New Republic should not suffer from. (b) The Galactic Senate calls upon all Planetary Governments to help defend their own trade routes, and provide such assistance to the Federal forces combating piracy as may be nessesary. © All freight companies should seek to provide defenses for their ships (either with armorments aboard freighters, or private escort vessels), should they fail in this insurance may be waived. (d) There will be an end to un-escorted convoys of unarmed vessels in regions designated by the BoSS as Dangerous; if these are found to exist then insurance companies within the New Republic will not be responsible for losses.
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Cul-utaanForte | Date: Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010, 9:33 PM | Message # 12 |
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| Senator Tiure, I believe your proposal for my expulsion should be issued in a seperate piece of legislation, as well as your apparent counter legislation towards the Piracy Resolution. The Chair, my esteemed colleague Senator Emerest, I'm sure, will back me on this. To President Gavrisom and Senator Cambrist, you are both indeed correct. in that we do indeed engage in offensive and defensive operations against pirate groups, however, I refer to the Chair's comment. Senator Emerest, while perhaps overestimating the risks within, has the meaning of the bill more or less in hand with his interpretation. It is a resolution authorizing, and encouragin, more aggressive actions against pirates, pirate groups, those that aid and assist pirates, governments that sponsor and encourage piracy, and "pirate havens". It is a resolution demanding the Chief of State, Defense Council, and NRDF take on this issue in a renewed aggression, devoting our forces in a "War Against Piracy", with the end goal of discouraging piracy against the New Republic, its citizens, and free commerce. By no means does this mean however, that we will persecute pirates that are captured or surrender without trial. Those that do surrender or are captured, will be given a trial by the Courts of Justice, and held accountable for their crimes, but having every means to defend themselves as individuals.
General Cul'utaan'forte Forte's Legion
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Artemis_Vanden | Date: Friday, 12 Feb 2010, 2:50 PM | Message # 13 |
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| Assuming that Senator Fowlkes will not agree to these amendments, certainly not in their entirety, I must agree it would be more parliamentary of Senator Tiure to propose his measure separately. There are many articles, particularly in Section III, that I feel deserve consideration. As for Senator Fowlkes' and Senator Forte's resolution, however, I agree with the Chief of State and with Senator Emerest that there might be too much authority here. The Republic fleet, I believe, already has broad authority to engage pirates. But the powers in this resolution are somewhat extraordinary and, I think, they should first be considered by a commission of the sort that Senator Kruus has suggested. As such, I vote against. Piracy is a big problem, and I want to make sure we take the time to get the solution right.
Artemis Vanden Representative of the Naboo
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