Mr Bralor, Before a decision is made regarding the "Old Mandalorian" Government establishing educational facilities within New Republic space, we would like to first see a resolution to the current controversy orbiting your regime. Once this controversy is cleared up, we will be willing to instruct the Department of State to begin issuing Student or Academic Visitor Visas as may be applicable.
We would like to stress however, that the New Republic will only be open to migration and workers from your worlds on a reciprocal basis. If your space is willing to open its borders and give full freedom of movement and right to work to New Republic Citizens, then we will be inclined to reciprocate if Peace is made with the Imperial Remnant (who have expressed a willingness to make a favourable peace with yourselves). If the Mandalorian Government would be willing to become a Signatory to the Bastion Accords, this would considerably streamline the process.
If you would care to come to Coruscant, I believe an address and formal debate in the Senate would show a good indication of willingness to engage with the New Republic, on such a trip I am sure I could arrange an introduction to the Honorable Senator of Garos IV.
Might I ask in precisely which areas of Academic study this institution you wish to found is to be established in?
Yours Sincerely