Incoming message to the planet of Mandalore, directly to Zuthus' own comm. From an IMC Freighter. "Bralor, cancel that Shuttle request, the whole planet of Dantooine is after me. Well not really... But They will be tracking this freighter I've.... Borrowed." A laugh was heard it was just a message holo-recording took place so only his voice was heard, as well as a little bit of static. "Anyways this message is to let you know, I'm entering the Mandalore system soon, and was wondering if you'd allow me to land this piece of junk on Mandalore, if not I'll land on one of the moons, like Dxun... or Shogun... He'll maybe I'll piss Marcus off and land on Ordo.... Heh would be fun to see him angry again... But I'll await your response. Baird out." Isez was about to shut off the comm but he then thought of one thing. "Oh, I caught your message do the bird man, Also caught the message from that Di'kutla Senator, anyway's your right, I'm sure I'm not the only pissed off one around.... Soon as we bring our 'Mando Cabuor' plan.... Any way's I'll stay adrift just outside the Mandalore system for a short while, please contact me ASAP.... Hiibir Baatir, Vod." There comm would cut and he'd just stay adrift in midspace with the freighter until contacted by Bralor.