((Still working on the other two thirds of the post...)) On top of their training in K'tara and Hijkata, on top of several martial arts already, the members of Shadow Force had just concluded instruction in the martial arts of Stava and Jeswandi, two martial arts Charlie felt would be crucial for the members of the team to learn...all fourty-eight of them. For that, he personally undertook the training in Stava on Coruscant. Then, they came to Kothlis, where several retired NRi Operatives instructed the team in the Bothan martial art, while he ascerted himself as a master of it by those that instructed him when he decided to learn the art. It had several properties that were beneficial in facing off with a Dark Jedi, which caused him to learn it, and which was why they were learning it. Throughout their time on Kothlis, the team was given the finishing touches on Stava. They then developed a system of blending their four base martial arts into one unified combat system, which would become required training for all new recruits into the team. Aside from those projects, they enjoyed some much needed time off. They had been busy, with several of them not having a break since their deployment to Druckenwell. Back then, they were only ten individuals in total. Following the mission, they added two new members to the team. Following the Cult of Ragnos incident, they added an entire second team to the system. Later on, they added two more, one of which was the operational unit of the command staff and personnel. A total of fourty eight individuals made up the black ops unit, and none of them existed. In public, they were known as the Commission on Public Safety Assurance. While falling under NRi's Special Threats Division, publically they were merely an advisory body, consisting of ten commissioners that advised Special Threats on, well, special threats. One of those commissioners acted as the group's Director to also oversee the day-to-day operations of the lower staff. In reality, they were Shadow Force. A group of the most highly skilled, experienced, and elite members of the New Republic Intelligence Service, mainly from Alpha Blue, and the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic, mainly from Special Forces. They were formed as a conventional warfare special operations unit tasked with fighting Force Users and other extreme threats. They had no idea the "extreme threats" that they would face in five years.
Shadow Force, on paper, didn't exist. They all, except Charlie, had secret identities established for public use. Their true identities ceased to exist, finding some odd way to end. Their families, if they had any, were taken into NRi custody and briefed on their new lives, or removed to the most sparcely populated worlds. Even the commisioners, who weren't operationally part of the team, mearly a group of advisors to Charlie, were NRi Special Threats operatives in deep cover. The only beings with authority over them were the Director of New Republic Intelligence, and the Chief of State...although since the Cult of Ragnos incident, the Chief of State's authority was more of a technicality rather than actuality. They were perhaps the most independent unit in the New Republic entire force, conducting everything from selection down to training on their own, with little to no interference by the Director. Cracken trusted him to lead Shadow Force, and direct in the way it needed to. This trust followed with the tenure of Carlist Rieekan, and back to Cracken once more. He enjoyed the working relationship he had with Cracken, the man left him alone to run the time, gave him any support he needed, although he tried to keep Shadow Force as self-sustained as possible, and would always find the team work. Lately, it had been a dry spell.