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Imperial Diplomatic Mission to Mandalore
GemmellDate: Monday, 22 Feb 2010, 2:10 AM | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
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From Hyperspace in the Mandalore system descended a slightly outdated Harbinger-class courier ship, hailing the Mandalore with a diplomatic signal being the equivalent to a flag of truce, it was unescorted and carried only a dozen men and slid majestically through space at twenty meters long and unarmed, but heavily shielded.

It moved in-system and broadcast the following message. From the Senior Diplomat Aboard Lord Catrix, formerly of the Norat Sovereignty.

"Greetings, I carry for you a fair and free peace treaty for you to sign that maintains your own domains. I would appreciate the Signature of your leader posthaste", he flicked off the comma and transmitted the following Treaty with accompanying music to give the treaty some atmosphere.

Treaty of Keldabe 20 ABY

The definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between, the Most Noble Council of Moffs, the Sovereign Body of the Empire and the Mandalorian Hegemony. Concluded in the Twentieth year from the Battle of Yavin.

In the Name of Providence. So be it.

Be it known to all those whom it shall, or may, in any manner, belong,

It has pleased the Most High Divine Providence to diffuse the spirit of union and concord among the Worlds, whose divisions had spread troubles in the many parts of the Galaxy, and to inspire them with the inclination to cause the comforts of peace to succeed to the misfortunes of a long and bloody war, which having arisen between The Empire and The Mandalorian Hegemony during the reign of the Most Serene and Most Potent Prince, Palpatine, by the grace of Providence, Emperor of The Galaxy, of glorious memory, continued under the reign of the Most Serene and Most Potent Prince, Sate Pestage the First, his successor, and, in its progress, communicated itself to The Mandalore Sector and Galaxy as a whole: Consequently, the Most Serene and Most Potent Admiral, Gilead Pellaeon, by the grace of Providence, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, Protector of the Braxant Sector, and Obtrextra Sector, Dynau Sector, Carrion Sector, Clacis Sector, Perrinn Sector, Velcar Sector and Prefsbelt Sector; and the “Mandalore” of the Mandalorian Hegemony

Born by the Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Lord, Banus Catrix, Knight of the Norat Sovereignty, Gentleman of his Majesty's Bedchamber in Employment, and his Ambassador Extraordinary to the Most Majestic Council of Moffs and His Benevolence the Most Faithful Governor, the Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Lord, Hugh Simkins of his Most The Most Serene and Potent Admiral’s Staff, and his Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary to the aforementioned Admiral.

Who, after having duly communicated to each other their full powers, in good form, copies whereof are transcribed at the end of the present treaty of peace, have agreed upon the articles, the tenor of which is as follows:

Article I. There shall be a Provident, universal, and perpetual peace, as well by space as by land, and a sincere and constant friendship shall be re established between the Most Great and Bountiful Galactic Empire and the Hegemony of the Mandalore, and between their heirs and successors, kingdoms, dominions, provinces, countries, subjects, and vassals, of what quality or condition soever they be, without exception of places or of persons: So that the high contracting parties shall give the greatest attention to maintain between themselves and their said dominions and subjects this reciprocal friendship and correspondence, without permitting, on either side, any kind of hostilities, by sea or by land, to be committed from henceforth, for any cause, or under any pretence whatsoever, and every thing shall be carefully avoided which might hereafter prejudice the union happily reestablished, applying themselves, on the contrary, on every occasion, to procure for each other whatever may contribute to their mutual glory, interests, and advantages, without giving any assistance or protection, directly or indirectly, to those who would cause any prejudice to either of the high contracting parties: there shall be a general oblivion of every thing that may have been done or committed before or since the commencement of the war which is just ended.

II. The Bastion Accords, also known as the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty, serve as a basis and foundation to the peace, and to the present treaty: and for this purpose they are all renewed and confirmed in the best form, as well as all the general, which subsisted between the high contracting parties before the war, as if they were inserted here word for word, so that they are to be exactly observed, for the future, in their whole tenor, and religiously executed on all sides, in all their points, which shall not be derogated from by the present treaty, notwithstanding all that may have been stipulated to the contrary by any of the high contracting parties: and all the said parties declare, that they will not suffer any privilege, favour, or indulgence to subsist, contrary to the treaties above confirmed, except what shall have been agreed and stipulated by the present treaty.

III. All the prisoners made, on all sides, as well by land as by space, and the hostages carried away or given during the war, and to this day, shall be restored, without ransom, six weeks, at least, to be computed from the day of the exchange of the ratification of the present treaty, each Government respectively paying the advances which shall have been made for the subsistance and maintenance of their prisoners by the Sovereign of the World where they shall have been detained, according to the attested receipts and estimates and other authentic vouchers which shall be furnished on one side and the other. And securities shall be reciprocally given for the payment of the debts which the prisoners shall have contracted in the countries where they have been detained until their entire liberty. And all the ships of war and merchant vessels Which shall have been taken since the expiration of the terms agreed upon for the cessation of hostilities by sea shall likewise be restored, bon fide, with all their crews and cargoes: and the execution of this article shall be proceeded upon immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty.

IV. The Mandalore renounces all pretensions which he has heretofore formed or might have formed to The Braxant Sector, and Obtrextra Sector, Dynau Sector, Carrion Sector, Clacis Sector, Perrinn Sector, Velcar Sector and Prefsbelt Sectorin all its parts, and guaranties the whole of it, and with all its dependencies, to the Authority of The Empire: and that in the most ample manner and form, without restriction, and without any liberty to depart from the said cession and guaranty under any pretence, or to disturb The Empire in the possessions above mentioned. The Most Benevolent Council of Moffs, on their side, agrees to grant the liberty of movement to the inhabitants of the above mentioned sectors. The Provident and Majestic Council of Moffs farther agrees, that the Mandalorian inhabitants, or others who had been subjects of the Mandalore, may retire with all safety and freedom wherever they shall think proper, and may sell their estates, provided it be to the subjects of the Empire, and bring away their effects as well as their persons, without being restrained in their emigration, under any pretence whatsoever, except that of debts or of criminal prosecutions: The term limited for this emigration shall be fixed to the space of eighteen months, to be computed from the day of the exchange of the ratification of the present treaty.

V. The Mandalore shall give guarantees that neither his fleets nor his soldiery shall leave the Mandalore Sector under arms, to carry those arms against the Benevolent and Perpetual Empire, and shall take swift measures to remedy any independent threat within his borders which are defined by this treaty as being the worlds within the Mandalore Sector.

VI. The Mandalore shall restore all the land and chattels belonging to the Private Citizens of the Empire, which were purchased legally before the Establishment of the Empire, without undue influence or pressure, which are or shall be occupied by his The Mandalore’s arms.

VII. The decision of the prizes made in time of peace by the subjects of the Empire, on the Mandalorians, shall be referred to the Courts of Justice of the Admiralty of the Empire, conformably to the rules established among all Worlds, so that the validity of the said prizes, between the Imperial and Mandalorian worlds, shall be decided and judged, according to the law of ownership, and according to treaties, in the Courts of Justice of the nation who shall have made the capture.

VII. The Mandalore shall cause to be demolished all the fortifications which his subjects shall have erected on the outlying parts of the Mandalore Sector, and other places of the territory of the Mandalore in that part of the Galaxy, four months after the ratification of the present treaty.

VIII. The Mandalore desists, as well for himself as for his successors, from all pretension which he may have formed in favour of the Mandalorians, and other his subjects, to the exclusive right of trade in the neighbourhood of the Mandalore Sector.

VIV. All the papers, letters, documents, and archives, which were found in the countries, territories, towns and places that are restored, and those belonging to the countries ceded, shall be, respectively and bon fide, delivered, or furnished at the same time, if possible, that possession is taken, or, at latest, four months after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, in whatever places the said papers or documents may be found.

X. The solemn ratifications of the present treaty, expedited in good and due form, shall be exchanged in this city of Keldabe, between the high contracting parties, in the space of a week, or sooner if possible, to be computed from the day of the signature of the present treaty.

In witness whereof, we the underwritten their Ambassadors Extraordinary, and Ministers Plenipotentiary, have signed with our hand, in their name, and in virtue of our full powers, have signed the present definitive treaty, and have caused the seal of our arms to be put thereto.

Lord Gregorious Gemmell
Advisor to the Emperor
Imperial Ruling Council

Message edited by Gemmell - Monday, 22 Feb 2010, 2:58 AM
Zuthus_BralorDate: Wednesday, 10 Mar 2010, 1:22 PM | Message # 2
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