500 Republic
Tapani House (Tapani Sector State House) Memorandum for: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker
Head of the New Jedi Order
Subject: Concerning Republic-Jedi Relations
Security: Closed
Master Skywalker, it is an honor to speak with you, both being a Jedi and a hero of the Rebellion. As you should know, over the past couple of years...the relations between the New Republic and the Jedi have been, well to be blunt, more or less falling apart. I believe that both sides need to re-work their relationship and role between each other, and due to that belief, I am organizing and hosting a Jedi Relations Summit, in retreat facility on Ossus. Should this retreat facility be a matter of concern, you will be pleased to know it is merely a prefab facility by personnel are constructing strictly for the summit and will remove afterwards. Back to the Summit, I would like to invite you, and/or any other Jedi that are willing to attend. I believe Jedi Master Charlie Park has already agreed to attend, and would love nothing more than to hear it from you and other trusted Jedi in this matter.