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The First Steps
Rath-DeschainDate: Friday, 02 Apr 2010, 9:26 PM | Message # 1
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The upper reaches of the offices of Senators were indeed a high-class place. As such, the man who was slightly shabbily dressed might stick out to some extent. He was perhaps in his thirties, slightly balding and wearing glasses that gave him an oddly birdlike look. He wore a coat suitable to the day's weather and, as he stood outside the offices of Tapani's Senator Mical de Crion, looked slightly lost.

After perhaps five minutes of staring off into space, the man shook himself as if from a chill, then approached the main doors where, more than likely, there were guards and the like. Moving towards the nearest one (providing there were guards, if not, he's enter the building and find the closest secretary to speak to; albeit, if there were weapon scanners on the door, he would certainly trip them), he halted a respectful distance off and cleared his throat. When he spoke, his voice was quite like that of a lecturing professor.

"Good day, sir (or miss, as the case might be). I was wondering if you would be so good as to direct me to Senator de Crion's office? I have to kill him."

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
Mical_de_CrionDate: Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 8:39 AM | Message # 2
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The man, carrying a weapon, would not make it up to Crion's office. He wouldn't even make it into the building. The Republican Guard had security checkpoints that checked everyone entering and exiting the building, and the man was no exception. When he stepped through the scanners, he was told to back out and display his weapon and any permit he may have for it, and then he spoke. The moment he said, "I have to kill him." the squad went into full action. "Alert One! We have an assassin!" shouted out the squad leader taking aim at the man. At that moment, the building went into full lockdown, and nine blaster rifles were now trained on the man. "Drop your weapon. NOW!" screamed the scuad leader as people began fleeing from the building and each checkpoint went into full defensive posture. Meanwhile, NRI, NRDF, and CSF were alerted to the Executive Building's status.

Mical Léo de Crion
Director, All Stars Burn As One Foundation
Chairman, Urban Youth College Fund
Owner, Château Hiver Rivière
Rath-DeschainDate: Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 3:11 PM | Message # 3
Colonel general
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The man looked almost puzzled at the response. Whereas most would be afraid or, in fact, on the ground with nine blasters on them, the man just calmly (if still looking slightly befuddled) reached into his jacket and produced a highly illegal disruptor pistol and slowly placed it on the floor, followed by a vibro blade. It might not have occurred to the guards just yet that the man was more than he seemed. After all, what assassin simply walked up and anounced his intent? Of course, the guards were paid to react first and then analyze after. That was something that had been bet on. In addition to his normal weapons, a rather complicated surgery had bee undertaken to plant a thermal detonator within the man's body cavity, wrapped with synthskin to prevent infection from becoming immediate. The detonator was rigged to a false tooth in the rear of the man's mouth.

"Sir, I didn't mean to alarm you, but by taking my weapons, you've made it practically impossible to complete my task. I suppose I could use my bare hands if need be, but wouldn't it be much simpler to just let me do it the easy way?"

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
Mical_de_CrionDate: Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 9:23 PM | Message # 4
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The guards remained still, not appraching the man, but following his movements with their weapons. "GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES WITH YOUR HANDS ON THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD!" screamed the squad leader. Ignoring his statements for the most part, their assigned droid, which aided in the security processing albeit nothing more than a mere enhanced protocal droid, was watching the scanners. "Sir, there appears to be some sort of explosive in the subject's body." said the droid, causing an immediate page for a Republican Guard EOD team to move on the station. They would be there within ten seconds, while the team took what cover they could. Meanwhile, inside the Executive Building, Senator Crion had a team of Republican Guards approach his office.

The squad leader entered, and approached his secretary. "We need to see the Senator immediatly under security protocal fourteen." he said. immiediatly moving into the office. They found the same thing that another gentleman by the name of Tarodal Novalon did a few days earlier. "Senator, you and your staff are to be immediatelyn evacuated to a secure location." said the squad leader. He rose, and immediately the droids began shutdown procedures that took one minute. When they were ready, the squad, reinforced by a squad of Freeworlds troops and the HKs, moved with the variuos droids, Crion, his daughter, and her bodyguards; they wiould begin the move through the upper levels to a secure hangar. After a moment however, Crion, after a brief arguement with the squad leader, made the procession make its way down to the enterance There, he stood, albeit a safe distance away and still inside, still surrounded by his current entourage, staring down the man that was here to kill him. While he stood there, the squad leader began to persuade him to come with him.

Mical Léo de Crion
Director, All Stars Burn As One Foundation
Chairman, Urban Youth College Fund
Owner, Château Hiver Rivière

Message edited by MicaldeCrion - Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 9:38 PM
Rath-DeschainDate: Wednesday, 07 Apr 2010, 3:31 AM | Message # 5
Colonel general
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Still completely compliant, the scholarly-appearing man eased down onto his knees and placed his hands behind his head. His back was still erect as he looked at the faces round him; all full of anger, worry or fright. It wasn't every day that someone simply walked in and made an announcement such as this. At last though, he did indeed see a face he knew, and his own countenance was lit with a smile.

"Look! It's Senator de Crion! Are you sure I can't have my weapons back?" With his question, he looked longingly towards the guardsman who had him covered. "I need to kill him, then I'll leave." His words might well seem to be that of someone suffering from a delusion, or perhaps more than a few marbles short of a game. Nonetheless, the threat was real enough.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
Mical_de_CrionDate: Wednesday, 07 Apr 2010, 4:46 PM | Message # 6
Group: Users
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A voice cackled over their comm pierces. "Take him down." a voice said. It was aged, and very militant. As soon as the word as spoke, the squad rapidly shot several stun bolts into the man's body. Behind them, the EOD team was arring on an air speeder, and the wail of sirens from inbound CSF units could be heard.

Mical Léo de Crion
Director, All Stars Burn As One Foundation
Chairman, Urban Youth College Fund
Owner, Château Hiver Rivière
Rath-DeschainDate: Wednesday, 07 Apr 2010, 6:21 PM | Message # 7
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 857
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The stun blast, in most situations, would have been an expert choice. In this case though, it was anything but. Upon being stunned, the man fell forward, hard enough to crack his jaw against the rather unforgiving floor. The result of this jarring action was enough to drive his teeth together with enough force to trigger the subdermal mechanism that would activate the thermal detonator.

There was a moment or two, a heartbeat of silence and then with a dull roar, the man would erupt into bloody chunks of flesh, bone and other pieces that would be sprayed for a goodly distance around where he had bee kneeling, splattering, most likely, those closest to him. There would be no prisoner to question.

Security cameras that had his face would be enough to recognize him as indeed being a professor at a small establishment on Coruscant. Harold Riv, a professor of galactic history, had gone missing without a trace nearly a week earlier. It was simply one of those mysteries that would remain unsolved.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
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