I'm going to throw this request for a massive construction bust on Canti, as well as a moderate increase in mining efforts on Phu, and an overhaul to the Abregado-Rae dig by increasing it. The effective numbers to date are: Abregado-Rae: 11
Canti: 0
Phu: 40
The IMC would like to build the following:
Abregado-Rae: 25 [Ore], 3 [Waste] // March 11th
Canti: 8 [Ore], 1 [Waste] // February 27th
Phu: 11 [Ore], 2 [Waste] // March 2
That would bring the facilities on these planets to the following:
Abregado-Rae: 36
Canti: 8
Phu: 58
Total construction will be completed by March 11th. Individual project completion dates are posted above.
Thank you.
[This is a none-military request]