Lehon :The Marauder Syndicate
A desolate planet former home to the Rakata but now a world that has the darkside of the force it is a planet that has been kept in scrutiny for many generations until now as a lone Sith lord has taken this planet as his home how he got their and the reason for him being there is a mystery but all of it will be known soon. As he has chosen the one planet that suits him quite fine as it harnesses the darkside for him to master and to train his apprentice the true ways of the force as he was trained by his master only that he will be different unlike his old mentor who he killed after he was taught everything. The Marauder Syndicate will be different then other factions his vision for this Syndicate in time will once it has enough members will leave Lehon and pursue revenge against the Jedi but that time has not yet come he needs to find a source of income and he does have something planned he does have an old Imperial Frigate which when he bought it was a Junker it does work however but he has modified the cannons as well as he has placed this frigate in the orbit around Lehon it is his trap this frigate will send out a distress call when an approaching ships comes within viewing of the frigate they will probably respond and that is where the frigates uses will come in handy as Sandalare has changed the cannons of the frigate to an Ion Pulse this pulse is strong enough to knock out all power to any small or medium sized ship larger ships would require him to up to the frigate and change the frequency on the Ion pulse for a larger burst but he doubts their will be any large ships coming through this system mostly transports carrying spices perhaps other transport carrying money for other systems he will just have to see but his trap is up their and in waiting.
As for the base for his Marauder Syndicate he has chosen the old ruins of what was life here on Lehon with his young apprentice who is no more then fifteen years of age they will get some sources of income he can be assured of that these ruins have had generations of the planets weather so when he came here the ruins were almost gone but a temple was still standing he has taken this decrepit temple and in a little more then a month he has transformed the temple into a living space as well as a training arena but he needs funds he has to now put his plan into place for funds so that his plan can get underway.