As you may have seen, things have started to get going for the anti-imperial resistance led by Anubis. As I have mentioned in the opening thread of the Resistance, I've sent out both NPC members and RPers on various missions. I would like to request the following: A pile of FA-4 pilot droids (as many as 36)
3 HAVw A6 Juggernauts
a DP20 frigate
Imperial codes for Kalee, Ruuria, and Borgo Prime.
A few empion mines (as many as 3)
6 Y-Wing starfighters
All of the requests except for the DP20 frigate, the empion mines, and the Y-Wings would all be destroyed in the opening missions for the Resistance on all Kalee, Ruuria, and Borgo Prime. This is made possible because of the money Anubis would receive from his secret supplier in Fenn Shysa. I will RP out the acquisitions of the pilot droids, the Juggernauts, and the frigate on Raxus Prime as Lieutenant Antilles. I'll also RP out the acquisition of the Imperial codes as Major Wells. I can RP out the acquisitions of the empion mines as Anubis himself if the management wishes, but I believe this could easily be acquired on the black market.
The DP20 frigate and the empion mines would not be used until the numbers of the members within the Resistance expands, because of the numbers of the crew needed to man the warship. Both materials are linked together, and are to be used in hit-and-run missions against the Imperial Navy. Until then, the Resistance wanted to use the Y-Wings in a hit-and-run missions as they're the suitable choice to alternate their roles between being fighters and being bombers. There are personal ships within the Resistance, but most are light freighters and are best suited for blockade-breaking runs and smuggling. The only real threat is Anubis' very own personal and modified Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft. The Resistance would need more than that to go on if they want to commit to hit-and-run operations against the Imperial convoys.
I hope this isn't too much at first, but I explained in details that half of the list would all be destroyed in the upcoming missions on those three worlds I mentioned earlier.