Bear with me, if you will, as I've done some research behind this. Know that I make this request fully understanding the balance of power in the roleplay to ensure that no one faction can both fully attack and defend at one time. As such, while this may seem odd, I did my best to place things into full perspective with the following points: 1) Ships taken after the fall of the Empire to be reallocated to other Moffs.
2) Ships utilized by Thrawn and either kept by said Grand Admiral or lost in his endeavors.
3) Ships sold to other Moffs to provide for other installations.
A standard sector group, as per Wookieepedia, consists of the following: 24 Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Of course, no mention is made of the various support vessels required to sustain and protect such ships, as well as those required to assist in the aid of landing troops or armies. Now, 24 Star Destroyers is quite the fleet, and it would be unreasonable of me in the extreme to expect management to grant me all of the vessels listed in a sector fleet (or group). As such, I have done my best to ensure that balance is kept.
1x Imperial-II Star Destroyer (flagship)
2x Imperial-1 Star Destroyers
3x Strike-class Cruisers
6x Light corvettes
8x VT-49 Decimators
8x PB-950 Patrol Boats
I believe that this fleet (TIE fighters of the standard variants included with the capitol craft, save for a single squadron of TIE Advanced) balance between heavy power needed to defend and attack against large fleets with the smaller vessels that have the speed needed to guard the far-flung planets from pirate raiders, NRDF strike teams and other threats.
That being said... the following would also be a nice:
1x Golan II platform for defense at Teios.