A whisper calls from the darkness and in an instant you feel a shiver crawl up your spine. like a thief in the night is when he strikes. it is said that the darkness flows through Cobra like none other. and it is indicated in what he leaves behind. ][-General History-][
-Name- Bryce Taipan
-Race- Human
-relationship status- Single
-Occupation- Mercenary
-weaponry-(carried) Vibro Knife,Lightsaber,Blaster rifle
-Attire- changes from tme to time but usualy Black pants and shirt with a red stripe along the side. Black boots.
-Organization- none
-Affiliation(s)- Jedi Order,Black Sun
-current affiliations- none
][OOC NOTE: this is a work in progress more will come as I write it down. this just gives a general layout][