Pretty much, what Jace said. A good rule of thumb to go by is any world in the Core Worlds, Colonies Region, Inner Rim, Expansion Region, and Mid Rim is safe to assume its Republic controlled unless otherwise stated. This formula works a bit better in the Old Republic era, which at that point would also include the Deep Core however in this era the Deep Core is somewhat the locations of the last stand of the rogue Imperial warlords. There are also many pockets of independent, and random Imperial allied planets scattered about, as Jace mentioned. At that same rate, like Jace said, if you aren't sure or just curious, check it out on Wookieepedia. Jace and myself will tell anyone, Wookieepedia is the best source on the net for SW information. It's more or less an accessible version of the Holocron Database that Lucasfilm maintains. I might put my sadistic talents to use and make a list...which means looking into every planet in Star Wars, but I'm willing to go there. I just need to purchase a case of Red Bull to keep me up and a bottle of Xanax to make sure I don't have a mental breakdown in the process. Oh the sacrifices I make...