The HBO/BBC TV series. Noticed all Deralians seem to be characters from it of late. Senator Hubert Ordan __________________________
Senator of the Azure Sector Foreign Minister of Anaxes Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes Autocrat of Selgon Owner of Azure Durasteel Systems Admiral (Ret) Order of the Canted Circle
Message edited by Senator_Ordan - Saturday, 08 Jan 2011, 5:41 PM
Thanks Jamie, I figured it out already :P Man, Myth, Administrative God. Also plays a mean kazoo. Jace Varitek: In Northern California we just have gangs of vigilante interior decorators.
It was a good TV series. Also, Deralia, obviously, in its recent incarnation, is very Rome inspired. Still a work in progress, of course, but I found the images used thus far mostly fitting. Especially Veritas, as I wasn't satisfied with his avatar, but the new one is at least similar to the old. Orion Karath Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present My posts here, pre-2009 archives here