Introduction Senator Lord Titus Veritas and I have been tasked with submitting a bill to advance funding for various classified military projects. With the collaboration of both the Defense and Commerce committees (as well as my own team of macroeconomists), I respectfully submit the following bill for the Senate's preview.
Section 1. Expenses. The following amounts shall be expended from the Imperial treasury for their respective specified projects by the end of the next fiscal year.
Sub-section a) Any expenses not verified in receipt for their respective projects will be immediately returned to the general fund of the Emperor.
Sub-section b) Standard auditing procedures shall be suspended in lieu of the sensitive and confidential nature of the projects thereof.
Sub-section b-1) Expedited auditing procedures shall be conducted by the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) with oversight from COMPNOR.
+ 20 billion for the expansion and refitting of ship yards that have the capability of producing star destroyers
+ 75 billion for the construction of new ships of the wall
+ 5 billion for advanced research on various classified ship projects
Total expenses: 100 billion credits
Section 2. Revenues. The following amounts shall be received and cut from their respective specified projects by the beginning of the next fiscal year in order to balance the principal expenses in Section 1.
Sub-section a) Any revenues in excess of those needed to pay for their respective projects will be immediately returned to the general fund of the Emperor.
Sub-section a-1) Excess funds shall not be returned for their original purpose even in the case that they are not needed for special military spending.
- 20 billion diverted from internal security/intelligence efforts, primarily on Imperial Center and other core worlds
- 50 billion from phasing out obsolete social services accounts (primarily non-humans affected) and welfare programs
- 25 billion raised from additional tariffs on non-essential goods and manufactures
- 5 billion from more stringent prize ship standards for pirate ships captured in the field, including a steeper cut for the Imperial treasury
Total revenues: 100 billion credits
Section 3. Carry-over clause. All other defense spending and revenues for the current fiscal year shall remain the same for the following fiscal year unless another bill is submitted by the Defense committee specifying any other changes.
This bill will advance His Majesty's pursuit of space dominance, security for the Empire, and the requisite technological advances to achieve such space superiority while maintaining fiscal neutrality in the upcoming fiscal year's budget.
Ronsard Entrente - Sponsor
Lord Titus Veritas - Co-sponsor