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The Dominion Accords
AdaaranDate: Monday, 03 Dec 2012, 2:29 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
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// The Dominion Accords \\

// Accord I \\

On this day, these Accords shall henceforth establish the validity of this formation of the Dominion Federation, and thus shall immediately reject all claims by any such power over the Cilare, Kogan, Nharl, Plesstil, Revyia, and Trassitan Systems. Thus these accords shall establish from these systems with these exact words: "The style of this formation of systems shall be 'The Dominion Federation.'" Which shall be formed immediately.

// Section I \\

Establishes that all systems of the Dominion shall recognize that the central power is that of the 'Dominion Federation Council.' As well as establishes the precedence that all systems of this Dominion shall recognize the planet of Revyia to be the Capital of the Dominion Federation.

// Section II \\

Maintains that the Veragi System shall be held as a "Neutral" system of space, which is to be held in stewardship by the ruling Galactic Government.

// Accord II \\

Asserts that each system of this Federation shall retain the sovereignty already granted too them, except for those specific powers delegated to the Dominion Federation Council, i.e. "Each system shall retain its sovereignty, freedom, independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Dominion expressly delegated."

// Section I \\

Establishes that all systems of the Dominion Federation recognize that the 'Dominion Federation Tribunal' shall act as the "Supreme Court" of this Dominion.

// Section II \\

This document hereby recognizes that the Dominion Federation did so lawfully and justly form, by their separation from a corrupt Galactic Government of the Old Republic, and is thus recognized by all future Galactic Governments to be fully sovereign, independent in their actions, and shall be afford all rights as such a sovereign nation would be granted.

// Section III \\

Establishes that the Dominion Federation did so form and establish itself during a time of conflict in the galaxy as a means to protect its citizens. Thus it maintains that it did not recognize the 'Confederacy of Independent Systems' as a lawful government, and thus has not now, nor ever, pledge, shown, or recognized any form of aid, support or other form of acceptance, to the unlawful government of the 'Confederacy of Independent Systems.' Furthermore, it establishes that the only form of contact between the Dominion Federation and the 'Confederacy of Independent Systems' was that of communications in the form of seizing Confederacy loyalist property and possessions within the Dominion, including those Confederacy vessels captured by Dominion forces. These communications also include the acceptance of Confederacy surrenders to the Dominion.

// Section IV \\

Ensures that according to the above sections, that all systems of the Dominion Federation, under the laws of both the Galactic Empire, and the Dominion Federation itself, shall so remain a sovereign entity.

// Accord III \\

Establishes the 'Dominion Federation Council' of this Dominion shall form and maintain for the common defense, the security of their liberties, the security of all Imperial citizens visiting the Dominion, and for the mutual and general welfare against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, the 'Dominion Federation Navy' of sufficient strength, which may be augmented by system 'militia' in times of war.

// Section I \\

Secures and maintains that the 'Dominion Federation Navy' including the 'Dominion Federation Armed Forces' and all Dominion systems 'militia' are to be independent of the Galactic Empire's command and control structure, and is therefor only constrained by the rules of war in their actions.

// Section II \\

Establishes that within the 'Dominion Federation Navy' command structure shall be positions in which will be positioned 'Imperial Advisers,' who will advise, yet not take command or give commands to any Dominion Personnel.

// Section III \\

Maintains that the 'Dominion Federation' is an independent and separate entity from the Empire, however it's forces may act in a way deemed as 'For the Empire's Interest,' thus it is afforded the rights to act freely provided it follow the rules of war and act accordingly with captured beings. As well as having the ability to act as a 'neutral third party' and thus is giving the immunity as given to all neutral third parties, provided they remain neutral. Only acting in such a time as hostility is thrust upon them, or their inaction would cause harm to any innocent civilians in the area, provided their actions remain defensive in their nature. i.e. "Dominion Federation Naval vessels may act to protect themselves, or civilians vessels in a defensive manner, meaning that no vessel shall take the offensive by running down fleeing vessels, and are given the right to capture surrendered vessels."

// Section IV \\

Classifies all Dominion Federation vessels, displaying the colors of the Dominion Federation, or broadcasting a Dominion Federation IFF, as sovereign territory of the Dominion.

// Accord IV \\

But to instill a national feeling, "to better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the beings of the different systems in this Federation, "It establishes equal treatment and freedom of movement for the free inhabitants of each system to pass unhindered between the systems, excluding "paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice." All these people are entitled to equal rights established by the system into which they travel.

// Section I \\

Establishes the extradition clause with these words: "If a crime is committed in one system, and the perpetrator flees into another systems, they will be extradited to and tried in the system in which the crime was committed." If however, the perpetrator commits a crime in the system they fled into, they will first be tried in that system with the judgement to be added to all judgements passed.

// Section II \\

Establishes that the ruling Galactic Government recognizes the legal system of the Dominion Federation, and neither it nor any citizen shall prevent it from enacting its day to day administration.

// Section III \\

While slavery is abolished on all Dominion Federation worlds, it recognizes the validity of the law of the ruling Galactic Government, and will take no actions to hinder its course. Further more, it classifies slaves as well as fugitives from justice as 'property.' Any escaped slave that is apprehended in the Dominion Federation will be returned provided that the 'owner' is capable of producing the paperwork and proof with which the courts of the Dominion may deem is such a claim is valid.

// Accord V \\

Allocates one vote in the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation' to each planet of the Dominion, which is entitled to a delegation of between two and seven members. These members of Congress are to be appointed by planetary officials of the planet in which they serve.

// Section I \\

Establishes that the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation' is the primary Legislation of the Dominion, and is the only body that may pass bills, amendments, etc etc, that would affect the Dominion Federation as a whole. Thus it prevents the ruling Galactic Government, or any other such power, from passing any such legislation that would change, restrict, or otherwise alter the Dominion Federation or unlawfully and unfairly single it out.

// Section II \\

Maintains that the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation' is an independent legislature of any other power. It also establishes the right of the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation' to appoint an ambassador to the ruling Galactic Government.

// Accord VI \\

Establishes that it is the right and duty, so therefore only the 'Dominion Federation Council' shall be allowed, and have the power, to conduct foreign political or commercial relations, and to conduct and declare war at such times as diplomacy has been exhausted. Furthermore it maintains, to ensure continued friendship within and throughout the Dominion Federation, that no planet, system or official may accept foreign gifts or titles, and thus it also establishes that granting any title of nobility is forbidden to all. Thus it is established that no form of 'noble title' shall be recognized within the Federation beyond that of the title held by the head of any foreign power.

// Section I \\

Systems are restrained from forming sub-national groups, i.e. "The formation of any form of planetary alliances to hinder any other planetary rights is forbidden, with those planets that do so shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the power held by the 'Dominion Federation Tribunal' and the laws of this Dominion."

// Section II \\

No planet may tax or interfere with treaty stipulations already proposed as it is only the 'Dominion Federation Council' with which that power is delegated. This also extends to import and export taxes, as all such taxes are already accounted for with the addition of both System and Planetary taxes.

// Section III \\

No planet or system may engage in war, without permission of the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation,' unless invaded or that is imminent on the frontier. i.e. "No planet or system may use their 'militia' in any form of aggressive action unless that planet or system has been invaded, or a hostile force whose intentions are known, is imminent on the frontier of the system's borders." As it is only the 'Dominion Federation Council' that is allowed to declare war, however, planets and systems may act in self defense should the situation call for such actions.

// Section IV \\

Establishes that every planet and system is hereby required to keep ready, a well regulated (meaning well-trained,) disciplined, and equipped militia, with sufficient public stores of equipment and resources, as well as maintains that these militias may be called upon to augment the strength of the 'Dominion Federation Navy' in times of war.

// Section V \\

Reaffirms, as already established in Accord III, that it is the duty of the 'Dominion Federation Council' to maintain a peace-time defensive force that shall ensure the safety and security of this Dominion as well as establishing in these words: "All planets are to, when requested by the 'Dominion Federation Navy' and 'Dominion Federation Armed Forces' provide necessary personnel, revenue, supplies, including food and equipment, during times of war." That all planets and systems of the Dominion will support the 'Dominion Federation Navy' and 'Dominion Federation Armed Forces' when it is required of them to do so.

// Accord VII \\

During times of war, or whenever the need to raise an army is pertinent, for the common defense, it falls to the system legislatures to name such able bodied personnel with the rank of colonel and those ranks below in order to establish a clear chain of command as a means to ensure that all orders are clear, and carried out by the appointed officers.

// Section I \\

It therefore falls to the discretion of the 'Dominion Federation Council' to name such personnel of quality for those ranks above colonel.

// Accord VIII \\

Any expenditures, during times of war or times of peace, made by the 'Dominion Federation Council' will be paid in full by funds to be raised by and collected in the form of tax revenue by the system legislatures of the Dominion, and apportioned to the planets based on the real property values of each.

// Accord IX \\

Defines that it is the sole and exclusive right and power of the 'Dominion Federation Council' to determine peace and war, as already established as such in Accord VI, as well as to exchange ambassadors and to entire into treaties and alliances.

// Section I \\

Establishes not only a code of rules, yet also a court system specifically for the deciding of all cases of captures or 'prizes' on land as well as in space, both during times of war as well as during times of peace when and where criminal activity is involved.

// Section II \\

Maintains that it is the right of this Dominion Federation to grant letters of marque and reprisal (documents authorizing privateers) in times of peace or as such a situation calls of it.

// Section III \\

To appoint, as such a time requires of it, the courts for trials of pirates which so shall hold the power to both try the accused on the grounds of piracy, including such crimes committed during the duration of the accused time spent at piracy. It shall also have the power to confiscate all goods and property in the accused possession. These such laws and courts shall also hold jurisdiction over those accused of smuggling and other such criminal enterprises.

// Section IV \\

To establish, as such times it is required, a court(s) of appear for all cases of captures as mentioned in Section I and Section III of Accord IX. However no such member of the 'Dominion Federation Council,' or the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation' may serve in capacity as judge, i.e. "The judges of these court(s) of appeal shall be no member of the Federation Council or Federation Congress, nor shall they have an immediate relation or previous relation with the defendant, as to ensure a fair appeal."

// Section V \\

To set fair weights and establish universal measures for the Dominion Federation to ensure equality as well as establishing a currency that may easily be exchanged at a fair rate to the choice of the being exchanging their currency.

// Section VI \\

And to establish that the 'Dominion Federation Tribunal' shall serve as the final court for disputes between the planets and systems of this Dominion. i.e. "It shall be the duty of the 'Dominion Federation Tribunal' as delegated, to serve in the capacity as the final court to rule over all disputes between the planets and systems, with the final ruling to be accepted by all parties involved.

// Accord X \\

Declares that the Accords are perpetual, and can only be altered by approval of the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation' with ratification by all the planetary and system legislatures. Therefore they are independent articles of an independent government which can not be altered in any way other than by the 'Congress of the Dominion Federation.'

Adaaran the Unfeathered
President of the Dominion Federation Council
Supreme Commander of the Dominion

Message edited by Adaaran - Monday, 03 Dec 2012, 4:37 PM
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