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And Into the Fire OOC
OrionKarathDate: Monday, 30 Nov 2009, 10:15 PM | Message # 1
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Ok, while I am playing the opposition here in Arad Dominin, I still feel the need as a member of management, to state that this battle is starting to get out of hand. And I cite these points, and ask that the participants explain these points as needed, and other members of management jump in as well.

1. Why do all of these people know each other, with no stated reason?

2. How did they all get there so fast? (i.e. Obscyrus made the travel between two planetary orbits at sublight speed in the seeming matter of minutes. While this can be adjusted easily, there are still certain ways things must be done.)

3. We have to know what Aramier's ship is before anyone can proceed, especially if you are conducting combat. Saying I'll get to it, isn't going to cut it, especially if it is a custom design which will need Management review. And we can't have you being all, "Oh by the way, it's a Skipray Blastboat" or "It's a CR90." Ok, CR90 is a bit out there, but I hope you get the idea.

4. There's no justification for Maximov to be there. Some shadowy organization isn't legit, because then he could be anywhere in the RP at any time. It would have to be requested. I understand the GenoHardan are a group of bounty hunters/assassins, attempting to keep the balance, etc. But you still have aspects of the character in request, and there are other events going on, larger than one man, in the RP that would warrant such attention, in my personal belief.

Of course, I might be wrong on this matter. I've probably got some bias here. But the fact remains that there are some unanswered questions here, and alot of things that don't make sense.

Orion Karath
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
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Jace_VaritekDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 0:27 AM | Message # 2
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I agree. Having discussed this with Orion, I think we both feel that Holt, Kyrum, Aramier, and Kaos are all fine so far (with the exception of having to know Aramier's ship, which I assume will be cleared up in time for his next post; did we agree on a modified B-Wing?). The problem arises with Darth Obscyurus and Dimitri Maximov. Or problems, I should say, because each one poses a unique confusion for me which I hope can cleared up.

Yes, the physics of Obscyurus' entry into the skirmish are somewhat unlikely, but personally I don't wish to belabor this point. My hesitation, instead, is on Obscyurus floating expectantly in an empty area of space right where this skirmish was imminently to occur. I understand that Kaos summoned him and I don't mean to discourage anyone from participating, but the thread is becoming rather convoluted and considering Kaos is already there, it would be preferable not to have redundant characters. I would, however, encourage Darwin to become involved with a different character—his pirate or smuggler characters, for instance, who would have a more explicable reason to be at Nar Shaddaa.

I feel that Maximov, with all due respect, is also somewhat of a redundant character in a thread that is already quite crowded. His involvement there is also somewhat ill explained; if there's a compelling reason for his involvement, that's fine and, again, I don't want to discourage anyone, but still it seems like mysterious contacts within a shadowy organization which has not been requested (and, I feel, should be) is a bit of a stretch.

If it's alright with everyone else, I do think we should consider making this particular thread invitation-only for any new participants. Again, not to be prohibitive, but because it's becoming convoluted and also unwieldy with so many people in the posting order. This is not to prohibit anyone from future involvement in this plot, mind you, just in this particular thread. What are everyone's thoughts? Do tell me if I'm out of line. I do mean this only to be helpful.

Jace Varitek

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
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"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
Dimitri-MaximovDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 5:57 AM | Message # 3
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When it came to requesting organizations and such, after checking the date and span of the GenoHaradan and marking it as one of the oldest in Star Wars (stretching back to Xim the Despot, at least), I ranked it on accordance with such as Black Sun or the Hutt Cartel in figuring it was a playable faction. If you all prefer, I can pull out of the thread, I just figured it'd be nice to have someone who wasn't all on the same team trying to get Holt. I mean, Kaos wants him for one purpose. I'm not sure what Arad wants him for, but it's probably not necessarily what Holt wants. Maximov represents the balance that the GenoHaradan keep: he's pretty much there to grab Holt and drop the guy off wherever he wants to be.

Dimitri Maximov
GenoHaradan agent
Crimson_DarkscytheDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 8:57 AM | Message # 4
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as was discussed through messenger I will get the stats for the ship down when I can get them together but B-wing as far as the weapons it has on it are those that are found on B-wings but that is not the design of the ship as it needs to have more room for what I am looking for. (I can't imagine things like spice runs being done on B-wing ships)) precise details will be placed into this I just need to find the right starship model to do what I want it to do wink
KaosDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 11:08 AM | Message # 5
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I can speak for myself and Obscyurus's involvement in the RP. We're are allies of Kyrum and here to watch his back during his delivery. Kaos was on away recruiting Deven, but Obscyurus was supposed to be with Kyrum and act as the first response unit.

Now, the particulars can be debated, but the alliance between our characters and Kyrum is clear and understood for our parties. I can't say the same for the opposition, but that's kind of the point here.

The idea isn't redunancy, it's overwhelming force. Darth Obscyurus is a servant of Kaos. While some people have fleets or armies of droids, Kaos has Sith and Dark Jedi. No NPCs, role-players.

Ask Kyrum about the agreement, so you will all know I am not pulling it from my ass.

OrionKarathDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 11:42 AM | Message # 6
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Yea, we covered Aramier in messenger and got settled on that, both involvement and the ship, and did agree on that. And Kaos, Jace has talked with you one this and has agreed with your reasoning, as he told me last night, and while some may disagree with the strategy of having Obscyrus involved, it's understandable.

Now, to Maximov. The only problem is, if you are going to lead the GenoHardan, or bringing them into a noticeable presence of the RP in general, it needs to be requested. I know its a pain in the ass...but we generally try to keep any new organization that wasn't noticeable, canon or not, an item that needs to be requested. For instance, Njon requested the Hutt Cartels. We actually had someone want to play Black Sun, but it was decided that they, at this time, should be kept out of the RP. The same request process would have to be undergone for the GenoHardan. This rule doesn't imply canon organizations aren't apart of the Galaxy, we just try to keep them a little we don't have someone going off the rails and deviating from Canon (i.e. FreiTek begins making ships for the Remnant). I do believe that your request to play the GenoHardan would be approved, at least from my side, but it just still needs to be requesting. Like I said, I know its a pain...and don't take this as discouragement to play them, for I am encouraging it. It can give a good element to the underworld of the RP. I'm not sure however, that the GenoHardan would have knowledge of what is happening. Maybe the prisoner transfer, yes. But, Dominin's involvement definately not, as the Remnant doesn't even know since he is acting on his own and this being a black ops operation.

Orion Karath
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
My posts here, pre-2009 archives here
EchuuShinzonDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 4:09 PM | Message # 7
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Quote (Jace Varitek)
I feel that Maximov, with all due respect, is also somewhat of a redundant character in a thread that is already quite crowded. His involvement there is also somewhat ill explained; if there's a compelling reason for his involvement, that's fine and, again, I don't want to discourage anyone, but still it seems like mysterious contacts within a shadowy organization which has not been requested (and, I feel, should be) is a bit of a stretch.

Your statement appears to be a bit misleading Jace. To say that his involvement requires a compelling reason with which to be included in the thread is exactly the aforementioned discouragement which you are attempting to avoid. I do agree that for the sake of cohesion, it might be better to have a compelling reason for individuals to be included in threads, one must consider that redundant characters serve as a perfect way for gamers--herein called RPers--to get introduced to the typists and general setting that is AGW.

That being said, I don't think turning your thread into an invitation only thread would help anything other than the thread. Namely, I think that turning your thread into an invitation only thread discourages people who may not be comfortable with the setting, or the characters and their place within the AGW atmosphere (at least for the time being).

However, and drawing on my final point, while I in particular can hold no sway over the dictation of a thread to which I am not committed (beyond an oversight capacity at least) I really think that the best solution would be to find a workable way to keep it open ended (as in allowing for the introduction of new players) while not taking away from the general outline of how the plot is roughly envisioned.

Perhaps there is a workable way (if not justifiable) to include all members. What I'm most fearful of, is the creation of a elitist club which excludes new members because they may or may not have come to grips with how things are done in AGW.

Echuu Shinzon

Message edited by EchuuShinzon - Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 4:10 PM
EchuuShinzonDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 6:43 PM | Message # 8
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Ask Kyrum about the agreement, so you will all know I am not pulling it from my ass.

I recommend listing a referee for the fight. During my stint on MSN Chats (before it closed) I was one of the official referee's that took care of TB fights. The only purpose of the referee was to act in a management capacity for the fight (ensuring it didn't get out of hand) and individuals would whisper beforehand the trips and traps they had established so that the other player could still be caught unawares, while not modding (as the information WAS disclosed beforehand).

Echuu Shinzon
Jace_VaritekDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 7:09 PM | Message # 9
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My statement was not meant to be an ideological one, and I hope it isn't percieved that way—my point, with which some may disagree, is that a crowded thread is a slow thread, and this does an equal disservice to everyone involved (for example, I believe it's currently Obscyurus's turn to post, and his last turn was seven days ago. Therefore the thread is moving at a pace of one post per character every seven days. This is my primary concern, and I don't think it's unreasonable of me to try to assuage this).

I also specifically said that anyone is welcome to become involved in the overall plot, wherever it leads, but perhaps not this particular thread. So, respectfully, I don't find anything elitist in my comments because the first 4 sequential participants (5, in fact, since Darth Obscyurus has now been resolved to everyone's satisfaction) have been welcomed into the thread without regard for their motivations; as we speak, I don't know exactly what Kaos is up to or why, and don't wish to know OOC because it would ruin the surprise of an open-ended thread.

I would also point out that I've not attempted to exert any editorial influence on the thread even though a rather lengthy campaign I have planned for my character, Holt, will either happen or not happen based on the outcome (frankly, it doesn't look good for me at the moment, but I'm rolling with whatever happens). Not to toot my own horn, but I think under the circumstances I have been very accomodating in the interest of involving as many people as possible.

But I think that it is possible to have too many, when it begins to complicate the posting order and slow down the thread. Usually, the best way to solve this problem is to split a thread into two independent posting orders; in this case, for example, the characters on the ground could perhaps post independently of the characters in space, so that things move along more quickly for everyone. This is traditionally how these problems have been solved, and I would be open to this.

But even so, Maximov's involvement there is questionable on the other grounds that have already been mentioned by myself and Karath (notice, also, that it is to the benefit of my character for Maximov to assist him, so there's certainly nothing self interested or elitist for me to be reluctant about his entry. His absense actually works against my preferred outcome). My suggestion to make it invitation-only, specifically, is just to stop potentially another half dozen or more people joining in. It isn't meant to exclude anyone specifically, but rather just to draw the line somewhere.

Jace Varitek

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
Jace_VaritekDate: Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009, 7:18 PM | Message # 10
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I also don't think there have been any IC disputes as of yet that require a referee. Everyone seems to be on the same page.

Jace Varitek

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
KyrumDate: Wednesday, 02 Dec 2009, 9:06 AM | Message # 11
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Echuu states a good point butI believe everything is already outlined in the setting of what this group is about. anyone that has questions about things can go to the managers for help.
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