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Boba Fett
Boba_FettDate: Tuesday, 02 Nov 2010, 1:04 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 33
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* Denotes unconfirmed or speculative information


NAME: Boba Fett
SPECIES: Human (genetic clone of late bounty hunter Jango Fett)
BORN: 13 Years Before Empire Day
HEIGHT: 1.83m/6'0''
WEIGHT: Unknown
EYES: Brown - as evidenced by other clones of Jango Fett*
HAIR: Black - as evidenced by other clones of Jango Fett*
SKIN: Tan - as evidenced by other clones of Jango Fett*
FORCE SENSITIVITY: None known or displayed
OCCUPATION: Bounty Hunter
CURRENT AFFILIATIONS: Jabba the Hutt, The Galactic Empire
FORMER AFFILIATIONS: Confederacy of Independant Systems

SKILLS: Known to be a skilled marksman, and is proficient in hand-to-hand, melee and ranged combat. Can efficiently operate and pilot a personal jetpack. Is known for outsmarting his opponents rather than physically overpowering them.

KNOWN WEAPONS: BlasTech EE-3 blaster carbine, Sacros K-11 'Disentegrator' pistol, Concussion Grenade launcher, Wrist-mounted Czerka ZX flame projector, BlasTech Dur-24 Wrist Laser, Kelvarex Consolidated Arms MM9 mini concussion rocket system (various computer-tracking rocket types employed), Fibercord grappling line, retractable wrist-mounted vibroblade, dart launchers (kneepads and left gauntlet, various dart types employed), retractable spikes (boot tips)

EQUIPMENT: Mandalorian shock-trooper armour with various integrated systems (see below for unverified details), Mitrinomon Z-6 jetpack, anti-security blades, lock overrider, data breaker.

Boba Fett's Mandalorian helmet and armour are said to contain the following attributes (source unknown)*:
- Video recording and on-demand playback
- Automatic or manual adjustment for audio and visual elements
- Direct link to his ship, the HoloNet and databases
- Integrated HUD interface for weapon systems
- Viewplate magnification
- Heat sensory and multi-grade infra-red modes
- Advanced radar
- Transmission fabrication/blocking (with assistance from ships computer)
- Multi-target tracking rangefinder
- Contaminant filter with reserve air tank
- Power liner jumpsuit - protection from physical and energy blasts, intense heat and cold, temporary protection from acids, poisons and corrosives
- Turbo-projected magnetic grappling hook (jetpack, 20m standard, replaceable with other lengths upto 100m)
- Anti-vehicle homing missile (jetpack, often used in place of the grappling hook)

PRIMARY SHIP: Slave I (Firespray-31- class patrol and attack heavy fighter)

PERSONALITY: Those who can claim to have had personal encounters with Boba Fett often describe him as cold, stoic and calculating. He reveals little about himself or his purposes, and prefers not to be engaged in personal or close situations.
He is particularly noted for his ruthlessness in negotiating a bounty, no matter the client; as such, it is advised that all specifics be clarified and all angles covered before finalising a deal with this particular hunter. His reputation claims that Fett is known to disintegrate troublesome marks; if this is not desirable, state so.

KNOWN BIOGRAPHY AND TIMELINE: The following is a timeline of events, set to the BED/AED (Before Empire Day/After Empire Day) timescale. Some information may be speculative.

- 13 BED - Boba Fett is 'born', an exact genetic clone of his father (notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett), on Kamino.
- 3 BED - Boba Fett encountered by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Helps his father escape capture, and flees to Geonosis. Witnesses Jedi Master Mace Windu decapitate Jango Fett. Fett inherits Jango Fett's wealth and belongings, including Slave I.
- 3 BED - 0 BED - A young Fett takes up mercenary work, including (but not limited to) working for Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Count Dooku of Serenno, working with Aurra Sing and Bossk, tracking and attempting multiple times to kill Mace Windu. During this time, Fett was also responsible for the destruction of the Venator-class Star Destroyer 'Endurance', sent to an orphanage on Bespin, and incarcerated in a Republic prison for his crimes.
- 0 BED - PRESENT - Fett has hunted (and continues to hunt) survivors of Order 66 for the Empire, along with their collaborators.
- 0 BED - 4 AED - Fett works for Imperial Grand Inquisitor Malorum, searching for information on the late Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo. During this time, he and fellow bounty hunter D'harhan stop an insurgent uprising on Bellassa.

Information concerning Fett immediately following the events at Bellassa is deemed invalid, though rumours persist that Fett may have spent time on Concord Dawn. Until valid information arises, no unofficial assumptions will be made.
- Imperial Beureau of Records

- 4 AED - Hired by Sise Fromm to kill racers Thall Joben and Jord Dusat during the Boonta Speeder Race. It is known that Fett instead turned in Fromm to Jabba the Hutt.
- 7 AED - Working for the Empire, Fett visits Kamino, leading Imperial Stormtroopers from the 501st Legion in a campaign to quash an uprising of newly-bred Jango clones. Fett retrieves the last remaining samples of Jango Fett's DNA, handing them over to the Empire. During this time, Fett is enlisted as an Imperial Stormtrooper, and left after killing his superior officer (rumours also suggest that this was a ruse in order to get close to his bounty). Fett hunted the spice trafficker Hallolar Voors on Jubilar.
- 7 AED - PRESENT - Fett remains an active part-time agent of the Empire, being utilized for special operations and hunting down remaining Jedi and insurgents that threaten the peace and security of the Empire.

Added (02 Nov 2010, 2:04 PM)


Registration: Slave I
Model: KSE Firespray-31
Class: Patrol and attack transport (modified beyond its original function)

Length: 21.5 meters (from the top of its engine module to the bottom of its 'tail')
Width: 21.3 meters (from wingtip to wingtip)
Depth: 7.8 meters (in landing configuration)

Engines: 3 F-31 Drive Engines (Max. acceleration - 2500G, 70 MGLT, 1000 km/h in atmosphere)
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0 (class 8.0 back-up)
Sensors: Military grade array
Shielding: XS-12 Experimental Combat Shielding (experimental shield, produces shields vastly powerful for a ship of its size, said to be equivalent to those of a Victory I-class Star Destroyer)

Weapons: 2 Borstel GN-40 twin blaster cannons, 2 rapid-fire laser cannons, 1 mine layer (standard load - 9 Void-7 seismic charges), Brugiss C/In Ion Cannon, 2 Arakyd AA/SL proton torpedo launchers (6 missiles, 3 each), Phylon F-1 tractor beam projector (concealed), Homing beacon launcher

Countermeasures: Sensor mask, jamming systems, static discharge port

Other equipment: Auto-nav system, escape craft, 6 cages, 1 Force cage

Other notes: Only remaining model of six prototypes created by Kuat Systems Engineering. Slave I was reportedly comandeered by Jango Fett, and likely passed to Boba after his death. Slave I has seen extensive repairs and modifications at Kuat Drive Yards and MandalMotors over the last several years, though only by select mechanics. Slave I remains a unique ship, and even should KSE eventually re-produce more of its type, it is doubtful that any will match up to the modifications the Fett's have bestowed upon this vessel.

"I bow to no one and I give service only for cause".

Message edited by Boba_Fett - Friday, 24 Sep 2010, 1:42 PM
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