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Savrek Tavus
Savrek▪TavusDate: Wednesday, 29 Sep 2010, 6:36 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 2
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

: : [ t h e b a s i c s ] : :

: : [ Name ] : : Savrek Tavus
: : [ Title ] : : None Given Currently
: : [ Age ] : : 25
: : [ Race ] : : Human
: : [ Race Traits ] : : None
: : [ Occupation ] : : Dark Jedi / Sith
: : [ Current Location ] : : Unknown
: : [ Alignment ] : : Chaotic - Neatural
: : [ Allegiance ] : : The Emporer
: : [ Language(s) ] : : Common, Sith, Galactic Basic (Though can understand almost any, using Force Comprehend Speech)
: : [ Quote ] : : " ." - -

[ : : t h e a n a t o m y : : ]

: : [ Gender ] : : Male
: : [ Height ] : : 1.85 meters (6'1")
: : [ Weight ] : : 90 KGs (200 lbs)
: : [ Hair ] : : Medium Length, Black
: : [ Eye Color ] : : Gold and Red (Red Orbs with Golden Rings)
: : [ Skin ] : : Cream Colored Light Tan
: : [ Physical Condition ] : : Athletic but Lean
: : [ Tattoos ] : : chin to lip tattoo, bar across eyes.
: : [ Jewelry ] : : None
: : [ Misc Description ] : : None Currently
: : [ Piercings ] : : None
: : [ Handed ] : : Ambidextrous (Stronger with Right)

[ : : t h e c h a r a c t e r : : ]

: : [ Place of Birth ] : : Planet Dromund Kaas - Kaas City
: : [ Place of Raising ] : : Planet Ziost
: : [ Personality ] : : A lover of Battles and Power, he has a Intemidating personality, and a sutle Intelligence that plays with his Mysterious aura giving this young man distinct character and a Ruthless taste for pain and fear though lacks the later himself.
: : [ Marital Status ] : : Single
: : [ Sexual Orientation ] : : Straight - Heterosexual
: : [ Philosphy ] : : Darkside of the Force - " The Force gives us all power, even the Jedi. It is our mastery of our passion that gives us the strength they lack. " - Yuthura Ban
: : [ Affiliations ] : : Dark Acolytes/Sith Order - Emporers Hand - Dark Stalkers
: : [ Force Sensitivity ] : : Yes
: : [ Midichloreans ] : : 10,000
: : [ Sith Rank ] : : Unranked
: : [ Class ] : : Dark Jedi
: : [ Force Level ] : : Dark Jedi Master
: : [ Master(s) ] : :
- Jedi Master: Unknown
- Sith Master: Unknown
- Dark Jedi Master: Unknown
: : [ Appentice(s) ] : : Unknown
: : [ Family ] : :
+ Immediate Famly +
- Wife - Unknown
- Son(s) - Unknown
- Daughter(s) - Unknown
- Father - Unknown
- Mother - Unknown
- Brother(s) - Unknown
- Sister(s) - Unknown

[ : : t h e b a t t l e i n f o : : ]

: : [ Armor ] : : Black Dark Jedi Robes - Black Dark Jedi Cloak - Pair of Bracers that have been altered with Sith Alchemy (Each able to take x2 hits from a Lightsaber)
: : [ Items ] : : Rebreather and Aquabreather, Holocam, Holocom,
: : [ Skills/Specializations ] : : Very Highly skilled with Lightsaber Combat, Averaged Skilled with the Force
: : [ Lightsaber Combat Techniques ] : : Form I Shii-Cho (Completed Training) - Form IV Ataru (Mastered Training) - Form V Djem So (Completed Training) - Form V Shien (Completed Training)
: : [ Combat Style ] : : Tëras Kasï (Trained), Tràkata (Trained), Sokan (Trained)

: : [ T h e F o r c e ] : :

+ The Force + Control
- Force Battlemind
- Force Breath Control
- Force Speed
- Force Hibernation Trance
- Force Tapas

+ The Force + Sense
- Force Sense
- Force Shatterpoint
- Force Telepathy
- Force Comprehend Speech

+ The Force + Alter
- Force Deflection
- Force Driod Disable
- Force Fear
- Force Jump / Leap
- Force Lightning
- Force Pull / Push / Wave / Telekinesis
- Force Throw / Saber Throw
- Force Weapon
- Force Choke / Grip / Crush

: : [ T h e W e a p o n s ] : :

: : [ First Weapon ] : : Long-Handle Dual-Phase Lightsaber - A 60 centimeter long Cylinder Tube design made of Ultrachrome Plating ontop of Armorweave plating, With a Red colored Blade that can be adjusted from 1.3 meters up to 3 meters in length.
- Internal "Force Activating" Power Switch
- Internal "Force Activating" Blade Power Adjust
- Belt Ring - Clasp to belts.
- Pressure sensor in the hilt's grip
- Primary Crystal - 1x Red Synth-Crystal
- Focus Crystal - 1x Opila Crystal
- Focus Crystal - 1x Jenruax Crystal

: : [ Second Weapon - Rarely used, Kept on belt strap - ] : : Dual-phase Lightsaber - A 30 Centimeter long Cylinder Tube design made of Ultrachrome Plating ontop of Armorweave plating, With a Red colored Blade that can be adjusted from 1.3 meters up to 3 meters in length.
- Internal "Force Activating" Power Switch
- Internal "Force Activating" Blade Power Adjust
- Belt Ring - Clasp to belts.
- Pressure sensor in the hilt's grip
- Primary Crystal - 1x Red Synth-Crystal
- Focus Crystal - 1x Opila Crystal
- Focus Crystal - 1x Jenruax Crystal

[ : : s h i p s / V e h i c l e s a n d H o u s i n g s : : ]

+ Housing +
- Unknown - Unknown

+ Vehicles +
- BARC Speeder - Black and Gray

+ Ship(s) +
- Call Sign - Dark Fang
- Manufacturer - Kuat Systems Engineering
- Model - Eta-2 Actis Interceptor(Custom Design)
- Class - StarFighter
- Length - 5.47 Meters
- Widteh - 4.3 Meters
- Height/Depth - 2.5 Meters (Wings extended)
- Max Acceleration - 6,000 G
- Max Speed (atmosphere) - 8,000 km/h
- Max Megalight - 160 MGLT
- Hyperdrive Range - 100,000 LY
- Hyperdrive - Class 1.0 Incom GBk-600 hyperdrive unit
- HyperDrive System - Incom GBK-600 Series
- Sheild - Equipped - 100% Laser Cannons, Proton Torpedos
- Armament - 2 Laser Cannons, 2 Ion Cannons, 4 Proton Torpedos
- Crew - Pilot & Astromech
- Consumables - 2 Weeks Worth Food, 2 Weeks of Air
- Color - Black & Gray

[ : : T h e H i s t o r y : : ]

- Coming Soon!

Message edited by Savrek▪Tavus - Friday, 08 Oct 2010, 3:04 PM
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