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Adoven Ryner
Adoven RynerDate: Thursday, 30 Sep 2010, 7:21 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 66
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Name: Adoven Ryner
Home World: Chandrila (also a Rhinnal national)
Known Family: Damas Ryner (Father), Else Ryner née Nebard (Mother), Drax Nebard (grandfather)
Rank: The Hon. Adoven Ryner
Affiliation: The Galactic Empire (covert supporter of the Chandrilan Resistance)
Accent: High Coruscanti
Language(s) Spoken: Galactic Basic, High Galactic. Fluent in Mon Calamarian, Quarrenese and Bothese. Limited knowledge in Twi'leki.


Species: Human
Age: 25 standard human years
Sexual Orientation: Closeted homosexual
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145lbs
Build: Average


•Credit Chip
•MicroData Technologies Pocket Secretary
•Various datacards
•Cirenian Communications Comlink

•Merr-Sonn Q2 Hold-Out Blaster
•SoroSuub ELG-3A Blaster Pistol
•Luxan Personal Armaments Penetrator MB-450 Sporting Blaster Pistol

•SoroSuub FA-5 Valet Droid
•Cybot Galactica 3PO-series Protocol Droid - Male Programming
•Industrial Automaton R2-series Astromech Droid

•Narglatch XJ-9 Airspeeder
•Baudo-class star yacht

•Current residence: Chandrila House, Ambassadorial Sector, Senate District, Galactic City, Coruscant
•Ryner Hall, Hanna City, Chandrila


Personality: Adoven’s personality marries Chandrilan arrogance and Rhinnalian elitism. Although he may be perceived as a pompous and smug person, he nonetheless manages to come off as a thoroughly decent and compassionate individual. He loves his job and wants the best for everyone, scrupulously despising the xenophobic and totalitarian ways of the Empire. He is somewhat of a workaholic and often distances himself from people for fear of getting too attached to them. Adoven also lives a private life and is a mostly secretive person, in part due to the fact that he struggles with his sexual orientation and fears being rejected and shunned by those he loves should he ever reveal his secret. He is rather prone to anger and is a witty and often sarcastic person with a dry sense of humor. He prides his intelligence and is usually calm and calculating, however this composed demeanor will be thrown to the wind if insulted or engaged in a fight.

Miscellaneous: Adoven is an excellent marksman having received training as a child. He is well versed in the etiquette and protocol of different human cultures but still requires a protocol droid when interacting with alien species. Although he has more of a penchant for a refined life and indulges in "high culture", he often ventures to the Uscru Entertainment District to frequent more obscure and not as well known establishments.

History: Adoven Ryner was born in Hanna City to an old, noble, wealthy and influential family. His father Damas is the head of the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee and his mother Else (née Nebard) is the daughter of Drax Nebard, one of the major Rhinnalian business magnates. His young life was one of luxury and refinement, but his family was never too excessive, shallow or opulent. As is custom in the Chandrilan tradition, the Ryners own a considerable and majestic garden where a diverse variety of flora bloom and it is a popular spot for young lovers. The Ryners are also close friends with the Mothma family and both became to regard the other as an extension of their respective families.

Adoven was privately tutored until he entered the Gladean Academy of Chandrila located in Hanna. He was a happy and carefree teenager who aspired to become a HoloNet announcer or a HoloDrama star (much to the displeasure of his parents). He graduated top of his class and subsequently decided to move from home to attend the University of Rhire on Rhinnal. He graduated four years later and was once more top of his class, earning himself many honors. Adoven was now able to find himself a proper job thanks to his extensive and upscale education, becoming a political attaché to the Chandrilan Senator. He also wasted no time to join the Senate Interspecies Advisory Committee to outcry the xenophobic tendencies of the government but knows he has little chance of achieving anything.

Though he proclaims to serve the Galactic Empire, the Senate and the government, Adoven is quite opposed to the totalitarian and oppressive regime. He is a proud supporter of Mon Mothma but would never openly admit it for fear of repercussion. He has never done anything to openly provoke or alert the Empire to his true allegiances but wouldn’t be adverse to surreptitiously opposing them if opportunities present themselves.

The Hon. Adoven Ryner
Political attaché to the Chandrilan Senator

Message edited by Adoven Ryner - Monday, 19 Dec 2011, 8:48 PM
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