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Anubis Xerxes
Anubis_XerxesDate: Wednesday, 06 Oct 2010, 6:41 PM | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 107
Awards: 0
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

Name: Clone Commando 26
Alias: Anubis Xerxes
Age: 30 years old.
Height: 6’3"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye color: brown
Skin color: tannish
Hair color: dark brown
Body build: athletic

Homeworld: Kamino
Race: Human (Mando'ade clone)
Parents: none
Siblings: Every single clone trooper in the galaxy
Wife: none
Children: none
Language: Galactic Basic, Mando’a

Affiliation/Occupation: Rogue clone commando
Ship: a modified BTL-B Y-wing starfighter
Modifications for BTL-B Y-wing starfighter: Instead of 950 km/h, Anubis tweaked the speed up to 965 km/h. He also modified the starfighter so he wouldn't need a gunner, instead opting to both fly the ship and shooting at enemy fighters all by himself.
Weapons: 2 EWHB-12 heavy repeating blasters, DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, and a Knuckle plate vibro blade.
Armor: Katarn-class commando armor
Crew: an astromech droid named R2-F1.
Force Sensitive: No

History: Anubis was cloned by the Kaminoans. He was trained by Jango Fett and other Mando'ade warriors. Then when Master Yoda came to visit Kamino to bring the newly christened Grand Army of the Republic to assist the overwhelmed Jedi, he was deployed deep behind the enemy lines at the terrible battle that had offset the Clone Wars. It was Battle of Geonosis. As the war goes on, he fought deep behind the enemy lines at several battlefields. He fought on Kamino, Jabiim, Haruun Kal, and many more. The clone was involved in the Outer Rim Sieges where the Grand Army were sweeping off the Separatists. During the war, he had befriended with several Jedi. There were also some occasions where he had befriended with soldiers that weren't clones, such as Korunnais on Haruun Kal, Jabiimites on Jabiim, and many more. However, everything in his life changed when Order 66 had come. He had just been promoted to a Sergeant, so he was new to leading a squad of clone troopers. His squadron was fighting on Boz Pity when his squadron was radioed saying that the Supreme Chancellor himself had issued Order 66. The clone was divided by his deep loyalty to the Old Republic and his friendship with the Jedi. However, the clones under his command didn't have a hard time deciding. There was a Jedi Knight in front of them, and that was the moment his clones was about to fire upon the Jedi that he decided to aid the Jedi by shooting at them. After some effort, he and the Knight had killed the clones off. They worked together, fighting their way to get to a transportation. The Knight sacrificed his life so that Anubis could escape. So he did, inside a V-Wing. Then he decided to land on a nearby system, finding out through the HoloNet that the Galactic Republic was transformed into Galactic Empire. That was the moment he knew the Old Republic died, and decided to promise himself to find any Jedi survivors in order to help them combat the Empire. He then abandoned the V-wing starfighter and later stole a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter.

~Anubis Xerxes
The Empire's worst nightmare

Message edited by Anubis_Xerxes - Saturday, 09 Oct 2010, 10:53 AM
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