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Tarn Kane
Tarn_KaneDate: Thursday, 07 Oct 2010, 11:23 AM | Message # 1
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Tarn Kane

Name: Tarn Kane
Nickname: Known as "The Runt" to his brothers, owing to his small stature and slight build
Species: Human
Homeworld: Shogun
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (unmarried)
Age: 21
Height: 5' 10'' (slight build)
Weight: 105lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: White-blonde
Skin: Pale
Distinguishing Marks: Tattooed hands (most distinguishing being the Death Watch tattoo on his left hand, in honour of his dead aunts), diagonal scar from behind his ear to his jawline

Personality: Tarn isn't a very reserved person, and holds back no punches. If he has an opinion, he'll register it with authority. He seems particularly hostile toward any opponent, particularly if they're female. Off the battlefield, Tarn is surprisingly accomodating, though there's always an air of sadness behind his eyes.

Current Affiliation: Various resistance factions, The Death Watch (familial ties), The Mandalorians, himself
Enemies: The Empire
Ship: Dianoga-class assault starfighter 'Exodus'
Weapons: Various integrated into his armour (see below), DC-19 Carbine (with sound suppression), a pair of BlasTech SE-14C blaster pistols (with automatic rapid-fire capabilities), often carries a GL-11 handheld grenade launcher in tandem with his carbine

Equipment: Mandalorian Armour (see below), grenade belt, ammunition packs, storage bandolier, Merr-Sonn Munitions JT-12 jetpack

Armour: Dark-gray (appears blue-ish in some lights), with gold trim. Gray represents the mourning of a lost love (in this case, his family), while gold represents vengeance.

Tarn Kane's armour features the following weapons and enhancements:

- Video recording and on-demand playback
- Automatic or manual adjustment for audio and visual elements (noise reduction/focusing, visor polarisation etc)
- Direct link to his ship
- Integrated HUD interface for weapon systems
- Viewplate magnification
- Heat sensory and multi-grade infra-red modes
- Motion-detector and terrain radar (HUD based)
- Multi-target tracking rangefinder
- Contaminant filter with reserve air tank
- Power liner jumpsuit - protection from physical and energy blasts, intense heat and cold, temporary protection from acids, poisons and corrosives
- Turbo-projected magnetic grappling hook (jetpack, 20m standard, replaceable with other lengths upto 100m)
- Z-6 Anti-vehicle homing missile (jetpack, often used in place of the grappling hook, replacing the usual MM9 missile found in the JT-12)
- Wrist-mounted weapons: Dur-5 laser (right gauntlet), plasma flame thrower (15m range, right gauntlet), dart launcher (right gauntlet), razor net launcher (left gauntlet), grapple shock-cord (left gauntlet), wrist cutter/welder (left gauntlet), retractable vibroblade (left gauntlet)

History: Tarn Kane never knew his parents, not until the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Born on Shogun and left with his aunt, Tarn was quickly moved to Mandalore to learn the ways of his people, though his aunt and her wife often faced animosity wherever they went. Though Tarn never really missed having a father figure - his aunts wife more than fulfilled that role - it is possible that the lack of a male role model in his youth had some impact on his lifestyle when he was older.
Upon the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Tarn was surprised to learn that his mother was coming to take care of him; upon questioning why, his aunt revealed that both she and her wife were once members of Death Watch, and could no longer remain on Mandalore owing to the likelihood of their clan taking up arms again. Furthermore, his parents had been on Kamino, training members of a Clone Army which was to form the backbone of the new Republic forces to wage war on the Separatists. Reluctant at first, Tarn said a wistful goodbye to his aunts, and met his mother for the first time at the age of 10.

Already far into his training toward becoming a man and a fully-fledged warrior, Tarn was naturally suspicious and hostile toward his mother's explanations for her absense. When he demanded to meet his father, she refused, saying he was on Coruscant with his 'sons'. Angered, Tarn stole his mothers ship in the dead of night and tracked down his aunts on Concordia. He insisted that he be allowed to join the Death Watch, explained his mothers words, and refused to return home to Mandalore. Unable to shift his disposition, his aunts allowed him a place among their people, but quickly contacted his mother after only a couple of weeks, when Tarn volunteered to participate in an attack on his homeworld.
Tarn never heard from his aunts again, after being retrieved by his mother and dragged to Coruscant to learn some respect from real men. Years later, he would discover that his aunts had been killed, their actions having led to a complete failure in the planned assault on Mandalore.
Having met his father on Coruscant, Tarn slowly began to come to terms with his parents. He accepted many of the Clones as his brothers, and over time even came to accept that his blood ties meant little as far as family was concerned.
On his thirteenth birthday, the day he was supposed to pass the trials to become a Mandalorian, disaster struck; Order 66 was declared, and suddenly his extended family was thrown into turmoil. Refusing to kill their Jedi commander, Tarns brothers were forced to watch as she was shot down by another squad, then fled the capital as the warrant for their arrest went out. En route to their ship, Tarn defended an injured brother from blasterfire, throwing him to the ground and covering him while returning fire and eventually killing their pursuers. This, and the lessons he had learned of family, warfare and respect, were enough to make a Mandalorian of him, according to his parents.

Tarn and his family spent the early years of the New Order forming small resistance groups with other clones that had escaped the transition from Republic to Empire, striking at small but key Imperial targets. Tarns upbringing by two women began to show its effects, first in his choices of partners (leading the Clones to joke that he'd been bred from a 'bad batch'), second in his hostility toward women. While Mandalorian tradition dictates that women and men are equals in everything, Tarn seemed to take it a step further, as first witnessed on Rori; when he was 16, Tarn was leading a small group of Clones to infiltrate an Imperial supply outpost. However, the group were set upon by a band of bounty hunters, who'd been hunting the insurgents for almost a year. The leader, a female Zabrak, almost got the drop on Tarn, but in a reversal of fortune found herself hanging by the throat over the edge of a hill, Tarns shock-cord wrapped around her neck. She died slowly, and to make matters worse, the young Mandalorian incinerated the corpse and left a stave of wood through her chest, to warn off others.
Though his behaviour was admonished by his parents, neither seemed surprised, though both warned him that after their mission to Brentaal IV, they'd be having a talk about battlefield ethics.

That talk never came; two days later, Tarn received word that his father and three of his brothers had been caught and executed while attempting to blow up a communications relay station, while his mother had been arrested and, as Tarn would later learn, been sold into slavery. Angered and embittered, Tarn swore revenge on the Empire, stating that since he'd never be able to find the one man responsible for the loss of his family, he'd hold every Imperial responsible instead.

Message edited by Tarn_Kane - Wednesday, 13 Oct 2010, 9:26 AM
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