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Lamont Kruus
Lamont_KruusDate: Thursday, 07 Oct 2010, 6:11 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 53
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Name- Lamont Kruus

Age- 37 Standard Years

Homeworld- Cato Neimoidia

Height- 5'11''

Species- Neimoidian

Status- Captain of the Windfall

Personal Strengths- Clever, Resourceful, Has Tremendous Amount of Money

Personal Weaknesses- Timid

Notable Enemies- The Zygerrian Slavers Guild (wants revenge), The Intergalactic Banking Clan (wants its ship back)

Notable Allies- Trandoshan Slavers, The Hutt Cartel, Separatist Remnants (?)

Background- Lamont Kruus, a son of the influential Kruus lineage of Cato Neimoidia, was destined for greatness as a grub. He became a Captain in the Trade Federation's merchant fleet, where he commanded a merchant Lucrehulk freighter and its accompanying starfighters and escorts, and gained valuable experience in repelling pirate raids and, occasionally, planetary defense forces that resisted the Trade Federation's onerous fees. When the Clone Wars began and the Federation's ships and were pooled into the Confederacy, Kruus was transferred to command of the Windfall, a Munificent-class frigate.

Although only a Captain, Lamont Kruus had a number of other responsibilities as well; namely, he acted as the Confederacy's representative to slavers such as the Thallasians, Trandoshans, Karazaks, and Zygerrians. In this role, he shuttled captive slaves from Separatist conquered worlds, such as Ryloth and Kiros, to slaving centers on worlds like Kadavo. He also helped to settle rivalries between the slaving guilds and negotiated both a steady profit for the Confederacy from slavery, and also a steady supply of slaves to construct the Separatist war machine as more and more industrial worlds like Geonosis were lost to the Republic.

When Darth Vader killed the Separatist leadership on Mustafar and shut down the droid control signal, ending the Clone Wars, Captain Kruus was aboard the Windfall over Zygerria with his fleet of Hardcell-class transports, overseeing the delivery of mostly Twi'lek and Togrutan slaves to the Zygerrian Slaver's Guild. Half of his Hardcells, filled with slaves, unexpectedly plummeted to the surface of the planet and crashed, killing all aboard. Kruus had more immediate concerns, however; with the Windfall's droids shut down, the formidable number of slaves aboard the ship suddenly outnumbered Kruus and his small, Neimoidian command crew on the bridge. Kruus acted quickly, closing as many blast doors as he could to prevent the slaves, many of them now armed, from escaping. Still, a small and determined number of Twi'leks neared the bridge intent on capturing the ship, and Kruus had no choice—he ordered most of the ship emptied of oxygen. The Windfall's cargo manifest at the time listed a total of 415 slaves. 92 of them survived, and another 24 of these died of thirst in their locked compartments in the time it took to reactivate the Windfall's droids.

Facing recriminations from the Zygerrian Slaver's Guild (the Confederacy had earlier lost the Zygerrian's slaving outpost at Kadavo to the Republic, and Kruus's mission to Zygerria had been meant to compensate for this), Kruus promptly left the planet with his remaining Hardcells and the hundreds of slaves aboard them. The good Captain Kruus wasn't sure at first what had caused the disaster, but he was deathly afraid that he would be blamed for it. And so he did what any Neimoidian would—he hid at an emergency Confederate supply depot on the Outer Rim, where he reactivated the rest of his droids and repaired and refueled the Windfall. It wasn't until some time later that he received word of the fall of the Confederacy and the rise of the Empire. The war was over, and Kruus was on his own.

But not completely alone; he had still had hundreds of slaves in his possession, crowded miserably into the Hardcell slave ships. Kruus convinced his Neimoidian command crew that this was an opportunity in disguise, and he traveled the galaxy using his slaver contacts to sell the remaining Togrutans and Twi'leks to unsavory Hutts, Trandoshans, and others. The Confederate insignia was scratched off of the Windfall, and it became a full time slave-running ship and, eventually, a drug- and gun-running ship too, run with Neimoidian professionalism and military efficiency.

Lamont Kruus accrued a significant amount of credits in this manner for quite some time, but eluding the Empire is something that he constantly dreads. Accordingly, he has developed a particular hatred for the Empire, especially upon noticing more and more Neimoidians turning up in the slave trade. Loathing the idea of depending upon the Hutt Cartel, the Tenloss Syndicate, or other untrustworthy criminals to repair and maintain his ships (and possibly turn him in for the bounty on former Separatists), Captain Kruus has recognized that his way of life is unsustainable. In addition to his smuggling and slaving career, he has now begun an attempt to recover remaining Confederate assets scattered throughout the galaxy and locate the few surviving Separatists like himself. This, he has decided, is the only way he can survive the Empire's totalitarian rule.

Lamont Kruus
Captain of the Windfall
Leader of the Kruus slaving ring

Message edited by Lamont_Kruus - Thursday, 07 Oct 2010, 7:26 PM
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