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Lady Taja Lohden
Taja_LohdenDate: Wednesday, 13 Oct 2010, 10:22 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 79
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline

Name: Taja Lohden

Age: 26

Homeworld: Kaal

Height: 5'9''

Species: Human

Notable Relations: Marn Lohden (Father, former Senator of Kaal, publicly disowned)
Lord Jarth Lohden-Krix (Husband, took his wife's name, fell ill and signed his wealth and planetary holdings to his wife)

Occupation: Senator of Kaal

Former Education and Experience: Attended law and legislation school after passing university with honours, co-managed a relief aid for impoverished Imperial worlds with her father (until funds ceased), seized control of her husbands holdings in Kaal Tourism when he became ill, effectively putting her in control of all resort taxation and royalties on Kaal.


Taja was born on Kaal, a resort world in the Mid Rim. Her father had represented the world in the Galactic Senate since before she was born, and though her mother died in childbirth, her considerable wealth passed on to Taja and her father.
From a young age she expressed interest in politics, despite Senator Lohden's desires that she not be exposed to the political arena. Once old enough to make the choice, she insisted upon legislative schooling, and was sent to Naboo, which had a much finer institution than Kaal for such things.

Her time in schooling led to Taja's faith in the Republic to disappear, and upon the establishment of the New Order, she set her sights on representing Kaal in the Senate. Returning to her homeworld, she married into even more wealth, in the form of Lord Jarth Krix. Though almost thirty years her senior, he had massive holdings in Kaal's booming tourist trade, owning almost the entire planet's tourism industry either through stock or taxation.
Unfortunately, the happiness of their marriage was short lived, when Lord Lohden-Krix fell ill, eventually losing his mind - though not before signing everything over to his wife.
Before this, Taja worked behind the scenes as a representative to her people, passing on her Fathers word and seeing to the populace while he was busy. She managed his affairs at home and became a popular public figure. During this time, she co-managed a relief aid with her Father, sending supplies to worlds in need, though the funds quickly dried up and it was abandoned as a lost cause.

Senator Lohden, meanwhile, had begun to become unpopular among the Senate due to his bold and very anti-Imperial views. When Taja suggested he retire and hand the reins to her, he refused, saying it was bad enough that Imperial officers chose to spend time on Kaal for their holidays, and the last thing he wanted was for her to encourage a larger Imperial presence on their world.
Nine years after the establishment of the New Order, Senator Lohden was unfortunately discovered, via an anonymous tip-off, to be parlaying with dissidents and offering them haven. His actions, though not condemnable by execution, were enough to have him removed from the Imperial Senate... giving Taja the room she needed to maneuver herself into political office and further expand her reach over her territories.

A dangerously powerful woman, Taja has a mind to strengthen her place within the Empire, and cull those that would refuse to let go of their Republican past.

Message edited by Taja_Lohden - Wednesday, 13 Oct 2010, 10:57 AM
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