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DraceDate: Thursday, 21 Oct 2010, 10:45 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 85
Awards: 0
Reputation: -1
Status: Offline
[General Information]
-[Name]: Drace Xeone
-[Age]: 29
-[Height]: 6'4"
-[Weight]: 200
-[Affiliation]: Jedi Order/Exiled
-[Eye Color]: brown
-[Hair Color]: Brown
-[Hair Style]: Medium
-[Body Tone]: Lightlytaned
-[Body Type]: Muscular
-[Markings]: scares
[History within the Jedi Order]
-[Acquired Rank]: Jedi Master
-[Specific Class]: Weapon master
-[Padawans]: one deaded
-[Force Strength]: Very high
-[Lightsaber]: three ,one a duleing saber,two a power saber,three a staff
[Personal Items]
-Mandalorain armor
--Belt with pouches attached [amo]
-Commlink [Also included in his wrist holo-watch]
-Modified Star ship[Old Republic .]

-Blaster pistol
-Jedi skill: Force push,Force sheild Mastery,force speed,Force Stasis

Drace was born on mandalor he was brough up to be a warrior his father trained him to sever in the mandalorain gauard When he started showing talent in the force his farther knew there was no way he would be accsepted in the Guard.
He then tracked down Drace's mother on Corasant drace was tweve at the time.Drace's mother knew if the order found out she had a son she would be Exiled so to keep that from happening she would train him for a short time and the hand him off to jinta to take him in.

Jinta trained him in sceret till one day anther jedi master found out jinta then had to talk Yoda into letting Drace stay and train with the other padawan's .Drace quickly showed how good he was with a saber and numeruse other weapons mastering them..At the age of fifthteen he roses to the rank of jedi knight about that time drace showed intrest in robotics.
Takeing time after traing to read every thing he could on the subject.
When drace truned ninteen he had master force sheild mostly because he took a lot of lumps druing saber traing.
Yoda took notice as did the others at not just his saber skills but his use of the force in deffanceive manor.
When drace truned tweety ..He was give the honor of being a master drace did not take it lightly because he knew they would give him a padawan soon..
a year later the master told him to seek a padawan and he found one two month in his scearch her name was Jade Minor she was human but she was strong in the force..He started her traing she was quick and smart.Drace started to fall in love with her.
The order found this out and Exiled him this made drace angery but he did not lose focuse he continued to train and hone his skills and his powers.He still peracties his skills and does his best to strengthin his control over the force.

Message edited by Drace - Wednesday, 27 Apr 2011, 2:02 PM
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