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Caden Sturn
Caden_SturnDate: Thursday, 28 Oct 2010, 1:07 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 92
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Status: Offline

Name: Caden Sturn
Nickname: Cade
Age: 25
Homeworld: Unknown
Species: Human
Height: 1.8 Meters
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Brown

Current Affiliations: The Empire (The Inquisitorius)
Former Affiliations: The Jedi Order, The Republic
Master(s): The Chief, High and Grand Inquisitors, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine
Companions/Subservients: LT-318 (An upgraded GD16 pilot droid)
Title: Jedi Padawan (former), Inquisitor, Imperial Inquisition Ace Pilot (current)
Force Sensitivity: Highly proficient in telekinesis (gripping, pushing, pulling, and otherwise manipulating objects and organics. Can be careless when angered.), lightning, and mind reading/control. Somewhat proficient at prophecy, though uncontrolled and erratic.

Ship: Personal modified VT-49 Decimator 'Bloodshine' (currently with a black chassis with white/grey markings, co-piloted and remotely-gunned by LT-318, an upgraded GD16 pilot droid)
Weapon: Twin Lightsabers, hold-out blaster
Lightsaber Form: Jar'kai (mastered), Shien/Djem So (Form V, highly skilled), Soresu (moderately skilled)

Base of Operations: Citadel Inquisitorius (Prakith), his VT-49 Decimator 'Bloodshine'


Seeking Direction

"To say he's a constant disruption would be an understatement. I can't teach someone who won't be taught, and I won't let him ruin the other younglings' chances by acting out this way".
"Patience, you must learn. Perhaps teach you, young Master Sturn can, about tolerance, hmm?"

- Jedi Master Seto and Grand Master Yoda, 30 BBY

Dumped on the steps to the Jedi Temple, Caden and his brother - older by four years - never spoke to one another of their previous life. Caden had been too young to remember more than flashes of family life; his brother simply chose not to remember it.
Both had been taken in without question, however the customary midichlorian tests determined their fate; both would be kept at the Temple and trained. Being so young, Caden felt less like he'd been taken in for the opportunity of a lifetime, and more like he'd been captured by strangers who spoke of things beyond his comprehension. He was scared, and his fear turned into hostility; a hostility that would last throughout the duration of his training.
As a youngling, he took to his lessons with an air of rebellion, purposefully being disruptive and countering any lesson the Masters tried to teach him. It only infuriated him more whenever they backed him into a philosophical corner, and he was never met with anger; only condescension and false understanding.
His brother, meanwhile, enjoyed moderately-acclaimed success among his classmates, and was hailed as a rising star. Deeply resentful, Caden decided it might be best to allow these people to teach him; afterall, they'd long proven they meant him no ill-will.

Years passed, and Caden remained in turmoil over his place in the Temple. He couldn't stomach the way the other younglings accepted their lessons without question, expanding upon what they were taught with their own keen insight, but never daring to contradict it. The Temple teachers words were, apparently, gospel; and the day Caden reverted back to his ways of challenging their views was the day his classmates shunned him. It came as a surprise, however, that age now gave him an advantage. Where he'd once been placated with pretense of understanding and false smiles, he now found that adults were willing to take his opinions more seriously.
He should have felt accepted; instead, he only felt further distanced. If opposing views could both be seen as correct, how could the Masters only teach one side of things?
Withdrawn and unsociable, Caden sought solitude whenever possible. He begrudgingly allowed his brother to keep him company when time permitted, only to be assailed with tales of success and admiration.

Upon seeking council for his troubles, Caden was presented with an intriguing idea; perhaps, the old Grand Master had told him, in his backward way of speaking, Caden was meant to be the one to see where no others could. Too often did people admire the gifts they were given, without considering all angles.

Seeking Acceptance

"You're taking the boy as your apprentice?"
"I am. He... reminds me a little of myself. Not a great deal, mind. But a little".
"Perhaps he'll remind you a lot more of yourself, when his training is complete".

- Jedi Master Shaak Ti, to Jedi Master Vei, 22 BBY

Growing into his early teens, Caden was still without a Master; most of the others he'd grown up with were now in the company of their own private mentor's, scouring the galaxy at the behest of the Senate and putting ends to disputes, helping the helpless, solving crimes.
His brother had been gone for a year, on a long-term engagement. Caden didn't know where, only that he hadn't been in contact since he'd left. Caden had taken to watching the Jedi come and go, personally analysing what he thought must be going through their heads based on their actions and words, resenting every one of them more and more because of it.
Then, to his utter surprise, he was approached one day by Jedi Master Ca'to Vei. Vei had long since passed Caden's attention as a Master who kept himself to himself, and thinking about it further, he began to realise why Vei might have taken an interest in him.

Not long after Caden had become the official Padawan of Ca'to Vei, the announcement came that the Republic had formed an army of Clones, and was launching an invasion on Geonosis. Vei, a little over-eager to begin training Caden in the field, opted to accompany the Jedi that were heading the operation at Geonosis. Caden was enthusiastic, longing to test his considerable lightsaber skills against real enemies; something his new Master became all too aware of, and regretfully informed the Council that he and Caden couldn't participate at Geonosis.
Dejected and frustrated, Caden sat out the battle of Geonosis, and it may have saved his life; of the two-hundred Jedi that travelled there, only a handful returned. Caden, confined to the Temple until he could learn restraint over his lust to fight, and acceptence of the ugliness of war, grew envious of the other Padawans. The need for more Jedi saw a sudden increase in Master-Apprentice relationships, and the Temple was all but deserted in comparison with its pre-war days.

Finally, the day came, almost two years into the war; Master Vei would be taking him to Saleucami, along with the 429th Battalion, to aid General Rahm Kota and his militia. Caden exercised a strong facade of control during the journey, belaying his own desire to express his impatience, keeping it deep down within himself.
Their brief time at Saleucami didn't go well; in the middle of an argument between Kota and Vei about the use of Clones in Kota's campaign, the Separatists attacked, and Caden found himself at odds with what to do; separated from his Master, he chose to take command of the squad of Clones that had survived the initial attack with him, and while the rest of the Battallion dealt directly with the advancing forces, Caden led an infiltration into the Separatist control bunker, ending the battle when he destroyed the signal relays controlling the droid forces.
After Saleucami, the Clone Wars became part of everyday life for Caden and his Master; they travelled the Outer Rim, holding command of the Venator-class cruiser 'Sunrider'. Master Vei even taught Caden the basics of the Jar'Kai fighting style, recognising his potential to transform his reverse-grip style into something more refined with the addition of a second lightsaber.

The only area that needed serious work was Caden's lack of discipline over his powers. As a child, it was expected that his technique would be sloppy, uncontrolled. Now that he was growing up, however, it was a cause for concern. While his raw displays of power were useful for clearing out masses of droids in the field, his lack of finesse was a troubling sign that Caden would never grasp the subtleties of the Force, or be able to control how he applied himself to delicate situations.
More worrying were his dreams and visions - if they could be differentiated - which manifested themselves around 'Sunrider' while the Padawan slept. Sleeping Clones would awaken, screaming. Objects would levitate, or crumple. Ships' systems would blink on and off, sometimes shorting out altogether.
They always ended with Vei rushing to Caden's quarters, to awaken the young boy; and without fail, Caden's lightsabers would be in his hands, activated.

Before Caden could be taught to control his powers properly, however, Order 66 was declared. Fighting their way from their cruiser, Caden and his master were seperated; he hadn't felt Vei's death through the Force, but amidst the confusion, he had no time to search for the erstwhile Jedi.
Battling Clones simply for the right to survive, he made it to his interceptor, blew a hole in the hangar doors, and escaped before the ships pilots could man their fighters to give chase.

Seeking Answers

"You came here as a misguided youth, to force from me anwers to that which you already know. Leave here my servant, bringer of justice and seeker of those that would usurp the Empire's stability".
- Emperor Palpatine to Apprentice Inquisitor Sturn, 17 BBY

Receiving a coded signal to first return to the Temple, then to stay away from it, Caden went with his gut and returned to Coruscant; not to answer the beacons original call, but to confront the newly-crowned Emperor Palpatine and force an explanation out of him.
Flying his interceptor right up to the Senate Rotunda's entrance, he found that his attire and visible lightsabers drew gasps and outrage from those he passed; his mere presence was enough to bring the Senate Guard down upon him, their force pikes stinging and shocking him wherever they touched. Fighting to the last, he was finally defeated; he hadn't even made it past the security gate.

Waking up almost 6 weeks later in a laboratory, Caden felt he no longer knew himself. Those few he'd once professed to love, he could no longer bear the thought of. The Jedi Knights he'd resented for their successes, who he'd secretly wished to be like, he abhorred and reviled.
The mere thought of his brother, his perfect, Jedi Knight brother... made him explode from his restraints and crush every droid and trooper in the ward.
The Jedi had brought upon themselves their own destruction, and he'd had everything torn from him because of them. Because of their unwillingness to listen or compromise, they'd become too corrupt, attempting to seize power from the Republic. Thankfully, the Clones and the mysterious Darth Vader had been on hand to end the insurrection before it had really begun. How he knew this, he didn't know; not until his captors came to take him away from the facility, whisking him away to their shuttle, and then their fortress on Prakith.
He'd been monitored for six weeks, and flash-learning had been administered to keep him up-to-date on recent events dating back to the end of the war. He understood now, that he wasn't being held prisoner. He'd been recognised as a talent not worth wasting, someone who could be of use to the Empire.
Finally, he could put his aggression, his rage, and his untamed power to use. No longer would he have to submit to fearful sages, keep himself in check, his opinions voiced but not heard. Now, he represented the general concensus, one of many devoted to ensuring the galaxy would never again be subjected to the ministrations of power-hungry Jedi.

His training went well; no longer hindered, but rather encouraged, he stormed through his apprenticeship. His final test was to travel to a designated spot on Saleucami - the place where he'd fought his first battle - where he'd be confronted with two prisoners. Both were bound and gagged, both wore trappings similar to those of recent insurgencies discovered in the Outer Rim.
He'd been told one was a Jedi, but he wasn't allowed to physically examine either. Both radiated a stoic defiance; both fell to his blades. He couldn't abide their self-righteous indignation.
Caden later was told that neither man had been a Jedi, but both had been caught attempting to sabotage Imperial operations in the Outer Rim. That he'd executed both men on the off-chance that one of them was a Jedi was a sign of progression that the Inquisitorius had been looking for. He was presented to the Emperor, a day Caden would long remember as one of the most eerie and yet proud moments of his life.

What had began as a suicidal attempt to drive answers out of the Emperor had ended with Caden becoming something worthy of his distinctions. He'd known all along why the Emperor had done what he'd done; to end the war, and secure the peace and unity of the galaxy for millennia to come, he'd had to eliminate the warmongering, power-mad Jedi. Unfortunately, some remained at large. Of those few, even fewer could be turned, but it would be Caden's job to identify those that could, and kill the rest.
Luckily for him, he'd spent a long time memorising the names, faces, and minds of his peers; his job would be made far easier by that fact.

Seeking Justice

"Do you believe this... boy is capable of such a feat?"
"My Lord, he is unhinged, barely controllable... but there is an innocence about him. He is not like the other Inquisitors, in body or mind. I have faith in his abilities to get this done".
"Be it on your head if he fails, Grand Inquisitor."
- Emperor Palpatine and the Grand Inquisitor, discussing Caden's future, 10 BBY

As an Inquisitor, Caden was dispatched not only to find Jedi, but to settle matters of Imperial Intelligence that required his abilities. Before long, however, his powers were being used for the sole purpose of rooting out Jedi and their sympathisers. He had a knack for prophecy, albeit erratic, which was exploited to divine the locations of Jedi fugitives. Eventually, the young Inquisitor began to guard his visions, keeping their confusing details to himself, rather than allow others to grow favourable in his stead.

His ventures took him to the Outer Rim, where he scoured the spacelanes for months, cramped onboard his new VT-49 Decimator with his assigned droid co-pilot, LT-318 (referred to as El-Tee for short). The droid had been upgraded beyond its usual parameters, and over time, Caden began to think of it less as a utility and more as a companion. Despite this, though, he knew he must remain on guard, for the Inquisitorius had more than certainly placed the droid in his care to report any incursions or unusual activity, as well as his progress.
The visons continued coming, intense and confusing as ever. He refrained from sleep, owing to the unusual disturbances on the ship which occurred whenever he did; one time, the intensity of his visions caused him to inadvertently blow out a Hyperdrive motor, and he and the droid spent four days repairing the ship and trying to determine where they'd ejected into realspace.
After repairing the ship, Caden was graced with a transmission from the Grand Inquisitor; the head of his order had devised a plan, alongside Emperor Palpatine, for rooting out and exposing Jedi and their rebellious sympathisers, and it required a great deal of deception on his behalf. Caden never questioned why the task had been given to him, and accepted without question, understanding the consequences it would entail.

Not long after, Caden received visions of a world covered in fungus, where he was either to meet his demise or fulfil the next stage of his mission. Uncertainty clouded him, even as he ordered El-Tee to take them to Felucia.
Coming out of hyperspace, the gravity of his mission began to weigh upon him, and it wasn't with a clear mind that he set out to confront the strong Force presence he sensed on the fungus world.
After a harrowing journey, he came across the Jedi's hideaway, and after defeating his traps, confronted the old man directly. Rather than a hostile exchange, however, Caden was invited to sit and eat with the Jedi, something he found odd, but complied with nevertheless. Over the duration of the short meal and strained conversation that followed, Caden realised the man, Castor Vax, was no threat at all to the Empire. He wanted a simple life, with no disturbance, and a place to call home for the rest of his days.
Torn over what to do, Caden told Castor to leave, promising he'd declare the Jedi dead to ensure he wasn't followed. Unfortunately, El-Tee arrived on the scene, armed and with the announcement that he'd forwarded Caden's betrayal to the Inquisitorius.

Caden was dumbfounded; the droid wasn't supposed to have acted so quickly, should have instead waited for the agreed upon signal. Evidently, someone who outranked Caden had pushed the plan forward, and without thinking, he blasted El-Tee with Force lightning, disabling the droid from further surveillance. Things were happening too fast, events spiralling out of control quicker than he could assimilate them. His only course was to go through with the plan, improvising until he could form a solid strategy.
Leaving Felucia fast, he contacted the Grand Inquisitor, who seemed unaware but pleased that the mission was going ahead. He warned Caden, despite the younger man's foresight, that he'd be hunted by the Empire, and that no man other than himself, Caden, and the Emperor could know of the plan. Conflicted and feeling abandoned to the universe before he'd had time to prepare, he agreed to meet Castor Vax at Nar Shaddaa, where they'd seek assistance to begin finding Jedi and other sympathetic souls to join their cause...

<<More to come>>

Caden Sturn
Former Inquisitor - Fugitive
Imperial Inquisition Ace Pilot

Message edited by Caden_Sturn - Tuesday, 16 Nov 2010, 6:32 AM
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