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Taynin Halenthar
Taynin_HalentharDate: Friday, 29 Oct 2010, 7:01 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 1
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline

Personal Information

Name: Taynin Halenthar
Age: 32
Weight: 230 lbs.
Height: 6.2 feet
Species: Human

Homeworld: Corellia
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: None

Affiliation[s]: Former CorSec Lieutenant, of the Smuggling Interdiction Division.
Leader of “The Irregulars” rebel group.
Alignment: Rebel
Assets: x1 stock YT-2400 Light Freighter, x1 CDEF Carbine, x1 CDEF Pistol (Group assets and numbers, for reference: 20 civilians, 6 combatants, 2 armed land speeders, 5 building village with an attached farm and a small armory filled with basic weaponry.)

Background & Description

Taynin was born into an old fashioned isolationist Corellian family, whom had a long running tradition of service in CorSec, like many other Corellian families. Naturally, Taynin aspired to become a CorSec operative from an early age. While most kids were inside on the HoloNet, he was outside pretending to be a CorSec detective and attempting to assail those he saw as criminals, which more often than not resulted in him receiving a thorough beating. Of course, this had no impact on his ambitions and continued on into his early teen years.

At the age of 17, just before his 18th birthday, Taynin prepared to enter the CorSec Academy. Though it would seem a fortuitous time for the young man, he was temporarily grief stricken by the gruesome death of his parents in an attempted robbery of their home. The stubborn conviction of the parents was inevitably their downfall; they refused to give anything to the thugs and were, as a result, murdered and subsequently robbed of all the belongings inside of their home. A man of less fortitude would have abandoned his goals and gone on a vengeful spree, but not Taynin. This was the ammunition he needed, whether or not he knew it, to become the great detective he had dreamt of being as a child.

By the age of 26 Taynin was established in his career as a detective within the Smuggling Interdiction Division of CorSec and was noted for his successful record. He was assigned to a cell of the SID which worked in the field as undercover operatives, provided intel reports and effectively stopped millions of credits worth of drug and contraband smuggling. Two years would pass before Taynin would request a more direct position. He was promoted to Sergeant and assigned to a squadron that cooperated with the Special Operations Division of CorSec in raiding criminal strongholds that were involved with smuggling.

At 30, Taynin had achieved the rank of Lieutenant and found himself working inside of the office regularly, much to his dissatisfaction. The only field work he did receive was assisting in minor investigations or making contact with informants. One thing good came of working in the office, he found, was a young woman by the name of Natasha who he worked with often. Several dull months passed until he and Natasha became romantically involved and decided to move in together 3 months after.

When it became obvious to Taynin that CorSec had no intention of resisting the Galactic Empire, he began to have doubts about staying and spent some time contemplating his future. When rumors of rebellion started spreading on the streets, Taynin couldn’t help but consider it as an option. Though he had never really cared for politics, he felt compelled to fight what he saw as wrong and protect innocent people at virtually every given opportunity and, in conclusion to his contemplation, decided to leave CorSec.

His first order of business was to try and take what he could from CorSec to assist in his venture of forming a group of rebels. Fortunately, he had access to almost everything at CorSec, including their databases and warehouses. Taynin used his connections to get in touch with several likeminded informants who were forced to work for CorSec or be arrested and were looking for a way out for them and their families. They understood the risks as well as Taynin did, but devoting their lives to a righteous cause was, obviously, better than a life of reluctant servitude.

Again using what connections he had within CorSec he secured a small and remote rural village that was made derelict by a CorSec Spec Ops raid he himself had attended. Additionally, he had two confiscated Seraph-class urban land speeders as well as a small cache of weapons removed from the warehouse and shipped to the edge of CoroNet by the informants he had turned. To cover his tracks, he covered all of theirs and their families names in red tape and virtually erased the existence of the village and two land speeders they attained from the CorSec database. There was only one thing left to do before they could leave the city and CorSec behind them.

Taynin loved Natasha but he came to live with the fact that he couldn’t completely trust her, there were too many loose ends and she could jeopardize all the work he’d put in to this. After all, both of her parents and her siblings were members of CorSec and he couldn’t convince himself to believe that she would leave her family and her life’s work to join his cause. The discussion was brief and concise; He explained that he no longer had feelings for her and that he would be going off planet for a very long time and that it was entirely possible he would never be coming back. As much as it pained him to say these things, he was a realistic man and knew there was no other option at this point. Naturally, she was not so rational about the situation and Taynin left their apartment, and CoroNet, with a sore cheek.

Now, 32 years old, Taynin and his associates live in the aforementioned village on Corellia, which has become a self-sustaining, albeit small, community of 26 people, 6 of which are rebels with the rest being family members and non-combatant supporters (e.g., medical staff and farmers that tend to the fields adjacent to the village). Though they have small amounts of food to sell, they’re severely under funded and lack the numbers and equipment to make a significant difference. They continue to search for more supporters and other cells of the rebellion.

Message edited by Taynin_Halenthar - Saturday, 30 Oct 2010, 8:55 AM
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