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Aaron_RawlsDate: Monday, 01 Nov 2010, 1:49 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
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"You will never love a woman the way I love this ship." (Rawls)

Name: "Aphelion"
Alias(s): "Afternoon Delight," "Courtesan"
Home Port: Atzerri (also licensed fraudulently on Brentaal)
Designation: SSP, Independent

Commissioned: 51 BBY
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Model: Modified Consular-class Space Cruiser
Class: Space Cruiser

Length: 115 Meters
Maximum Acceleration: 2,040 G
Maximum Speed (atmosphere): 900 km/h
Propulsion: 3 Dyne 577 Radial Atomizer Engines
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 0.8 (Backup: 2.0)
Hyperdrive System: GBK-785 Motivator Drive Unit (Backup: Longe Voltrans Tri-Arc CD-3.2)

Navigation: Microaxial LPL-449 Computer System
Flight Control System: Torplex RQ9.X Advanced Flight Control Avionics Package
Sensor Systems: Fabritech ANS-7H Unit w/ Phased Detected Array (PA-9R) and Primary Threat Analysis Grid (PG-7U)

Shielding: Equipped
Armament: 2 RG12 Medium Turbolaser Cannons (ventral mounted, fire linked), 1 Improvised "Ion Bomb" (in cargo hold)
Accuracy: Poor

Complement: None
Escape Craft: Salon Pod, 2 Consular Escape Pods
Current Crew: Aaron Rawls (Captain), Percy Windsor (Pilot), Davon Vanden (Navigator), Leroy Ransom (Gunner), Mara Antares (Public Relations), Norrick Doohan (Mechanic/Engineer)
Accomodation: 12 Passengers
Cargo Capacity: 300 Metric Tons
Consumables: 18 Months

Like many vessels of its class, the Aphelion began its career in service to the Old Republic. Contemporary records (which are, admittedly, incomplete) indicate that it was assigned to the Diplomatic Corps for seven years, from its construction and commissioning in 51 BBY until 44 BBY, when it was pressed into service in the Stark Hyperspace War. It was then transferred to the Judicial Forces, and participated in a number of police actions and regional disputes, among them the Kol Huro Conflict (44 BBY) and the Yinchorri Uprising (33 BBY). The vessel had three respective Captains throughout this period.

The Aphelion was eventually relegated to patrol and escort missions on the Outer Rim when, in 25 BBY, it was requisitioned by Senator Arcel Mosbree for use as his personal transport (primarily shuttling the Senator between Coruscant and Brentaal, on official business). The Senator retired in 22 BBY, and with the sudden commencement of the Clone Wars and the Republic's shortage of vessels, the Aphelion was refitted for combat and again pressed into military service. The ship would see action early in the war, at Commenor, Balmorra, Muunilinst and elsewhere, but it was soon rendered obsolete by the new generation of Republic cruisers, frigates and destroyers.

With one of its engines destroyed, the Aphelion was deemed too expensive to repair; its armaments and amenities were removed, and it sat out the rest of the war on a reserve lot on Ord Radama. There it remained until 16 BBY, when the Empire (which had since replaced the Old Republic) sold many of its derelict, surplus vessels to businesses at discounted prices. Aphelion was 36 years old, rusted and lame, when it was sold to the Cosmohaul Shipping Company for a mere 45,000 credits. The ship was rewired, repainted, and restored; its damaged engine was replaced, its antiquated sensors and navigation systems were updated, and in 15 BBY, it flew under its own power again for the first time in half a decade.

Cosmohaul's fortunes would soon change, however, as much of the shipping industry (which had benefited from the collapse of the Trade Federation) was now driven out of business by organized competition from the likes of Ororo Transportation and Xizor Transport Systems. Cosmohaul declared bankruptcy in 14 BBY and its freighter fleet was seized and auctioned. Aphelion was sold to a group of refugees from the war—pacifists, all of them—who had pooled their money and bought the vessel to fly themselves and their families to the secluded Draenell's Point, where they would establish a settlement.

Aphelion was used by these settlers for transport of supplies (and even crop dusting, briefly) until it eventually fell into disuse. Aaron Rawls came upon the ship on a visit to Draenell's Point in 13 BBY and bought it for 5,000 credits and his boots, on the condition that he would "put her to noble use." Rawls agreed, and immediately after departing the planet began modifying the ship for smuggling. He renovated the ship's cargo hold, expanding it and installing false walls and panels to conceal hidden compartments within. He replaced the nav-computer, rigged several false transponders to fool authorities, gutted the hyperdrive and replaced it with a faster one, and installed a sophisticated cooling system that allows him to push its engines harder and faster than they were ever designed to go.

Rawls has owned the ship for the last 3 years. Now, in 10 BBY, he will admit that despite his modifications, Aphelion remains "a work in progress"; progress often undone by the battles and maneuvers that Rawls subjects the ship to. Regardless, he has developed an affection for the vessel not only as his home, but in many ways as a companion that he knows will give its best and never betray him.

Layout (see schematics, below):
The Aphelion is comprised of decks 1 to 4, connected by a central turbolift, with 1 being the "bottom deck" and 4 the "top deck." The entry ramp enters upon deck 1, which houses the cargo bay (the bay also opens from beneath). Deck 2 contains most of the common quarters; a dining room, galley, Captain's and crew quarters, as well as a droid hold (empty) and library (empty but for a few starcharts). The salon pod is also accessed from here. Deck 3 consists of the "upper staterooms" for use by passengers and often the crew as well, and Deck 4 houses the bridge, communications and navigations consoles, etc. The turbolift that connects these floors is frequently broken down, however; when it is, the doors are open and the turbolift shaft functions as a ladder well.

The Cargo Bay:
Aphelion's cargo bay was expanded by Rawls as part of his renovations to the ship. Typical of smuggling vessels, it has a number of hidden storage compartments in the floor and even a "false wall" to conceal the full size of the cargo bay. In addition to cargo, however, the bay also contains items that Aphelion and its crew have collected in their travels; the "head" of an AT-RT walker, for instance, and, concealed under a tarp in the back of the cargo bay, an ion bomb that Doohan, the mechanic, has put together. The cargo bay is also home to Doohan's assortment of mechanical and electrical components, tools, wiring, and so on. When the Aphelion is landed on a populous world, Doohan has been known to open the cargo bay to the public as a junk shop. In addition to these, the bay also has a small crane to lift cargo and a bailer to break down crates, boxes, etc.

The Salon Pod:
The ship's salon pod was designed for diplomats and other passengers to have conferences. This being of no use to a crew of smugglers, the pod has instead been converted into Aphelion's armory (with only one door in and out, and the ability of the pod to detach from the rest of the ship in an emergency, it is also an ideal place to make a "last stand" against hostile boarding parties, should the need arise). Here, crates of blasters, munitions, and ammunition can be found along with a supply of food and water in the event that detaching from the ship does become necessary. The salon pod can comfortably accomodate 4 passengers and their belongings.

The Refresher:
Not including the salon pod, which is usually locked, there is one refresher on the ship, located on Deck 2. The shower in this refresher has approximately 5 minutes of hot water before it becomes as cold as space, a fact that, for entertainment value, Rawls regularly neglects to mention to his passengers.

Aaron Rawls
Captain of the Aphelion
Smuggler, Scoundrel (occasional "Baron")

Message edited by Aaron_Rawls - Monday, 01 Nov 2010, 1:53 AM
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