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Senator Hubert Ordan
Senator_OrdanDate: Tuesday, 09 Nov 2010, 2:23 PM | Message # 1
Lieutenant general
Group: Users
Messages: 633
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Full Name: Hubert Heraclius Quentin Ordan
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Age: 43
Residence: Anaxes
Birthplace: Bitter End, Vjun (A Sire of a Prominent Azure-Sector/Vjunite family), Emigrated to Anaxes aged 2.
Known Affiliation: Galactic Empire, Anaxes
Profession: Senator, Industrialist, Lawyer
Martial Arts: Tai Chi
Organizational Membership: Imperial Senate (8 years), Azure Durasteel (Non-Executive Director, Majority Shareholder), Azure Sector Council, Anaxes Chamber of Commerce, COMPNOR, Imperial Trade Bureau, Anaxes Bar Society.
Qualifications: LLm Law (University of the Core Worlds, Anaxes)


Born in the tense period building up to the Clone Wars, Ordan was born as the second son to Lady Hettia Malreux-Mecetti of Vjun and Baron Philip Ordan of Anaxes, at his birth he was quickly relocated from the Outer Rim and to a safe home on Anaxes. As the second son he did not inherit titles, but was lucky enough to receive a good education and become a fully qualified Lawyer young in his life (a man of such noble birth would, however, never deem it appropriate to actually practice this profession.

Baron Ordan then discussed with his son several options, His son was of course not to inherit the family estates, however, it could be arranged that Ordan might be bequested a sizeable share of Azure Durasteel (one of his fathers corporations) in order that he be able to sustain himself in the manner in which he had become accustomed to.

The young Hubert was pleased to accept this offer from his father, and threw himself into his endeavours with Azure Durasteel, securing large (but frankly myterious) contracts for the company with Rothana Heavy Engineering, to provide them with huge quantities of Durasteel in the years prior to the Clone Wars. At the opening of the Clone Wars, Azure Durasteel was amongst the corporations which lobbied heavily for the introduction of a standing military for the Republic, and after some indirect words in a meeting with Chancellor Palpatine, he assured that certain senators had their palms crossed with silver.

Finally, his blessed life was to end as disaster struck; his parents were taking their Yacht to Vjun to collect the meagre annual rent from that world (as was their Feudal duty), they were accosted by separatist bandits en-route. Their richly made shuttle was no match for the Separatist's brutally designed vessels and thus Ordan lost his parents to a hull breach, minutes before members of the Republic Fleet arrived.

Leaving his companions to take over his active role at Azure Durasteel (as the share price waxed due to increased demand), he entered the Imperial Navy, bringing with him a pair of Venator-class vessels, funded by his family's fortune, naming them for his parents, the "Hettia" and the "Philip". These vessels became part of the Republic Navy's Azure Sector Rapid Reaction Squadron, and the now Commodore Ordan saw much combat in this unit, helping rid and secure the Core from the Separatist forces and individual vessels which afflicted it.

At the execution of Order 66, Ordan's vessels were cut off due to patroling in pursuit of a Separatist Cruiser, during the order's execution, their Jedi Officer (an older Jedi Knight) suffered a severe stroke (likely due to the cry in the force of the dying Jedi). Upon return to the Anaxes System, and discovery of Order 66, Ordan did not hesitate, striding into the room of the Jedi, putting his hand on his pistol holster, and commanding that the Medical Crew took the alive (but severely disabled) Jedi to the proper authorities in the Docks at Anaxes, he was never seen again.

After this, and for distinguished conduct in the Clone Wars, Ordan was promoted to Systems Admiral, and made responsible for the Imperial Base at Anaxes and its defences. Not being a man who had thought a great deal about politics, he thought little of the transition to an Empire. Merely considering it to be a more efficient system, under Palpatine, who from his meetings, was a man who would always keep Azure Steel in work.

At around the same time, Azure Durasteel also began to receive extensive contracts from the Galactic Empire, to provide hitherto unheard of quantities of Durasteel at very competetive prices. This contract helped see Azure Durasteel through the slump after the end of the Clone Wars in metals manufacture, and the Corporation (as a loyal ally of the Empire) was able to purchase several subsidiary organizations (such as Mensix Corp) in order to help it satisfy the Empire's increasing requirement for metals.

Ordan having served for many years, he resigned from the Imperial Navy, as a decorated officer a year after the Clone War's end, resuming his business life, and entering the world of COMPNOR, making many after-dinner speeches in favour of the Empire, and its leader, Palpatine. Ordan's Charisma and honesty, in addition with his aristocratic background, helped soothe many raised hackles in the Core Families after the rise of the New Order.

Having been making speeches for COMPNOR and working part time in the Anaxes Chamber of Commerce (having retired to a non-exec position at Azure Durasteel), he received a message from the Grand Vizier, that if he wished, he would have the Throne's Endorsement as the Imperial Party Senatorial Candidate on Anaxes. And naturally, wishing a life of comfort in a luxurious penthouse of some glittering arcology, he accepted.

Within the Senate he quickly established himself as a loyal ally of the Chair and the strongly loyal pro-Imperial factions in the Senate, taking time to debate and participate in many economic and trade debates, all the while seeing to it that he subtly steered events in a direction that would benefit his major asset, Azure Durasteel. In his spare time the Senator began to pursue scholarly paths, immersing himself deep within his library, reading scholarly texts many afternoons, only to participate in the high-society on Coruscant (as was his birthright).

Occasionally he issued papers in support of the Empire's agenda for Stability and Security, having resolved that these were the two most important things for the Empire. He also took some further work from COMPNOR, making several after-dinner speeches at COMPNOR gatherings and families prominent in the core. Notably he also helped highlight and bring to the attention several who were in their words of behaviour deviant from the Imperial Norm.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle

Message edited by Senator_Ordan - Tuesday, 09 Nov 2010, 2:25 PM
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