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Milliardo Peacecraft
Milliardo_PeacecraftDate: Friday, 12 Nov 2010, 2:13 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 10
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline

Name: Milliardo Peacecraft

Age: 38

Weight: 195lbs

Height: 6’1

Place of Birth: Naboo

Titles: Doctor

Siblings: Two younger sisters
Havana- 20 (died in a speeder accident)
Loiti- 15 (Missing since the Clone Wars)

One younger brother
Ares: 25 (missing since the Clone Wars)

Spouse: Nitla (Died during childbirth)

Children: Divd (Died during birth)

Head of Pediatrics at The University of Garos Hospital
Advisor to the UGH Board of Trustees
Advisor to Queen Ja’nar Cerra of Garos IV
Represenative to the Imperial Senate for Garos IV
Professor of Medicine, University of Garos
Volunteer, Free Clinics on the Imperial Center and Garos IV

Bad Habits: constant hand washing

Police Record: Clean

Milliardo was born into a well off upper class family of slight noble blood on Naboo. His family had always lived within the family estate just outside of the capital of Theed. Milliardo attended school within the capital city and graduated the top of his class. After he graduated, Milliardo was accepted to the University of Garos, where he studied Medicine.

After returning to Naboo as a doctor he fell in love with the beautiful Nitla, a childhood friend and a friend of the Peacecraft family. Milliardo showered her in gifts, like any man who was head over heels for a woman would and asked her to marry him. The ceremony was small yet beautiful held on their home planet of Naboo with both families in attendance. It was truly a beautiful and happy event. Though the happiness would not remain. No more than three days after the ceremony both Milliardo’s father and mother were found dead in their bed. The cause of death is still a mystery. After their deaths, Milliardo became responsible for his younger sisters and brother.

Milliardo soon got a position in an ER in Theed and was slowly working his way up the ranks when one day when he was on the floor, he saw something he never wanted too. A young woman was brought in, having been in a horrific speeder accident, two other victims were pronounced dead at the scene. His heart stopped as he looked into the face of his little sister, Havana. She died hours later in surgery. Milliardo never quite got over not being able to save his sister, but his skills as a doctor would only improve over the years.

Nitla would become pregnant with their first child and Milliardo could not have been happier. His life was starting to fall back into place so it seemed. But it wasn’t meant to last. Both Nitla, and their son, Divd, died during the birth process. Milliardo was hearted broken and thought of giving up medicine all together. He had lost three of the most important people in his life because he had not been good enough. He would leave Naboo behind and travel back to Garos IV.

Milliardo was almost back at the beginning working at the University’s hospital once again, only this time he was truly a doctor. Things were going well, until the Regent King Roan Cerra, was in need of a doctor. Roan had heard that Milliardo was a very talent and up and coming doctor on Garos. Roan also heard he was young and would more than likely go with what the ruler would ask him to do. The events that followed would change Milliardo’s life forever, though he wouldn’t not realize it at the time. Roan needed a doctor, someone he could buy off, someone he could manipulate into performing a procedure on his niece, Ja’nar. Milliardo was called to the royal palace, where he was escorted into the large throne room. It was there that he was given a choice, he could either perform an abortion for the young princess of be blacklisted and never be able to practice medicine again. Now Milliardo was a smart young man, he knew this man would blacklist him if he had a chance, but Milliardo was also very interested on why the princess, who most had not seen in at least a year, had been up to. Milliardo had no choice but to accept.

It was that moment that his life changed, he saw the young woman, dosed up on the gods know how many drugs, most of them were turn out to be illegal and made into little more than a toy. Milliardo performed the abortion, like he had been asked too, but he often wondered, even today, who’s child it was that the princess had become pregnant with. Though he had a fairly good feeling on who it had belonged to.

A few months later Milliardo and Ja’nar’s paths would cross again. He had found a way to get into contact with a man who could help the princess and she was brought to him for safe keeping before she could be whisked off planet. It was during this time, that Ja’nar developed a deep trust in Milliardo that would contact the two for the rest of their lives. Milliardo often looked to her as a friend and treated her like a younger sister, like one of them that he had lost.

The years would pass and the friendship only grew, soon Milliardo was part of Ja’nar’s inner circle and got all the perks of being the friend to a Queen. He was still holding down many jobs, but oddly enough was paid for none of them. Everything he would have been paid went into a fund to build a new wing to the University of Garos Hospital, a children’s wing. He is currently acting as Representative for the planet when Ja’nar is called away, and is teaching at the university hoping to impact the future of the planet and the medical profession.

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