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Kal Thanatos
KalThanatosDate: Tuesday, 30 Nov 2010, 9:12 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 189
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline

[ T h e B a s i c s ]

[ Name ] Kal Thanatos
[ Age ] 28
[ Born ] 38.2 BBY
[ Race ] Human / Kiffar
[ Occupation ] Inquisitor
[ Current Location ] Unknown
[ Alignment ] Chaotic - Neutral
[ Allegiance ] Galactic Empire
[ Language(s) ] Galactic Basic (Though can understand almost any, using Force Comprehend Speech)

[ T h e A n a t o m y ]

[ Gender ] Male
[ Height ] 6'4"
[ Weight ] 217 Lbs
[ Hair ] Medium Length, Black
[ Eye Color ] Blue
[ Physical Condition ] Muscular

[ T h e C h a r a c t e r ]
[ Place of Birth ] Kiffu
[ Marital Status ] Married
[ Sexual Orientation ] Straight - Heterosexual
[ Force Sensitivity ] Yes
[ Force Level ] Dark Jedi Master
[ Family ]
+ Immediate Family +
- Wife - Ilanah Thanatos
- Son(s) - Caden Thanatos
- Daughter(s) - ~
- Father - Jor Thantos
- Mother - Olivia Phearson
- Brother(s) - Lev Thanatos, Aiden Thanatos
- Sister(s) - Nara Thanatos

[ T h e B a t t l e I n f o ]

[ Items ] Utility Belt - Comlink - Datapad - Grappling Spike Launcher - Medikit
[ Special Abilities/ Skills ] Psychometry
[ Lightsaber Combat Forms ]
[ Form I ] - Shii-Cho: Mastered
[ Form II ] - Makashi: Mastered
[ Form III ] - Soresu: Adept
[ Form IV ] - Ataru: Adept
[ Form V ] - Shien / Djem So: Mastered
[ Form VI ] - Niman: Mastered
[ Form VII ] - Vaapad: Adept

[ T h e F o r c e ]

[ Control Powers ]
- Force Breath Control
- Force Speed
- Force Healing
- Cure Disease
- Force Concealment

[ Sense Powers ]
- Force Sense
- Force Listening
- Force Telepathy
- Magnify Senses
- Force Comprehend Speech

[ Alter Powers ]
- Force Jump
- Force Lightning
- Force Pull/Push/Throw/Blast/Repulse
- Force Persuasion
- Force Blinding
- Mind Trick/Force Fear/Force Insanity
- Telekinesis/Choke/Grip/Crush

[ T h e W e a p o n s ]

[ First Weapon ] Standard Lightsaber
- Belt Ring - Clasp to belts
- Pressure Sensor
- Primary Crystal - 1x Red Crystal
- Bifurcating Cyclical - Ignition Pulse

[ Second Weapon ] Standard Lightsaber
- Belt Ring - Clasp to belts
- Pressure Sensor
- Primary Crystal - 1x Blue Crystal

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron

Message edited by KalThanatos - Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 7:06 PM
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