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Sriana Sdratyn
Sriana_SdratynDate: Thursday, 27 Jan 2011, 7:21 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 2
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline

Sriana Sdratyn
Age: 32
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: Human
Birthplace: Alderaan
Station: Civilian
Occupation: Restaurant Owner
Assets: (A) The Golden Crescent- restaurant and bar, (B) Blue Moon- ship

Name: The Golden Crescent
Place of Residence: Coruscant
Class: Upper Tier, Black Tie
Avg. Cost Per Plate: 65credits

Name: Blue Moon
VCX-700 heavy courier
Class: Light freighter
Hyperdrive rating: Class 1, Backup Class 12

Dual laser cannon turret (1)
Light ion cannons (4)
Autoblaster (1)
Concussion missile launchers (4) [2 missiles each]

Crew: Pilot (1), Gunners (4)
Passengers: 6

Father: Aldan Sdratyn (deceased)
Mother: Ferran Lila-Sdratyn (deceased)
Brother: Dresai Sdratyn (deceased)
Husband: Marcus (presumed dead due to unexplained disappearance 5 years prior)
Children: None

Professional Medical Training
Management and Business experience
Flight training and experience (through flight training academy)

Force Sense: Active, tapped, but ultimately untrained (registers as gray to force sensitives)

Leanings: Neutral; Rebel and Jedi sympathizer, but cooperative with the Empire

Background: Sometimes personal fortune isn’t enough. That was certainly the case for Sriana in her late teens. While away from her homeworld of Alderaan and studying at an off-world flight academy, Sriana’s parents and brother were murdered in their home. Sriana herself was suspect, as the sole family member absent at the time, but due to a lack of evidence she was pronounced innocent and the case was dropped. In the process, however, further investigation also came to a screeching halt.

Ms. Sdratyn moved on and, in subsequent years, took up a career shuttling travelers from place to place. She met a number of dignitaries and military officials, but having never sought out fame did little more than keep in contact. After losing a number of close friends through the years, Sriana abandoned her job as pilot and sequestered herself in Mos Eisley, working at a small bar she purchased not long after settling. And life was good to her on Tatooine, until the disappearance of her new husband, a rogue, or gray, Jedi named Marcus.

The brief sparks of awareness that can characterize Force sensitive individuals were brought to her attention by her husband, and he pursued teaching her in small bits about the Force. But when he disappeared, the lessons went stagnant, to be picked up again by a dark duo who took her from the rim and toward Coruscant. Through battling her emotions, her past and anger brought on by these dark mentors, Sriana became a stronger individual – in the sense that she was set against pursuing the power and sense of control the dark side could offer. When she was helped by a group of Force-trained friends, some Jedi, to escape, it was no wonder she decided on Coruscant - a busy, ever-active metropolis of potential.

Coruscant now houses Ms. Sdratyn’s newest venture, a pretty piece of property, restaurant & bar, called The Golden Crescent. Just for kicks, she held onto her ship and takes on the occasional job. She lays low and hasn’t followed up her lessons in the Force, but once in a while Sriana deals with a situation that challenges her decision to remain Neutral in the midst of a progressively evil Empire.

Message edited by Sriana_Sdratyn - Thursday, 27 Jan 2011, 7:36 PM
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