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Baron Anthony Park
Emperor_ParkDate: Saturday, 12 Mar 2011, 2:31 AM | Message # 1
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Baron Anthony Park
"Long Live the King!" - Anthony Park at the Coronation of King Deralius

Name: Anthony Vanicus Park

Alias: "The Hydra", "The Gentleman of the Spacelanes" "The Knight of the Spacelanes"

Age: 38

Height: 182.88 centimeters (6'0")

Weight: 90.71 kilograms (200 lbs.)

Hair: Black, with grey

Eyes: Brown

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Affiliation: King Deralius 19th, Deralia

Education: Agoge Academy (Primary and Secondary School), Raithal Military Academy, University of the Core Worlds (Majored in Blasterology)

Birthplace: Mithra, Deralia

Residence: Park Hall, Nevar Belt

Blood Type: O+

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Widowed

Distinguishing Marks: Duelling Scar on cheek.

Address: The Right Honourable Sir Anthony Park, Baron Nevar, Count of Druro &c

Coat of Arms: A field of sable.

Known Jewelry/Body Piercings: Family signet ring on right ring finger, wedding band on left ring finger

Personality: Believing in the ways of his people, family, and the Empire, Anthony is one of the most loyal people you'll ever meet. Despite that, he is usually untrusting of anyone but a family member or his King. He is always thinking of new strategies and tactics to use against his enemies, and is always manouvres and upgrades to his ship. He won't back away from a fight that he started, and finish it to the end. He is well known for unorthodox command style, acting as a mentor, father figure, brother, and friend to all of those under his command. He has been known to eschew the officers mess to share a table with the Engineers and fitters on his flight deck, enjoying their company despite their lower social status, this has gained him widespread respect amongst his crew. He is also known to be an adherant to a moderate sect of the Deralian religion mainly venerating the King of the Gods.


Location of Enlistment: Imperial Recruit Station Deralia (Then Republic)

Rank: Captain, Republic Navy. Commander, Imperial Navy.

Branch: None

Command: None

Unit: None

Position: None

Awards: Emperor's Will Medal, Imperial Medal of Honor, Imperial Medal of Valor, Order of the Emperor’s Seal, Distinguished Service Medal, Imperial Cross, Imperial Seal, Imperial Gold Star, Imperial Silver Star [2], Imperial Bronze Star [3], Obsidian Crescent [4], Imperial Medal of Unity, Imperial Medal of Expansion, Imperial Navy Cross, Navy Betterment Award, Imperial Defense Award, Battle Efficiency Award, Imperial Security Agent Certification Ribbon, Imperial Intelligence Agent Certification Ribbon, COMPNOR Membership Ribbon, Duty Bar-4 Years, Academy Basic Graduate-Honors, Deralian Star of the Grand Cross of the War Cross, Deralian Knight Medal, Deralian Cross, Deralian Military Honor Roll Clasp, Tammuz Sector award for Heroic Service to the Sector, Outer Rim Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence (2), Sexiest Man in the Galaxy (19BBY, 18BBY, 15BBY), Chrono Magazine Man of the Year (13BY), Honorary Doctorate in Pirate Management (Raithal Academy), Starship Magazine's "Techie of the year" (15BBY), Also, over 100 Decorations from Planets throughout the Galaxy, made Count of Druro (Malastare) and Grand Knight of the Ancient and Worshipful Guild of Shipwrights.

Campaigns: Kamino, Maramere, Boz Pity, Belderone, Coruscant, Felucia, Utapau

Training Certifications: Alpha-class Nimbus-3 V-Wing Starfighter, Eta-2 Actic-class Lighter Interceptor, ARC-170 Starfighter, T.I.E. Fighter, TIE Fighter, Lambda Shuttle, Sentinal Landing Craft, Skipray Blastboat, R-22 Spearhead, X-Wing, Y-Wing, Cloakshape, Z-95 Headhunter.

Classification: Top Ace, 1st Class

MOS: Combat Fighter Pilot, SpecOps Commando, Starfighter Breifing Officer, Weapons Officer, Capital Command Officer, Fleet Command Officer

Former Units: Galactic Republic Fifth Fleet, Open Circle Armada, 14th Imperial Fighter Wing, Sigma Squadron.

Service Length: Four years.

Service Status: Retired (Voluntary redundancy at the end of the Clone Wars)


Family Name: Park of Nevar

Father: Primus Park-former Politician, Landlord, Council of Lords member (Expired during pirate attack)

Mother: Sexta Park-former Homekeeper (Expired during pirate attack)

Siblings: None

Spouse: Ida Park (Deceased 23 in the Battle of Tammuz-an)

Children: Optimus Park-Imperial Intelligence Operative, child (4, Deceased of Dysentry), Raven Park - Imperial Starfighter Pilot (18).

Notable Family Members: Cassius Tirkan (Uncle), Tiberius Park (Cousin), King Deralius the Nineteenth (10th Cousin, Once Removed)

Notable Ancestors: Raven I


Clothing: Robes of a Baron of the Peerage of Deralia, Ravanchist Robes.

The Armour of Kebaar
The Armour of Kebaar was the armour of a Mandalorian Warrior who was the trainer to Anthony during his childhood (and became a father figure to the young man), unable to wear it to stand due to a spinal injury, the loyal retainer gifted the armour to the young man upon his manhood, retaining only his helmet. The armour is kept clean, in a simple black, bearing the coat of arms of the old Kebaar on the left side, and of Park on the right.

The EC-0998's Helmet
EC-0998 was a Clone Commando who often served alongside Park in the clone wars during his participation in various covert operations. EC-0998 suffered severely from premature ageing late in the conflict and died with Anthony by his side. As a sign of respect to the man he adopted him as his son, allowing him to be buried on Deralia in the family vault as a sign of respect for the man who transcended his purpose, he had become more than a mere fighting machine, but a good man. EC-0998's helmet is ever upon the head of Anthony in combat situations, its tactical overlay often proving useful and aiding communication with units under his command.

Carried Weapons:

The Sword of Raven, an ancient sword, passed down from generation to generation, it is rumored to have been the sword of Raven himself. It is said that during the era of Raven, he took one of his hairs and took it to the volcanic world of Shola, there he knelt before the lava and plucked from his own head one of his hairs, there he dipped the hair into a flow of pure molten lava, drawing the rod of metal from the flow he then hammered it with his own hands and forged it into the sword of Raven... or so legend says. All that is known is that the sword is made from a metal stronger and harder than Mandalorian Iron, which no smith since has been able to replicate.

The sword appears ancient and weathered, having been sharpened thousands of times. It is said that if it is drawn, it must take blood before it is sheathed. The Baron Park discovered the sword amongst the ruins of an old temple to Raven close to Ravens Gate in the mountains when participating in an archaeological expedition as a child. The old King did the young Park the honor of gifting him the sword. Always at Baron Park's side, it has taken the souls of many hundreds of pirates and enemies of the Empire and his King. After rescuing the Queen of Naboo from a pirate raid threatening to come close to her vessel the handle he had made for the sword was shattered by a pirate vibroblade. To thank the young warrior (after a private tete-a-tete), she gifted him with a new handle crafted by the finest jewelers on Naboo.

EC-0998's Blaster Rifle a DC17 Interchangeable Weapon System with all attachments on his webbing.

Penetrator Sporting Blaster Pistol

Personal Vehicles: Pocket Carrier "Hydra", R-22 Spearhead modified to be equivalent to a more sophisticated level of fighter.

A prominent hero of the Republic during the Clone Wars, Baron Park was the Baron of Nevar, a prominent Royalist and peer of Deralia. Before the conflict he had studied at the University of the Core Worlds and was the valedictorian of his class at the Raithal Military Academy. At the conclusion of hostilities, the young officer was uncontent with the prospects of cooling his heels in some space station, or worse being less than the commanding officer of a vessel, he resigned his commission. For some months he languished on Deralia, lobbying the intransigent war council into crowning the true King and Heir to the throne. After a flaming speech against suspected separatists blocking the succession of his liege he departed Deralia, and stepped into legend.

Throughout the Outer Rim rumpled began to spread of the "Knight of the Spaceways", a hero who time and time again rendered aid to those stranded by celestial phenomenon or breakdowns often despite risk to his own vessel.

Equally, the Knight's vessel was often sighted engaging pirates, defending helpless ships and rendering aid to local forces and even Imperial forces on dozens of occasions. The ship was the "Hydra", and the mysterious gentleman was Baron Anthony Park.

After a score of month engaged in this service he heard news of trouble on Tammuz-an in his beloved home Sector. Returning across half the galaxy, he arrived too late for the battle but captured a dozen pirates as they retreated in a ramshackle selection of ships. Realising that while he could be of use to the Galaxy at large, his home Sector was also in need, ravaged as it was by Piracy. In the Imperial Crackdown after the battle of Tammuz-an which lead to the present build up of forces in the Sector he was often seen in their aid, gaining several awards for gallantry in the service of his Sector and the Empire.

Over the next years the Knight of the Spaceways jousted with the pirates of the sector, destroying or capturing several prizes from them, in addition to returning billions of credits worth of ships and cargo to their rightful owners.

Eventually, The Baron heard that his dream had come true, his Lord, the King of Deralia had at last returned from Exile, at last he had got the desire he had hoped for almost a decade ago, his liege lord was to be appointed King at last. He returned quickly, on the way rescuing another group who were traveling from the coronation from a pirate raid. Once on Deralia he was quick to pay homage to his lord and choked back tears as the crown was set upon King Deralius' head. At least the King was returned.

(OOC: Dates may be in BBY measurements, in these cases assume the correct date notation).

His Imperial Majesty Antonius I
Emperor of the Atrisians
Baron Park of Nevar
Vanquisher of the Mandalorians

Message edited by Baron_Park - Saturday, 12 Mar 2011, 3:11 AM
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