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Davon Vanden
Davon_VandenDate: Monday, 21 Mar 2011, 3:14 PM | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 100
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    "You will never love a woman the way I love this ship."

    "I don't love things that need constant maintenance, Boss Man; which I guess only reinforces your point."

    - Rawls and Davon

    Name: Davon Lawrence Vanden
    Nickname(s): Booster, Dav, Red, Asshole
    Age: 23 Standard Years
    -Birthdate: 23 Nelona, 33 BBY
    Species: Human
    -Birthplace: Keren, Naboo
    Occupation: Navigator of the SSP Aphelion
    Relations: Artemis Vanden (Father)
    Weaponry: 434 "DeathHammer" Blaster Pistol, Concealed Vibroblade
    Attire: Dress Suit, Combat Boots, Various

    Personality: Davon's nonsensical and apathetic behavior often grates on the nerves of others; the unfortunate byproduct of his self-perceived need to conceal his past from those around him. In truth, while he prefers to let others lead and often appears ignorant on a number of subjects; Davon possesses a deep-seated intelligence and wit that bubbles to the surface in only the most extreme of circumstances. More often than not; Dav prefers to be known as a womanizing, chain-smoking alcoholic narcissist.

    Theme Song: Ain't No Good - Cake

    Biography: Born into a time of political strife on an otherwise quiet world, Davon Vanden's formative years were spent in the company of various housemaids, all of whom raised him in the absence of his ambitious father and sickly mother. This isn't to say that Artemis had no hand in raising the boy; from an early age the Vanden patriarch groomed him for a life spent in civil service. Davon received the finest education his father's money could buy, and within years his potential began to shine through. Top marks in history, political science and mathematics could only go so far, however, more often than not Vanden found his rebellious streak and his dry wit earning more contempt from his professors than praise. It wasn't long until he was completely detached from his studies entirely, spending what time he had taking care of his worsening mother and dreaming of a life out among the stars; something that worried his father to no end.

    As Moira's condition worsened, so did Davon's school career, to the point where he failed out of law school at age 19. Disheartened, Artemis sought to bring his son under his wing, hoping to mold him into a politician; a plan that ultimately backfired in the worst way. It was shortly after Davon's 20th birthday that Moira died, finally succumbing to her disease and leaving a rift between father and son. Davon withdrew from the public eye, spending his days studying star charts and sneaking out to sample the Theed night-life. Tensions began to boil over in the Vanden household, fights became a common occurrence, and soon things came to a head at Moira's funeral a few weeks later, father and son exploding on each other in front of half the planet's elite.

    Days later, and Davon's bags were packed; without so much as a nod in his father's direction he'd paid for passage off world and never looked back. It hadn't been the best idea, in retrospect, as he'd spent years afterwards taking whatever odd-jobs he could just to make ends meet. Still, he couldn't help but feel as if he was meant for something more, be it good or bad, he'd make something of himself. And so, his dreams were eventually crushed as he found himself on Tatooine, cheating a greasy Rodian in a sabaac game. Despite his self-honed knowledge of the game, he eventually found himself in a five-thousand credit hole and staring down the barrel of a blaster.

    Thankfully, this was the very same moment that fate chose to offer him a reprieve. It just so happens that a spacer was passing through the cantina and stepped in to rescue the young drifter. That man, Aaron Rawls, took a shine to the boy and brought him back to his ship: a charmingly ancient and patchwork ship named the Aphelion. While Davon's skills weren't exactly crewman-material, Rawls took pity on the boy and offered him a job as the ship's navigator, just about the only job Vanden was qualified for. While his relationship with the rest of the crew was rocky at first, he eventually ingratiated himself into the inner circle and began to look up to Rawls as the father he wished he had. Today, Dav is the ship's boozing, nonsensical navigator and resident comedian. And he couldn't be happier.

Davon "Booster" Vanden - Big Damn Hero.
For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail? ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Theme ~ Wanted - Bon Jovi

Message edited by Davon_Vanden - Thursday, 26 May 2011, 10:55 AM
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