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Imago Silo
ImagoSiloDate: Wednesday, 18 May 2011, 8:34 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 1
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Name: Imago Silo (E-mah-go Sigh-low)

Race: Human - Non Clone - Exact race is Unknown

Rank: Commander (Clone Wars)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6ft 6in

Weight: 250lbs

Affiliation: Whoever hired him

Job: Mercenary

Armor: Phase II ARC Trooper Armor

Armor Color: White and Gold

Weapons: 2 DL-44 Blaster Pistols and 1 DC-15A Blaster Rifle

Equipment: Thermal Detonators, CryoBan Grenades and DetPacks

Bio: A veteran of the Clone Wars but not a clone himself, he served as the leader of a squad of ARC Troopers called Gold Squad. When Order 66 was given he defected from the Empire, refusing to kill his Jedi Commander, for he respected her too much. Afterward he became a mercenary, mainly working for the Rebellion and criminal factions, refusing to work for the Empire, though if offered enough money he may take on a mission. He is the sole surviving member of his Squad, the rest having died from old age due to them being clones.

Personality: Not very Social, and can be seen as a cold and heartless person, but his reasons for such are to prevent him from making friends, due to events that happened to him and his squad during the Clone Wars.

Personal Ship
Ship Name: Shattered Loyalty
Ship Model: YT-2000
Role: Anti-Fighter

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