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Rhygar Valencia
Rhygar_ValenciaDate: Tuesday, 07 Jun 2011, 11:13 AM | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 110
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Age: 90 standard years
Species: Epicanthix/cyborg

Height: 2.4 meters
Weight: 356 lbs
Photoreceptor: Grey

Affiliation: The Zonjunian Protectorate
Title: Lord

  • Epicant
  • Common
  • Bocce

Force: Non-applicable
Vehicle(s): Modified Vanguard-class heavy assault gunship Dragon's Flame
Weapon(s): Modified phrik-coated vibroaxe
Unarmed: Teräs Käsi

Rhygar Valencia; an infamous name along the Outer Rim and beyond of an Epicanthix slaver who provided slaves in the thousands for the Trade Federation, the Banking Clan and numerous other factions that would eventually comprise the C.I.S. The man behind the brutal reputation wasn't much different than the reputation itself. Born of upper-middle class, Rhygar had decent wealth but a lack of scruples and a disregard for life. Had he ever been classified by human psychology, the label of 'sociopath' would have fit quite well. Nonetheless, he was wildly charismatic and drew people to him like moths to the flame. Many thought he could have been quite the religious figure. Instead, he chose a life of brutality, immersing himself in horrid places where he bought, sold and traded in human misery to the highest bidder. Good pay bought the loyalty of men and aliens who were for hire, and his fighting abilities were nearly peerless among the circles he traveled; no assassin could touch him. However, when he became involved with the Confederacy, the danger of his profession, especially in the eyes of the Republic, grew higher. He lost most of his Epicanthix companions who deemed him unstable, save four, who remained loyal. Throughout the beginnings of the war and well into it, he continued to provide slaves for the Confederacy's war machine.

Surprisingly, it wasn't outside influence that brought Rhygar to ruin. Long known for his love of swoop racing, Rhygar was a risk taker and, despite the turmoil of the galaxy, found time to indulge in his passions. Having consumed too much of an alcoholic beverage and then challenged to a race by the leader of a swoop gang, Rhygar accepted and for one of the few times in his life, lost. More than any credits though, the wreck he was pulled from laid him upon the steps of death's door. Only skillful bargaining from his quartet of trusted Epicanthix lieutenants to members of the C.I.S. and a large amount of credits; nearly all of Rhygar's personal wealth at the time, earned him a second chance. A cyborg body, crafted to hold and guard his most vital organs, was the result. His eyes, damaged badly in the accident, were replaced with the photoreceptor of a droid, but the core of the man remained unchanged by the fall. Some pleasures could not longer be partaken of, yet Valencia found solace in the fact that his lifespan would be expanded by his lack of mortal tissue.

Continuing his slaver ways, Rhygar went on as before. The fall of the C.I.S. left him without a primary trading partner, so the Hutts and other unscrupulous beings were his fallback. Having amassed a decent amount of wealth once more, and a small core of workers, Rhygar moved his operations out past the expanding influence of the Empire, to Zonju V. By charisma and the sword (or in his case, the axe) he forged a working alliance between the varied swoop gangs, smugglers, mercenaries and other unsavory types who had the run of the planet, establishing himself as the head and promising wealth. So far, his promises have been kept.

The Dragon of Zonju V

Message edited by Rhygar_Valencia - Friday, 15 Jun 2012, 10:32 AM
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