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21st Stormtrooper Legion
VerDate: Sunday, 03 Jul 2011, 2:03 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 8
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
21st Stormtrooper Legion

Allegiance: Galactic Empire
Branch: Stormtrooper Corps
Type: Stormtrooper division
Role: Amphibious assault
Size: 9,700

Activation Date: 3:10:20 BE
Garrison: Imperial-class Star Destroyer Exactor; Forward Operating Base Fury, Naboo
Current Commander: CC-9901 ("Ver")
Notable Commanders: CC-1138 ("Bacara")

Nickname: "Galactic Marines", "Original Stormtroopers", "The Old Breed"
Motto: "Anywhere. Anytime. Anyplace. Anyway."

Awards: Royal Unit Citation (11), Legion of Merit (2), Unit Distinguished Service Award (4), Battle Efficiency Award (25), Readiness, Practice and Gunnery Achievement Ribbon (12), Dark Reaper Campaign Streamer, Outer Rim Sieges Streamer, Clone Wars Victory Streamer, Navy Occupation Forces Streamer (Mygeeto), Imperial Foundation Streamer, Imperial Military Forces Expeditionary Streamer (4)
Notable Engagements
Clone Wars
First Battle of Rhen Var
Second Battle of Rhen Var
Battle of Aargonar
Battle of Boz Pity
Battle of New Bornalex
Battle of Toola
Battle of Mygeeto
Great Jedi Purge
Battle of Acherin
Battle of Otavon XII
Operation Twilight
Subjugation of Dressel

Under the leadership of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Marshal Commander Bacara, the 21st Nova Corps of the 4th Sector Army was made independent and became known as the Galactic Marines. The Marines were cross-trained, using a unique three phase system developed by them-for them and required to this day for any new additions to the unit, to fight on a variety of environments in ground and space, making them extremely versatile. They specialized in boarding and capturing enemy starships as well as planetary assault, and were deployed at many planets such as Rhen Var, Aargonar, Boz Pity, Mygeeto and Toola. Bacara demanded the absolute best of his men, and would tolerate nothing less, unilaterally reassigning soldiers who did not meet his high standards, much to the dismay of General Ki-Adi-Mundi. The two maintained a respectful but contentious relationship, right up until the end of the war.

At the Battle of New Bornalex, the Galactic Marines made use of prototype spacetrooper powersuits. Although the weapon systems on their new suits failed, the Marines continued to fight on. They engaged B2 super battle droids in hand-to-hand combat, using the enhanced strength granted to them by their powersuits. Their actions at New Bornalex earned the Marines a fierce reputation, making them one of the Republic's most feared clone military units.Commander Bacara (CC-1138) and a squad of Galactic Marines fought alongside Ki-Adi-Mundi during the Battle of Mygeeto. After receiving Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Bacara and his squad turned on the Jedi and fired upon him. Although he was able to defend himself briefly, Ki-Adi-Mundi was overwhelmed by numerous blaster shots and gunned down. They were also deployed on Toola, where they battled Separatist Forces. When Order 66 was issued, they assisted Commander Keller in tracking down fugitive Jedi heading for Ithaqua Station. The Jedi rode on STAPs to flee their pursuit, while Keller and his men used local beasts of burden as mounts to navigate the frozen plains to fulfill their mission.

Following the transformation from the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, the Marines were reorganized into a division sized element rather than corps sized, retaking their numerical designation, and by 1 AE, were further reorganized into the standardized Stormtrooper Legion. Throughout this they have maintained use of their unique armor, which has been slightly modified, although this is primarily used as a ceremonial item, but as a matter of pride, has been adorned in any mission in which they know they will face Force Users.

Over the years of the Empire, the 21st has maintained its legendary reputation, with its Stormtroopers scoring the highest marks in the Stormtrooper Corps in physical fitness and marksmanship. However, Commander Bacara was unfortunately unable to completely enjoy their continued legacy. In 5 AE, in an operation to hunt down a forming Jedi Enclave in the Outer Rim, he was killed, with his second in command, Adenn, taking command. Adenn, in the last four years, has proven a just as capable commander, and perhaps a bit more ruthless, carrying on Bacara's legacy. Currently, the 21st has been assigned, along with the Exactor, to the security operations on the planet of Naboo, focused against Gungan guerilla forces.

Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 21st Stormtrooper Legion
Personnel Section
Intelligence Section
Operations Section
Logistics Section
Communications Section

5th Stormtrooper Regiment
1st Battalion
2nd Battalion
3rd Battalion

6th Stormtrooper Regiment
1st Battalion
2nd Battalion
3rd Battalion

99th Stormtrooper Regiment
1st Battalion
2nd Battalion
3rd Battalion

21st Stormtrooper Security Platoon
1st Squad
2nd Squad
3rd Squad
4th Squad

183rd Stormtrooper Aerial Platoon
Alpha Squad
Beta Squad
Gamma Squad
Delta Squad

128th Stormtrooper Special Operations Platoon
Alpha Squad
Beta Squad
Gamma Squad
Delta Squad

233rd Stormtrooper Support Platoon
1st Platoon (Transportation)
2nd Platoon (Transportation)
3rd Platoon (Ammunition & Ordnance)
4th Platoon (Supply)

21st Mobile Medical Unit
Medical Section
Specialist Section
Nurse Section
Services Section

998th Stormtrooper Heavy Weapons Company
1st Platoon (Repeaters)
2nd Platoon (Repeaters)
3rd Platoon (Rockets)
4th Platoon (Mortars)

1,001st Stormtrooper Engineer Company
1st Platoon
2nd Platoon
3rd Platoon
4th Platoon

503rd Stormtrooper Scout Troop
1st Platoon
2nd Platoon
3rd Platoon
4th Platoon

502nd Stormtrooper Assault Armor Company
1st Platoon
2nd Platoon
3rd Platoon
4th Platoon

405th Stormtrooper Scout Armor Company
1st Platoon
2nd Platoon
3rd Platoon

401st Stormtrooper Scout Armor Company
1st Platoon
2nd Platoon
3rd Platoon

21st Stormtrooper Artillery Battery
Artillery Line Alpha (Heavy)
Artillery Line Beta (Light)
Artillery Line Gamma (Light)
Artillery Line Delta (Medium)

The Imperial Galactic Marine Armor

Marshal Commander CC-9901 ("Ver")
21st Stormtrooper Legion

Message edited by Ver - Saturday, 14 Apr 2012, 9:25 AM
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