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Captain Farseer
Rugo_FarseerDate: Thursday, 07 Jul 2011, 12:38 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 3
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Name: Rugo Farseer
Species: Gungan
Homeworld: Naboo

Affiliation: Rorigungans
Vehicle: Captured and modified Trade Federation Dropship Samp
Weapon(s): DLT-20A blaster rifle, S-5 heavy blaster pistol, boomas and cesta

Early in his life, like many Gungans, Rugo Farseer was a humble, poorly educated craftsman—specifically, a maker of shoes. Ever ambitious, he left Naboo in his late teens as Gungan distaste for footwear and prohibitive limits on the sale of his shoes to the Naboo prompted him to seek employment elsewhere. He made his way as far as Coruscant during the declining years of the Old Republic, where tens of trillions of credits were spent on buildings and monuments while the poor of the "underlevels" scraped the bottom for food and other necessities. Farseer, who enjoyed no more success on Coruscant than he had on Naboo, was shrewd enough to understand that he would need an education to succeed in this society. Always disciplined with money, he saved what he could and enrolled himself the College of the Core. There, Farseer encountered prejudice for the first time; his Gungan accent was derided, and he was presumed a fool. Determined to prove them wrong, he learned proper Basic and studied the history of his people.

He began to understand that the history of the Gungans was one of subjugation. The reptilian species that had come to Naboo in the ancient past had made war on the Gungans and forced them from the land and into the planet's swamps. The Gungan species' first contact with a Human had been with an unscrupulous slaver who fooled them into captivity. Later, the animosity between the Gungans and the Human occupants of Naboo resulted in a 30 year war that neither side won, but the Gungans did lose; they remained confined to the swamps while the Humans of Naboo presented themselves to the galaxy as the rulers of the planet.

All of this combined together, for Farseer, his feelings of the unrealized potential both of his species and himself—potential that he believed had been impeded by Human oppressors who spat upon Gungan culture, literature, and art. They, and the Gungans too timid to stand up to them. Farseer didn't graduate from the College of the Core; he'd had enough of this decadent Human society and cast himself in a new role as a liberator of his people and of other species, too. Knowing he would need experience in battle, he didn't return to Naboo right away, instead traveling among mercenaries; Rodians, Trandoshans, even Weequays. It wasn't until the Trade Federation invaded Naboo that he returned to defend his homeworld from the Federation's droid armies.

On Naboo, Farseer set aside his hatred of the Humans, put together his own group of Gungan mercenaries and, as Captain, led them in acts of sabotage against the Federation armies. All of that changed, however, when Boss Nass made peace with Queen Amidala of the Humans, and put together a plan to sacrifice hundreds or even thousands of Gungans to "distract" the Trade Federation and permit the Humans to decapitate the Trade Federation leadership and install themselves, once more, as the rulers of the planet. Farseer refused to participate in this shameful betrayal of the Gungan species, and Boss Nass banished him and his mercenaries from Gungan society. Unwilling to give up the cause of Gungan supremacy on Naboo, Farseer and his mercenaries, and a significant number of disgruntled Gungans, fled to the planet's moon of Rori. Now known as "Rorigungans," they established their own isolationist society and took no part in the Clone Wars.

Since then, Captain Farseer has been biding his time, training his Rorigung Militia, and preparing to return to Naboo to free his people. As the years have passed and Farseer has become older, however, he has realized that his time is short and that, to live to see the triumph of his movement himself, he must act soon.

Rugo Farseer
Captain of the Rorigung Militia

Message edited by Captain_Reeth - Thursday, 07 Jul 2011, 12:39 PM
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