Moff Ti'in Hong" "Do that again, and I will kill you."
"Your Move."
Name: Moff Ti'in Hong
Age: 41
Species: Human
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 170 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Homeworld: Druckenwell
Affiliation: The Galactic Empire
Title(s): Moff
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Married
Languages: Basic, High Galactic
Force: None
Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Vessel: Lambda-class Shuttle
A career bureaucrat, he entered the military in the Clone Wars to advance his career, he showed no particular flare and ran rather competently a refuelling station. After the war he was first posted to the Thanium Sector as a Planetary Governor of the Capital, then advancing to Moff when his superior died.
Moff Hong is addicted to all forms of games, and likes to gamble heavily albeit successfully (so if you win, is it gambling?) he plays life as a game of chess, seeking to remain one move ahead and out think his opponents through guile and placement of pieces rather than the application of force.
He is not adverse to the decisive use of force where and when it may be beneficial to him, but he is disinclined to risk all unless he is set to gain all.
Moff Hong is a waverer who will side with whomever seems to be gaining the momentum. He has a dislike of the Government of the Cronese Mandate for sending ships into his territory.