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Kai Rayl'skar
Kai_RaylskarDate: Sunday, 30 Oct 2011, 10:28 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 1
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Status: Offline
Kai Rayl'skar
"One day, a war will break out; and it'll be at our front door before we realize it's even happening."-Kai Rayl'skar


Full Name: Kai Rayl'skar

Alias: Ghost

Height: 177.80 cm (5'10")

Weight: 99.79 kg (220 lbs.)

Eye Color: Amber

Hair Color: Brown

Age: 32

Species: Bothan

Gender: Male

Homeworld: Krant

Affiliation: None

Psychological Profile: More militant than his species generally is, he has a keen tactical and strategic mind. He is fiercely loyal, but has a generally calm demeanor in normal settings. On the battlefield however, he has a warrior spirit, and loves a good fight, usually leading his subordinates among them, rather than behind them. He is known for his opinion that the Imperials should be wiped out down to the last man, but that he should never resort to the methods, tactics, or strategies that Empire did or has, and usually on the verge of holding those who do, despite their position below, or above, him, in the same regard as the Imperials.


Recruitment Location: N/A

Recruitment Date: N/A

Basic Training: Bothan SpyNet Training, Bothan Commando Training

Education: None (aside from general primary and secondary schooling)

Rank: None

Unit: None

Previous Units: Invisible Shadow Commandos (Bothan)

Position: None

Awards: None


Family: Family Rayl of Clan Askar

Father: Koth Rayl'skar

Mother: Val'rye Rayl'skar

Sibings: None

Marital Status: Married

Spouse: Arr'yka Rayl'skar - Bothan spy and commando

Children: Asyr Rayl'skar (Daughter) [2]


Weapons: Modified DL-44 Blaster Pistol, Modified 2 DC-17 Repeating Basters, 2 Combat Knives

Armor: Modified AV-1s Scout Armor

Vehicles: Class 720 Freighter Umbra, modified A-A5 Heavy Speeder Truck, modified civilian V-19 Speeder, customized M-31 Airspeeder, customized Flare-S Swoop

Residences: Personal Retreat, Kothlis; various safehouses


A highly decorated war hero, Kai was born in LeRoche on Krant. He was trained in the martial arts from a young age, becoming a master by adulthood. Throughout his childhood, and more prominently in adulthood, he was well known for his impressive height and physical stature for his species, being very tall, very muscular, and very athletic for his people. Another mold he broke from his people was in his personality, being much more trustworthy and loyal than most Bothans, and also being more militarily oriented than most. Once of proper age, he joined the Bothan SpyNet, joining just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. He primarily served as an agent to the Republic or Republic affiliated or loyal factions and organizations, becoming a Bothan Commando by the end of the conflict. Throughout the beginning of the reign of the Empire, he was immediately weary of the HHC policies being enacted, and had a feeling that in the end, his people's "neutrality" would be threatened.

When rebel cells began popping up across the galaxy, he was among the first agents to begin supporting them, at first with information, then material, and eventually his physical services. He is known as one of the best Bothan spies and commandos, usually because he sticks to an ideal or movement, and believes heavily in it if he supports it, and thus, doing everything he can to allow it to succeed. Although his peers viewed this as a fault, they could not deny his results...he got the job done. Most recently, he chose to leave the Bothan SpyNet, forging his own intelligence network and arms dealing infrastructure, due to the refusal of the Bothan government to support open rebellion against the Empire. While no longer part of the infamous organization, he still routinely uses his contacts within to gain information he can not.

Kai Rayl'skar
Arms Dealer
Information Broker

Message edited by Kai_Raylskar - Sunday, 30 Oct 2011, 11:10 PM
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