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Damion Scott
DamionDate: Friday, 26 Oct 2012, 7:05 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 3
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline
Full Name: Damion Geophrey Scott

Aliases: Many.

Nicknames: Dami,

Title(s): None

Preferred name: Damion

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Sith-spawn. (Human.)

Skin Tone: Tan

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 249 lbs.

Build: Muscular/Athletic

Eyes: Glowing Blue

Hair: Dark Brown.

Clothes Style: Casual clothing. Often dressing as a beggar in order to go buy un-noticed.

Religion: True follower of Mercaius. (Original creation Deity.)

Political Affiliation: Whoever is most willing to let free on the enemy.

Languages spoken: Galactic basic standard, Korunni, Mano'a, limited Cheunh, Hapan, Durese, Huttese, True Nubian, Dug and Gran.

Languages understood (But not necessarily spoken): Twi'lek, Shyriiwook and Xaczik, Rodese, true sith, and Dosh.

Weapons: 2X lightsaber. Vibroshield, and Vibroknives.

Occupation: On the run and extremely pissed.

Special Abilities/Skills: Strength 4.5X (Approximately) of a normal human. Speed 3.0X a normal human. Healing 2.5X human. Senses enhanced as well, vision amplified to be able to see partially in the dark, glowing eyes assist in this. Smell is strong enough to determine peoples scents and even possibly track, pending the conditions and strength of scent. Hearing is also amplified, able to hear much better than most humans. Bone density also increased to the point he can take a crowbar hit from a wookie and not even chip a bone.

Activities: Hoaning his skills. Always trying to better himself.

Interests: Combat

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Play and find out, believe me, there are plenty.

Place of Birth: Dantooine, but raised mostly on Nar Shaddaa

Now lives: Nowhere in particular.

Lives with: Nobody.

Current Relationship Status: Single, not looking.

Biography: Damion was born on Dantooine to former jedi parents. His mother, Gemma, still akin to the light left soon after he was born, Damion was lead to believe she didn't love him or his siblings and left because of them. Truth was his father, Dervik, had attempted to kill her having served her purpose of giving him children to train and experiment on now that he was testing the darkside. His father was a cruel man, one who thought life as a sith was his calling. His children were all expendable to him, as was any life. Beating them, teaching them that only the strong survive, to take what you wanted. Every day was training for Damion and his siblings. Death made many appearances already in Damion's young life, his first kill being a pet Kath hound his father gave him, the only companion Damion had, he raised the kath hound, cared for it as per his fathers orders. Grew to love it. His father then ordered Damion to kill it with his bare hands.

Life continued that way for some time, until a hit was placed on Dervik, presumably by a rather annoyed rival. The attack was ruthless, every civilian within 20 miles was killed in the raid. Two sith lead the attack with a group of 20 mercenaries and bounty hunters. It was a brutal onslaught, Dervik killing ten of the bounty hunters until the two sith finally stepped in giving Dervik a slow death through tiny wounds to slow him down. An display of their dominance. Damion at this point was found along with his siblings. The eight year old son watched in horror as Dervik was ran through the stomach with a force guided metal rod. Something inside of Damion snapped that very moment. His anger finally showed after years of his father pushing for it. In a fight to get free Damion head butt the mercenary holding him, sending him to the ground and his grenades open to be grabbed. Damion straddled the man beating on his face with a rock. The other mercenaries grabbing him.

When they pulled him away the man on the ground was mangled, flesh bashed off, blood gurgling from jagged wounds. And it was then they noticed a Thermal Detonator pin dangling from the mans belt, but it was too late Damion had left it at their feet and slipped free, now running at the sith warriors who hadn't noticed the attack yet. The Thermal detonator went off killing the seven mercenaries gathered around the bashed in fallen. As the two sith turned, Damion had picked up a jagged shred of debris, ramming it into the first Siths thigh, a twist and pull out wards tore the mans leg open. Damion brought the sharp metal debris up straight into the mans chin and out the top of his head, killing the sith dead. As Damion turned to attack the other sith the woman had already possitioned herself behind Damion hitting him in the back of the neck with her saber hilt Rendering him unconcious.

When Damion came to he was onboard a ship, bloodied, bruised, and clothes torn. His siblings were there aswell, all of them in seperate cells, not a word to say to each other. Nothing had changed there. It wasn't long before the ship landed and they were each hauled off. The remaining two bounty hunters steered clear of the child they decided was possessed. The female sith which had captured Damion however showed an interest in him. She tried to get him to talk, tried showing kindness, to act as if she was a good person. She introduced herself as Kelaan, and when she asked Damion's name he spit in her face, speaking bluntly to tell her he was son of Dervik, and he would see her life leave her eyes no matter what it cost. Kelaan now angered and insulted volted his body with electricity and hauled him off.

He once more came to. Now however he was before a hutt, hearing the story of how he and his siblings were taken. Still groggy, beaten and battered he quickly realized Kelaan was selling him and his siblings. He tried to fight, tried to rise back up, but his body was far too beaten and battered. His energy wasn't as strong as his will and there he lay till he was dragged off. The next morning he was cleaned and dressed, a collar put on his neck. His siblings all sent to different locations, a short silent farewell took place in their preparations. It didn't take long for Damion to be sent to the training room. He refused to train at first. Simply standing defiant. Quickly earning praise from the grizzled vet that was training him but also told that the stubborness wasn't fitting a small child.

Days went by, then weeks, the stubborness of the child hadn't faded. The now infuriated trainer was at wits end. He finally asked why Damion refused to train, he was shocked by the childs answer. He was simple and to the point. He told the veteran he had no reason to learn from a lesser opponent. The vet now angered gave Damion a reality check. He made it clear Damion was a slave to the Hutts' where he was free. He made it clear Damion's siblings were also slaves and would never be seen again, his words had no effect until the man told Damion he would die a pathetic death like his father had. Once more that rage piqued, Damion launching at the trainer as they fought with the swords that were meant for practice. It took the vet by surprise, the boy moved with precission and cause. But he was still just a boy, and the tide of the fight shifted quickly.

From that point on Damion trained his hardest. When he turned 10 he was sent out to gather information on a crime lord who was imposing on Kernticks (The hutt he was owned by.) territory. The imposer was a greedy, viciously low down disgusting Chiss with no moral standings at all. The worse sort of competition for a hutt... Far to similar in personality. Damion played scenery for the most part, until the Chiss noticed him, he immediately had his guards grab the boy, threatening him and getting in Damions face. It was quick how the guards fell, one gasping for breath holding his throat, the other gripping his chest. As the two lay dead the Chiss started to back up, only to be shoved off the walk way to the pit of Shadaa. Damion's return to the hutts' fortress was filled with whispers. Word had travelled fast.

Years passed, and at the age of fifteen Damion set off on his first real mission, it was a raid on a freighter, supposed to be barely armed and carrying weapons. It was neither. The freighter ended up having a transport of slaves, and was heavily armed. Damion's team and team leader were slaughtered, Damion severely injured and thrown in a cell with the other slaves. He was nursed back to health by a young girl from Tattooine. Time went by and life seemed to brighten, until once more the march to battle began.

As the battles continued so did the ferocity in the man’s heart. Until finally one day he was captured by a sith dark force essence and ancient magic techniques used to alter his genetics.

(Not complete just a start to it all. I through it together in about half an hour, expect mistakes and sloppiness. I’ll get the rest up soon, just wanted to play now that I’ve got the time!)
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